Your recent gaming purchases

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just got Medal of Honor for the PS3, for it came with a $10 giftcard, plus Frontlines remastered and a few other goodies

edit: oh wow MOH is pretty damn fun. I love how easy it is to get into, and although I'm dying left and right trying to rush the level its making me take my time and slow down, and finish an area unlike other run and gun shooters but the variety is very nice
Bought it on STEAM this morning just got off work so I'm gonna play some PM
add me unozero for MOH or -NCR- tool for steam
Good man. Hope you enjoy the X series :)

Of course, I own X2: The Threat since 2003, X3:R since 2005 and TC since 2008.

But all in retail form, and the SuperBox with all the bonuses(+getting all the games on Steam) was just too hard to pass up.;)

Still, doubt I'll get around to installing or playing any of them for a while, so busy with other games and some other games coming up as well.
just got Medal of Honor for the PS3, for it came with a $10 giftcard, plus Frontlines remastered and a few other goodies

edit: oh wow MOH is pretty damn fun. I love how easy it is to get into, and although I'm dying left and right trying to rush the level its making me take my time and slow down, and finish an area unlike other run and gun shooters but the variety is very nice

Frontlines remastered? Medal of Honor Frontline remastered?
Does it look better graphically than the PS2 version or what? I always loved that game.
from what i played, its not amazing, but it fits the screen well and if you do some adjustments its playable. i always loved the game and thought it was fun, plus the soundtrack reminded me a lot of Saving Private Ryan's OST

edit: just bought the latest Splinter Cell for $14 used!

got a good deal to trade in reach and then got this for practically nothing. Besides i was done with reach anyway, I finished it twice and on legendary, not got xbl gold and have no interest in halo's mp PLUS if i ever do want to play it again my brother has a copy i'm sure i can borrow sometime. So even if this is not as good as reach (read: probably) it was a really good deal :)

Besides BF3 beta! :D


Seriously... and I would have paid $30 more if BK would take the money.

Worth every penny, the maps are great - extremely detailed and well balanced!
Just bought Medal of Honor. Kinda looking forward to the sp campaign.
Why? It is a bit naive to have thought it would have been PC-exclusive. Those days are long gone.

I was kinda hoping they'd have Bad Company as the multi-plat franchise and the games just titled "BF" as PC exclusive.

And yes, perhaps it was a bit naive, but dreaming often is.:(
nope all platforms, hopefully it won't be dumbed down :(

but yea pc gaming is treated like the ginger haired stepchild nowadays ;(
Would be stupid of them to cut out their (probably) main source of revenue, now Battlefield is such a big name on consoles thanks to BC2.

Also, DICE games, optimized? Don't make me laugh bitterly.


Seriously... and I would have paid $30 more if BK would take the money.

Worth every penny, the maps are great - extremely detailed and well balanced!

Enjoy paying money to play the same maps from CoD 4. Then people wonder why DLC is like a cancer in gaming when people will throw money away for this kind of twaddle.


Never bought this the first time around, so £15.00 from Amazon and early access to the DNF demo tipped my wallet.

Isn't it obvious? People fork out for shit DLC then wonder why games company's carry on pumping said shit out. MW2's downloadable map packs feature recycled maps from the previous game. People pay for this. It's astounding.
admittedly weren't they on a half price sale a a week ago? Slightly better i guess, price is more in line with what it should have been in the first place =/
Isn't it obvious? People fork out for shit DLC then wonder why games company's carry on pumping said shit out. MW2's downloadable map packs feature recycled maps from the previous game. People pay for this. It's astounding.

The only thing that's obvious to me is that if they sell it, people will buy it. If it sold well, then it's what the community wants?
I tried to aquire said maps by other means, but no luck. ;(

I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO BUY THEM NOW. /hater gonna hate

That made me laugh as well. Hypocrisy, thy name is Stemot.

Doesn't change the fact that the Resurgence DLC for MW2 is shit. As for the "If it sold well, then it's what the community wants" line... same can be said for McDonalds' shitty food. Just because people are willing to buy it doesn't change the fact that its a disgusting waste of money. The world would be a better place if people didn't want to pay for awful things.

