Your Predictions


Jul 15, 2006
Reaction score
If this doesn't belong here. Sorry.

But I'm getting bored not hearing anything on Episode 2. Can anyone predict (speculate) as to what Episode 2 will be about besides the obvious out door locations and info we've already been given. Does anyone know what the storyline will be for Episode 2? Predictions...?
i think the first chapter will be in antlion tunnels and then the episode will end with the rocket being shot up in the sky and the combine invading the silo
He's asking the plot. Like, why are they in the antlion tunnels?

Because it was the fastest way through to where the silo was. It was supposed to be empty, but the recent explosion caused all the antlions to migrate into those tunnels. So they take a detour through the nearest exit and decide to continue their journey above ground, but they meet with the fleeing combine forces and are forced to fight their way to the silo. Sort of out of the frying pan, into the fire.
I think in the end we'll learn about The Project and Gordon will teleport to arctic base and Alyx will be captured by G-Man. I don't think we'll learn what the packet that Alyx stole contains. We may hear about world wide repercussions of what happened in City 17. I believe there is a world wide uprising now. I dont think Kleiner will launch that rocket in Ep2, that seems like a closure event for Episodes. Oh and I see dead people.
I don't think Gordon will be teleporting there. My money is on the Borealis. (take that Kupo)
How would travelling on the Borealis factor into the constant viewpoint thing?
Huh? Didn't get that. Anyhoo, I just looked at one of the new Xbox-screenies and I thought, that the image of teh vortigaunt hloding Alyx is not in a bunker but maybe in a trainstation...Of course, they're in some vast shaft, but there's also some sort of round roof ontop...I just looked again, omg, and it really looks like a friendly trainstation to me...You, the big ones. With trains in it...That's why it's called..'Trainstation'. Get it? I hope so ;P Look at it, I believe we pick on where ep1 ended, in the train, then it crashes, Alyx falls, at least something bad happens, we maybe board another train, maybe a rebel or vort is gonna carry her, in the end we make our way to that train station, where we meet the vort, who brings us to the antlion tunnels. From there on we 'walk the earth' again, to the silo, Elites invading the silo, finish.
The rocket and the 'bunker' or 'missile silo', could be no more than an old abandoned soviet missile-base, build in the cold war, and left untouched in the 7 hour war.
The resistance could've found this complex and use it as a coord center for their actions. The rocket we see in the EP2 movie, which Dr. Kleiner was working on, could be no more than a soviet ballistic rocket, whick they'll use to send who-knows-what in the space...
I'll stick to my idea, because after the cold war, there are many abandoned missile-silos and complexes in the post-soviet territory. Second, i doubt the resistance could've built an underground complex, not mention a whole rocket!

Now on the topic...
One thing is missing - the role of Gordon in EP2? Obviously, if the vorts found the uncontious Alyx, as we see in the movie, then the resistance must have the info Alyx downloaded from the citadel, and their operation goes on... what about Gordon? Is everything we do in Ep2 is just fighting for our lives? No mission objectives?
Or maybe the EP2 movie just gives us wrong view of the situation, we see Alyx's body, we see Eli and Kleiner, A rocket, and we instantly suppose that the story is right like Valve shown in the movies, I bet Valve's playing with us :) They want us to believe in our own storyline we made from just seing the movies, then, in the end, they'll surprise us with something very different in storyline :P
Don't say that! Otherwise Valve will surprise us by making it the same as what we think it would be.
I don't think Gordon will be teleporting there. My money is on the Borealis. (take that Kupo)
There is zero indication that we're going anywhere near a large body of water in this game. In fact, i'd rather speculate that we're going further inland, higher into the mountains. As i've said before, a boat is poorly suited to being a level in any game - you just walk from room to room, triggering your progress across the sea, fighting monsters that have no call to be there, just for the sake of fighting them and killing some time. If you hop on the Borealis at the end of Ep2 and end up on the shore in Ep3 after a fadeout, that would be equally unsatisfying.
There is zero indication that we're going anywhere near a large body of water in this game. In fact, i'd rather speculate that we're going further inland, higher into the mountains. As i've said before, a boat is poorly suited to being a level in any game - you just walk from room to room, triggering your progress across the sea, fighting monsters that have no call to be there, just for the sake of fighting them and killing some time. If you hop on the Borealis at the end of Ep2 and end up on the shore in Ep3 after a fadeout, that would be equally unsatisfying.

Pish posh.
There is zero indication that we're going anywhere near a large body of water in this game. In fact, i'd rather speculate that we're going further inland, higher into the mountains. As i've said before, a boat is poorly suited to being a level in any game - you just walk from room to room, triggering your progress across the sea, fighting monsters that have no call to be there, just for the sake of fighting them and killing some time. If you hop on the Borealis at the end of Ep2 and end up on the shore in Ep3 after a fadeout, that would be equally unsatisfying.

Pish posh.

Samon, as I seem to recall, you're always keen to remind people why Valve took certain ideas and elements out of HL2: Because they don't work, and aren't much fun.
Absolutely! It's my understand the Borealis was cut mainly due to placement though, rather than the actual content. Of course, I could be wrong, but I'm simply playing on the concept that Valve may introduce at some point, given how much work was put into it.
We may some of HL2 cut content in HL3, which will take a long time to develop & probably take around the year of 2012 to release. :rolling:

You guys remember my statement of questioning to cut the E3 jumpsuit. Well I've just discovered something; Alyx's face is alittle different than that of the final retail version of HL2. Forget about the stupid jumpsuit, but the face alone seems different from the present alyx imo; then she had a much creepier smile & her lips were a tad wider. Also add she seems like she is wearing eye shadow; what women usually put on.


I hope someday we will play some of the levels of Half-Life 2 that was cut; thats why I look forward to Missing Informatiom mod. ;)
those screenshots look screwy though. Like they've been resized on the horizontal more than they have on the vertical, thus squishing the picture.

Though undoubtably, the Alyx face was subject to futher passes in the near 2 years it took HL2 to come out after those shots would have been originally taken. The contrast is probably more obvious with the G-Man, or Eli IMO.
We learn that Alyx is really an evil vampire and that she really works for teh combine.
Those screenshots are evil. I swear Alyx didn't look like that.
I checked some of the oldest videos that came out just after E3 2003, and she did look like those screenshots. It just goes to show how the long time Valve took to polish the game payed off.
I can understand giving her a different outfit but the face it looks my hi-res than the current one now; Now she has lower res, less detailed, & smaller lips, different color eyes, & dirt all over her face. Then during the E3 video's, Alyx had green colored eye's, something that appears to be eye shadow? & had lighter colored skin because Alyx was supposed to have a background of 'European decent'; now Alyx is HALF-BLACK & HALF-ASIAN lolz0rz!!!!!11111one
I've seen that in "Raising the Bar" there is a part on weather control. Will this be used after all? Perhaps the combine can be stopped by cooling them down?

Oh yeah, Alyx is not really my type... I prefer Judith.
There has to be something monumental & important at the end of Episode 2. Like the citadel exploding at the end of EP1 & all those pod things flying out. That was a very dramatic ending. I liked it. All this took of Kliener's rocket. That's not interesting at all. We had that in Half Life 1. I don't want this rocket/missile to be a big deal. I just want to know what it's all about.

I hope in EP2 we learn more about the G-man, What happened to Breen, what the Combine are up to & ........ I want to see what Alyx has in her packet! :cheese: :rolling:
Id like to know what's the package? Maybe we'll know when we arrive at the hide-out-rocket-base Eli and Kleiner fled to.
And also more about the real combine. -the slugs-
and of course what happened to Breen?... I loved that character. Really good gentleman Villan.

But I guess thats a little to much answers for one episode, we'll see...

Above all I want another superb HL-product that will rock my socks and leave me in awe and total agony for another wait untill EP3....Yeepee!!!!
Oh, the slugs! I wonder how will we meet them? Will we attack them? Kill them? I want slugs!

From trailers, seems like it will be a close encounter, not another video feed. Final boss maybe?
Samon, as I seem to recall, you're always keen to remind people why Valve took certain ideas and elements out of HL2: Because they don't work, and aren't much fun.

are you suggesting we take samon out of the forum because he isnt much fun?

because I disagree
Off topic but, Samon what happened to your avatar? In my imagination you are Doctor Breen. Please don't ruin that.