Your Opinion Please

  • Thread starter Thread starter kidrock540
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hello i am looking to get the best gaming system out

I cannot decide between the Amd 64 FX or the intel 3.2 gigz

i am going to get an AlienWare and I was either thinking of getting the Amd 64 or the 3.2 and if i get the 3.2 i would save money to buy the intel 64 bit when it comes out. what do you think i should do? thank you your input is greatly appreciated
If it was me, I would buy the AMD Athlon 64 FX 51 for the best system or buy the Athlon 64 3200+ to save the money. ;)
I would buy the Athlon 64 since there are going to be new programs popping up that will be made to take advantage of it.
AMD 64!!! ull be on the top of everyone with that :-D
id love to get that chip, but id have to get a new motherboard also :/
expenses expenses
plz dont mention saving money and alienware in the same paragraph.
If you are going to get an AMD 64 have or build it for you. Cost $1000 less than alienware.
grrr i cant decide I know the Amd 64 is a great chip but if I get the 3.2 now and wait for the Intels 64 chip I think that Intels chip will blow away AMD's. grrrr
get a P4 3.0, OC it and will beat the fx chip & for half the price.

Intel Pentium 4 / 3.0CGHz 512k socket 478 Hyper Threading Technology 800 MHz FSB - OEM $383.00

AMD Athlon 64 FX51, ,ADAFX51CEP5AK
(940-pins) 1MB L2 Cache, 130 nm, The ONLY Windows Compatible 64-bit Pc Processor $765.00
does anyone know when intles 64 bit chip is coming out? i think its called prescott?
Originally posted by kidrock540
grrr i cant decide I know the Amd 64 is a great chip but if I get the 3.2 now and wait for the Intels 64 chip I think that Intels chip will blow away AMD's. grrrr
these are still rumors and these rumors still say that it isnt complete.
besides...with the problems they are having now getting that heat issues solved, it will be tough to clock much higher. Not to mention when they try to go to 9nm they will loose soo much energy it will be even more heat. They havnt used SOI like amd is using which prevents energy loss. And it takes awhile to get SOI right and working on a chip, quite a while. They say Prescott doesnt outperform an equally clocked P4 EE which is somewhat sad. I would think if prescott does have 64bit extentions on it, and they get it working, it would take a new revision and new socket that would be incompatible with the boards coming out next year.
I have been a hardcore AMD buyer sence 1995 but after AMD has gone totaly stupid on there prices im switching to intel. The 3.0 P4 OCed to a 3.5 will rock!!!
Originally posted by {RiP}Bastion
I have been a hardcore AMD buyer sence 1995 but after AMD has gone totaly stupid on there prices im switching to intel. The 3.0 P4 OCed to a 3.5 will rock!!!
lol as soon as they show that they are a company just like everyone else and need to earn money and that they do not live to give you performance/price hardware? you ditch em? k I take it you like it on the slower side even though the price is the same...
the price is worth it...performance not just meets intels beats it by a lot.
And it scales very well, runs cool especially with that heatspreader...OC those Athlon 64 3200+'s on air like nothing. figured it would take intel 4.9ghz before it would match their 2.8ghz Athlon 64 fx 51 in benchmarks. and where is Intel's 4.9ghz OCing machine? prescott is in the oven at 103 watts.
AMD 64 FX, only if you're going to spend money, and by money, I mean alot.
actually, from what i've read the new intel p4 3.2 Extreme Edition beats out the athalon 64 might want to look into that....
id say get the athalon 64 and get the nforce3 mobos when they are out... not too sure! that will be an amazing combination!! :D


but u will be looking at about 600-700£ just for the cpu and mobo :)
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
actually, from what i've read the new intel p4 3.2 Extreme Edition beats out the athalon 64 might want to look into that....
lol if you point to Tom's...I will cry.
You look at a lot of reviews? or just one...
Tom is Intel bias, they sponsored him to open

Most of the reviews give AMD the marks.
There have been many links in these threads. has many links.

