Your pets #4588195

my creature:

Seriously cbfa responding with photos to yet another one of these threads. All i'll say is that cats are stupid, and dogs pwn.
Seriously cbfa responding with photos to yet another one of these threads. All i'll say is that cats are stupid, and dogs pwn.

Meh dogs have the insane ability to smell bad....and cats are don't have to insult their intelligence ;(
Man. Those cats are too goddamn cute for their own good.

can I keep them?
I cant wait. Me and Ikerous are getting our new kitty this friday. YAY :)
I took away its IMG tags for people eating or squeemish, considering you can see the blood from the mouse :(

Heres a picture i took on my phone of my cat (Shadow).
There is a matress propped up on its end in the spare room, by the window and he ran up the side of it and went to sleep on the top. The advantage being, it was a lookout post through the window too!
My toes itch when I look at that picture. D:
I come over on the weekends to feed Brick...

(yes, he eats penis)





#1 and #2 is Gray, #3 is Sophie, and #4 and #5 is Ginger.

Also, these are the same pics that I posted in a previous "Show your pets" thread.
What are those things? They look like a combination of rabbits, rats, and opossums.

Whatever they are, they own.
They are called Deguses and they do indeed own.

I must confess that I currently have no camera so those three are not mine, I do have two of them.
I used to have two lop eared rabbits, but they both had heart attacks because of badgers :(
I've always wanted a ferret. My mother used to own one, and one of the fondest memories of having it, was it was chasing me around the house, and out of nowhere, it would be running at me top speed, then just shift, and be running at me width instead of running at me like | was ---- that.

It was hillarious...and they are so cute. And I guess that helps the fact that I don't think they stink \=
Used to have 2 marble salamanders, a yorkie, and a squirrel. They all died, except the squirrel, which was released after it had grown up. D: