Your most hated movie of all time.

Any old english black-and-white detective story. They are so unbelievable boring that I usally tries to find misspellings in the subtitles when watching them.
Every James Bond movie after Goldeneye

NoooOOooOOoOoes!!1 ;(

I liked TND, zee bad germans causing WW3 and stuff... :D Mr Stemper was cool.
That Final Fantasy movie was the worst pile of crud I've ever seen in my life.
STARSHIP POOPERS 2: The Hero of the Frustration

The film just stinks, the plot, the characters, hell even the archnids act out of place
Streetfighter is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Freddy Got Fingered, Ratrace and Mars Attacks are bad too but I had fun whith those movies, yes even with Freddy Got Fingered :P
I can't believe most of your picks. Most of the movies mentioned aren't even bad, some of them are even good. I'm looking at you, outpost. :angry: I think some of you are intentionally mentioning some of the best movies ever made in order to get flamed. (or you're just idiots)

Honestly, you haven't seen a bad movie until you've seen Baise Moi. It's the worst movie ever made, ever. Imagine the worst porno ever. Then add a really really crappy story. Now subtract ALL good acting and add a shaky camera. Then sprinkle some slow motion into it in random places. There, now you have am movie that's 100 times better than Baise Moi.

Bio Dome came close in suckyness, but it wasn't as long (34 hours vs. the 87 hours of Baise Moi). So Baise Moi wins.
How could anyone here not remember Battlefield: Earth? I'm not even going to comment on that movie...
For me its a tie Battlefield:Earth and Starship Troopers. Both about as awful as it gets.
Starship Troopers 2
Super Mario Bros.
Mortal Combat
Resident Evil
Tommorow Never Dies
Darkness Falls
Alien : Resurrection
Jason X
Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Freddy vs Jason
American Wedding
Tomb Raider
Pearl Harbor
Van Helsing
Ghosts of Mars
Alien vs Predator
The Ring
The Grudge
Alien 3
Predator 2
2 Fast 2 Furious
Malibu's Most Wanted
The Watcher
The Matrix Revolutions
Godzilla 2000
House of 1000 Corpses
Starsky and Hutch

I have plenty more but, Don't feel like typing em all out.
Hollywood Homocide, never laughed, never flynched, nothing, i just wanted to die or fall asleep, horrible movie.

Soul Plane was absolutely terrible, its like putting a whole sh it load of shi t on top of a shi t pile that already has too much shi t in it.

Elephant-this one is udder crap, I really wanted to die while seeing that movie, and during the 13 minute scene with the guy just walking around for no ****ing reason just made me implode and my bones just wanted to break themselves. Godamn was that movie bad
a " movie" calle d pink flamingos", a crap eating freaky shitball of a movie...hope no one is offended.
The one movie that I hated was the Inspetor Gadget movie.

I had no choice really. I was babysitting these kids one night while their parents were out at a party. They had no computer, no TV, and nothing really of entertainment. The only thing they had was a DVD projector thing in their small basement. It was either Inspector Gadget, Rocketman, or to be bored out of my mind (since the kids went to bed at 9, and I was there until 2:30).
I had no choice. Terrible movie. I enjoyed the cartoons when I was younger, but this movie was nowhere near as interesting. After that 90 minute blunder, I forced myself to sleep off the last 4 1/2 hours on a hard floor. It's one of my bad babysitting memories, so that is why this film sprung up in my mind.

I'm sure I'll think of another one later.
You people are all forgetting the real shit list.

Natural Born Killers(In my opinion)
Van Helsing
hmm, mine is.. Moulin Rouge, Bridget jones diary, the exorcist