Just to point out something too...
Overclocked Pentium 4 Extreme Edition trounced by Athlon FX-51 system
The amdFX51 is 770.00 & the P43.0 is 383.00 I dont understand why you want a over priced AMD chip, this is why im dropping AMD becouse there pricing is totaly bullsheet. the P4's run cooler and you can OC the hell out of them, if you want to pay twice the money by all means go for it.
Well, it isnt overpriced. The Athlon 64 3200+ @ 400$ still outperforms a 3.2ghz P4 @ 610$.
Given AMD debt and the fact that it outperforms the P4 chip, why would they price the bargin prices they had with the XP?
P4 EE (@ 800$ which isnt available yet) is still more expensive than Athlon 64 FX 51 , AMD still is below Intels pricing on their equal parts. I dont plan to buy AMD yet, i just bought an Athlon XP. I'm waiting on the San Deigo before I will actually need a new CPU.
I'm hoping they get a Athlon 64 3000+ cpu out before Christmas though.
Lower priced chip, awesome performance, and good OCing.

Besides, if you want a low costing chip, AMD still offers that.
Because AMD64 was released all the XP chips are lower in price and you can get a Athlon 2800+ for under 175$ and a 2700+ for just over 100$.
well money is not a problem for me. So wait I have been seeing post's that the pentium 4 EE can beat out the AMD 64 but is not out yet? and right now the AMD 64-bit chip is the best? I just want to know is the AMD 64 bit chip a BIG upgrade from a pentium 4 3.2 gigz? and will this chip last me a long time because i am always looking for the best
the [H]ardOCP review puts the p4EE over the athalon 64 in mnay of the gaming benchmarks, and apparently the p4EE is supposed to be cheaper....we'll have to see.
The P4 EE is about but a bit more expensive than Athlon 64 FX 51. ~800$
A lot of sites use Registered ECC memory when they only need Registered memory. Also timings of the memory make a difference.
And check to see if they used the Nforce3 or the VIA board for Athlon 64 FX 51.
Nforce3 has a glitch that reduces performance in some apps, VIAs chip currently performs with no glitch.
Read a few reviews...make sure not to read just sponsored sites but also others. Get a well rounded view of the situation.
There is no question the Athlon 64 leads in gaming.
Everyday work, the Athlon 64 is strong.
Athlon 64 has all of Athlon XP's stong points and has few weaknesses.
Intel came on top in a lot of Multimedia/hyperthreading applications but lost a lot of ground to Athlon 64 compared with XP. Athlon 64 won a few aswell.
That is all with 32bit only...When 64bit is used Athlon 64 bit leads in all.
Increases in performance for multimedia,rendering, and encription are astounding when using 64bit.

I sorta look at it like this, Radeon has proper DX9 now...FX doesnt but may this christmas even though the new core may still have a lot in comon with FX and dx9. We don't know. DX9 is the future. Opengl is even getting pushed aside because dx9 is so flexable.
Athlon 64 is like the radeon except with 64bit and the timetable is over years instead of months. Intel may have the rumored incomplete version of 64bit in its Prescott but it will be a year or more before you see any desktop 64bit from Intel. If you buy know, do you see yourself having this PC when 64bit games and MS' 64bit OS is here around March? Is it worth it to you or not? just something to think about.
hmm ok so the Intel EE = the prescott? which wont be out for at least a year? i think this is starting to clear up.
there is the 450 dollar amd 64 3200+ version instead of that fx version for 760... iuno what the difference is, but u could always OC that extra 300 dollars of performance into the 3200, to make it a FX ^.^
I agree with Asus, when more and more software is released and is designed to take advantage of the 64 bit architecture then Intel is going to be left in AMD's dust when it comes to games and other software until they can come up with their first 64bit CPU. A special version of windows designed to run with the 64 bit processor is currently in development and I can bet that it will perform far better than the standard version of windows running under a P4 EE. This also goes for games, any game designed to take advantage of the 64 bit architecture will perform far better using the Athlon 64 FX than the P4 EE.

