Your opinion on this

Oh look, the hourly Halo2 vs HalfLife2 thread has arrived!

Enough people! No one cares anymore. Stop comparing the two!
That site is horrible..... can barely read it with the neon blue and red. And I disagree as well.
So he thinks Gordon Freeman is a boring and uninteresting character, now does he? Why, he just insulted himself! It's really cool how Halo 2 has this new feature called "fleshed-out story", though. Surely these people are qualified for reviewing games!
i disagree on the tie. i think halo 2 was much better and had a much more fun factor
War of two fanboys.
yey... like we dont already have 50,000 of these.
Bungie's sequel comes fully loaded with all sorts of new gameplay additions.
Halo 2 easily trounces Half-Life 2 not necessarily because its graphics are better per se, but because they're the most consistent. Halo 2's spectacular lighting, particle, and bump mapping effects look gorgeous no matter what Xbox the game's played on. Period.
As for Half-Life 2, it's pretty much a straight-forward shooter whose controls do nothing to advance the genre.
That made me laugh.
Halo 2's open-ended gameplay is unlike anything I've ever seen on a console.
This guy has obviously only played Halo...
Ahh.. Ok no more of these threads... they are just wasting space and they are a bore. We get them everyday from a person who doesn't search the Forums.
Halo vs. Half Life 2

It's a tough choice all in all. The two games are similar in their storylines...but there are so many different aspects of each that can be discussed that the comparison is foggy at best. It's all in the eye of the beholder when comparing video games. I don't see that it's fair to compare them at all. They are both entertaining/fun/well developed games and I would rather just look at their successes with each as a great leap forward for the gaming community. Their games have added ideas and inspirations to the game development world and will simply raise the bar for future developers and producers. Don't compare...just enjoy them for what they are. Half Life 2 does not HAVE TO BE the best game ever, and neither does Halo 2.
Halo 2 was a direct clone of Halo 1. It wasn't a sequel. It was an expansion pack.

Half-Life 2 offered entirely new stuff.

This is the first argument I have ever made on this never-ending topic.
In reply to Gizzmo's post(edit):
Well the question is, do you want the mainstream to give their money to Bungie/Microsoft or VALVe(/VUG)? That's why this kind of stuff is important for the industry, although this particular case doesn't matter since their site is, no matter what they think, not influencing. So yeah, we point at their foolishness and stupidity and laugh joyously and sarcastically.
NetWarriorDan said:
You waisted my bandwidth and now I want it back.

That actually wasted my bandwidth. Goddamn slow dial-up.
Right, someone should say this: Combine Hybrid, don't post about things like this. You should be able to figure out by yourself that almost any non-mainstream gamer would think they are making ridiculously stupid comments(the Halo 2 guy being the worst one, but that's probably because it's so hard to say the wrong things about why Half-Life 2 is great when you praise it). And if you yourself don't think so, then shame on you.
Omg "halo 2 graphics are better". I stop reading when that text appeared.
MigaS_tX said:
Omg "halo 2 graphics are better". I stop reading when that text appeared.

That's a matter of personal preferrence, but technically Half-Life 2's are better, yes.
Best PC game = Half-Life 2

That's how it stands currently.
but the ability to board vehicles, the improved graphics, fleshed out story, and Xbox Live make Halo 2 the most improved sequel to come out in a long time

uhhh how can they justify this statement? The graphix are MILDLY improved. Compaire HL1 to HL2 then Halo to Halo 2... Then think of the physics. Really sounds like a halo lover just wanting attention.

Then again the colors were utterly shitty, and I dind't really finish the entire article./..
Sharrd said:
That's a matter of personal preferrence, but technically Half-Life 2's are better, yes.

When it's technically, opinions do not matter.

BMW goes 1000 km/h. Ferrari goes 20 km/h. Technically, BMW is faster. Opinion's do not matter.
cyberpitz said:
uhhh how can they justify this statement? The graphix are MILDLY improved. Compaire HL1 to HL2 then Halo to Halo 2... Then think of the physics. Really sounds like a halo lover just wanting attention.

Then again the colors were utterly shitty, and I dind't really finish the entire article./..

I hate fanboys. That guy or is blind, or is one. :(
My eyes!!! Oh my aching eyes!

Never trust a site that cannot even figure out that blue on blue and red on blue is MORONIC! 1st graders should not be allowed to have sites...

Btw, the conclusion was obvious. Note the path:
MigaS_tX said:
I hate fanboys. That guy or is blind, or is one. :(

Or playing Halo 2 on a Widescreen HD TV and HL2 on a 14inch monitor at 800x600 with DX7 effects (MX440). I wont even comment on graphics... if they are not going to break it down and look at the art direction, variety, map design, technical merits of the engine, and all the other aspects of a graphics engine that come affect immersion, there is no point. It all reminds me of a post on this forum of someone saying how Halo2 had better shader effects and bumb mapping... ::sigh:: so many games over exagerate bump mapping and specular lighting, with all that shiny and rubbery surfaces, anything that does not do this "stinks". Same goes for light blooms... your not supposed to notice them. If you notice them, they are too strong.
old, this was on another website. read it and practically threw up in the process
MigaS_tX said:
When it's technically, opinions do not matter.

BMW goes 1000 km/h. Ferrari goes 20 km/h. Technically, BMW is faster. Opinion's do not matter.

They never stated they were purely speaking about the games' technical advantages. Maybe someone likes the Ferrari better, because, well, he's got alot of control over it and the engine doesn't sound meaky at lower speeds, while the BMW sounds like you're driving a Goddamn model car when it's down at 20 km/h. That's a pretty bad example, used it just because you did. So here's a better one:
Subject A is really good at killing, and likes to use knives.
Subject B isn't quite as good at killing, but mostly uses bazookas.
Subject C is your average person and likes Subject B's killing better, because, well, explosions are terribly fun in Subject C's opinion.
Get it?
I will reply only because I am no longer able to resist the urge to say it.
Half Life 2 wins hands down.

"There" I have finally said it. Now is the world happy?
My eyes hurt from the blue and red text ><'

and I disagree. Halo 2 needed more to tie with HL2
omg my eyes hurt like shit, omg im seeing spots, what the **** were they thinking? and i fully disagree, on lots of things, my eyes are hurting so bad, i cant even flame/complain about how gay those people are
yup they are deffinately homosexual, you can tell from the way its writen and the clothes he wore when he wrote that...hang on how did you know that killer?
disagree on the most part. i loved the music in halo 2 more however.

halo is better then h2 though, i'd have to say. xbc anyone?
nope just questioning your use of gay, seems to be slung around loosely these days, i just hope it stop soon before i have kids and they get sucked into it...seems to be alot less around than a year or so ago. Just a few more people still doing it!
edit: going to bed now, ciao n night
ah i see, and ericms, can you explain why you love halo 2 more than hl2? i am not trying to start a flame war, i just wanna know what you think, and see if i agree=
This article displayed a level of insight unmatched by anything I have ever seen before. Even to suggest the fact that Halo 2 could in any way be better than Half-Life 2 takes a command of analysis, an utter mastery of the English language, and a true gift in the art of propaganda.

Seriously though, I can kind of see where the guy was coming from, but the areas that he chose for the two games to win in seemed almost reversed from what they should be. Oh well, to each his own.
ktimekiller said:
ah i see, and ericms, can you explain why you love halo 2 more than hl2? i am not trying to start a flame war, i just wanna know what you think, and see if i agree=

no I'm sorry I put h2 for halo 2. I like halo more then halo 2 mp wise, just because I spent so much time perfecting my skill and now with h2 it just.. sucks. Half-Life I enjoy much more then both.