Also, I can't remember what review it was but they said that they found the 64 FX to actually run cooler than the P4 EE. As for cost, what did you expect from such a completely new CPU.
sry about all the questions guys just dont want to spend money on something bad. and thanks for all your help everyone

Ok so even when the pentium 4EE comes out in november(?) it will be SLOWER then the AMD 64? and the prescott is what?
Hrm [H]ard OCP puts the P4EE around $700, which is a bit cheaper than the Athlon64.

the p4EE is mearly a stopgap for Intel 64 chip, whenever that comes out.
Originally posted by {RiP}Bastion
The amdFX51 is 770.00 & the P43.0 is 383.00 I dont understand why you want a over priced AMD chip, this is why im dropping AMD becouse there pricing is totaly bullsheet. the P4's run cooler and you can OC the hell out of them, if you want to pay twice the money by all means go for it.

i like it when people say stupid things...

the p4 is a 32bit processor while the

AMDFX51 is a 64bit processor....

trust me... the only tests they can do to compare are running in 32bit mode which does not take advantage of the extra 32 bits it can process...

if they could run the p4's at 64bit then the p4 3.0 may win... but at the moment with 64bit programs the AMDFX51 will knock down anything the p4 can throw at it!

ok so when the EE comes out it wont beat out the Amd 64 bit chip and since Intels 64 bit chip wont be out till around next christmas(?) AMD should be the leader for quite a while? ok i think this is all rapped up if these statments are correct
Originally posted by kidrock540
ok so when the EE comes out it wont beat out the Amd 64 bit chip and since Intels 64 bit chip wont be out till around next christmas(?) AMD should be the leader for quite a while? ok i think this is all rapped up if these statments are correct
Thats basically the gist of it yes. As long as more applications utilizing 64bit architecture are released before the new intel one then AMD is definatly going to be the leader.
Tom's hardware quotes the price of P4EE at 850$
Besides, by the time P4 EE can be bought for 850$ Athlon 64 FX 51's initial "high price" of 765$ at right now, will have dropped.
At tom's, they list the pricing on the different systems.
But what is messed up is they use a onboard SATA controller for the P4 EE to lower the P4's total price. And why do they do that when there are Athlon 64 boards that have onboard SATA aswell, but no they have to include an extra SATA expanstion card for the rest of the systems.
And they use the most expensive ECC Registered DDR ram they could find on the Athlon 64 FX 51 just to increases Athlon 64's total price...bad bad Tom. ECC ram isnt even needed, they only need Registered DDR. ECC also takes a performance hit because it check parity for errors in memory.
They say Prescott will not perform better than an equally clocked P4 EE.
Ill try to find that quote.
EDIT: found it
And Prescott doesnt have 64bit. Those are rumors, they may release a new revision of Prescott much later that may have 64bit. But we are talking well into or after fall 2004.

But now what would be really great is if AMD released a Athlon 64 3000+, just like they currently have for notebooks, for the desktop.
wow so AMD 64 bit will be the leader for sometime eh?

EDIT: in one answer just answer this do you THINK that the AMD 64 bit chip will be better then the Intel EE
Originally posted by nsxownzme
No, yes.

EDIT: Yes, no.

so the AMD 64 bit chip wont be better then the intel EE that comes out in november? then i should just wait for that
I think im gonna go with the 3.2 gigz and wait for the EE if it is supposabley better then the AMD 64
Its definatly a tough decision. If I had the money I would keep what I have now (nothing spectacular will be out for a little while now) and wait to see what games will be supporting 64bit architecture, when they will be released, and when the special version of windows that will support it will also be released. If its all going to come relatively soon then I would definatly go for the AMD Athlon 64 FX.

Then again thats just me.