Also, As for the "Bad Company made bafflefield popular on consoles" line, also baloney. Not very many console gamers even realize that its Battlefield: Bad Company. Name recognition for the Battlefield franchise doesn't work when everybody simply calls the game "Bad Company."
RE5 (PS3) for SUPER cheap (not the gold edition). Yeah, I liked it for the first half and I am actually HATING the last half. It has turned into nothing but a serious ****ing chore to finish. The only reason I want to is to get infinite ammo for some of my weapons. I don't even know where to begin with my criticism, but a good place to start would be the camera and the slow as shit turning of these dumb **** characters. Sheva's AI sucks majorly as well. The enemies? Don't get me started. I'll be taking this and Resistance 2 back very shortly. :(
That made me laugh as well. Hypocrisy, thy name is Stemot.

The difference being that I don't own Borderlands and have never bought any of the DLC. I'm paying £15.00 for the complete game the way it should have been released at a cheaper price of the original retail game instead of the £30 for the game then the additional £5-10 for the mostly craptackular DLC. I bought it for the original game, see? Not hypocrisy. I did the same with Fallout 3, when they had finished swindling everyone from DLC and finally finished the game I bought the the GoTY version for £12.00. See how this works? You fools really are too quick to jump to conclusions. He bought the same maps for MW2 as he no doubt already owns for CoD4. No wonder Kotick takes the piss out of you all so much when you sit there and invite him to do it. What makes me laugh most is he said he would have gladly paid more for them.
Since when do you have the right to dictate what the game "should have been"? I agree that in some cases it is obvious that some things could have easily been in the game, but were released as DLC a week later. In the case of Borderlands and Fallout 3 this is for the most part not true.

You think Borderlands should have included that zombie island right off the bat? Thats silly in my opinion.
Since when do you have the right to dictate what the game "should have been"? I agree that in some cases it is obvious that some things could have easily been in the game, but were released as DLC a week later. In the case of Borderlands and Fallout 3 this is for the most part not true.

You think Borderlands should have included that zombie island right off the bat? Thats silly in my opinion.

I'm just of the opinion that this kind of stuff should be in the game that is released. Going back to earlier years when full expansions where released for £15 that sometimes eclipsed the original games they were released for (Opposing Force is one in some respects), these were clearly not ripped from the original game and offer something longer than 2 hours for for the price of a complete expansion. I stupidly bought the Mafia 2 "Jimmy's Vendetta" DLC and will not make the same mistake again with any game. From now on I'm just going to buy GoTY editions when the developer announces their DLC plans before the game launch. I guess I'm an old man living in the past but DLC is not a good thing in it's current form.
The difference being that I don't own Borderlands and have never bought any of the DLC. I'm paying £15.00 for the complete game the way it should have been released at a cheaper price of the original retail game instead of the £30 for the game then the additional £5-10 for the mostly craptackular DLC. I bought it for the original game, see? Not hypocrisy. I did the same with Fallout 3, when they had finished swindling everyone from DLC and finally finished the game I bought the the GoTY version for £12.00. See how this works? You fools really are too quick to jump to conclusions. He bought the same maps for MW2 as he no doubt already owns for CoD4. No wonder Kotick takes the piss out of you all so much when you sit there and invite him to do it. What makes me laugh most is he said he would have gladly paid more for them.

Eh, I must have glanced over it when you said you paid 15 eurosymbols for it. The GOTY version is 50 dollarsymbols here, so I assumed thats what you had paid for it. That, considering the non-GOTY edition is ~ $20, it would have meant you had paid $30 for the DLC.
I'm paying £15.00 for the complete game the way it should have been released
Oh right I forgot people still held this dumbwrong opinion. Haha, this will be good.

I did the same with Fallout 3, when they had finished swindling everyone from DLC
Yeah that irradiated horse armor was really overpriced.

He bought the same maps for MW2 as he no doubt already owns for CoD4. No wonder Kotick takes the piss out of you all so much when you sit there and invite him to do it. What makes me laugh most is he said he would have gladly paid more for them.
I bought both map packs at full price with full knowledge of Activision's dirty dealings and the reused maps. My excuse? I was bored and had nothing better to play. Would I do it again? Probably not, but they weren't entirely worthless and I certainly managed to wring some enjoyment out of them. In any case I'm not going to start griping about DLC altogether just because I made a questionable purchase.

I'm just of the opinion that this kind of stuff should be in the game that is released. Going back to earlier years when full expansions where released for £15 that sometimes eclipsed the original games
They still do full expansions, just not nearly as much since they have other options now. But yeah, "the good old days," and all that. Keep clinging to that notion, I'm sure those glory days will come a-calling any time now.

Also, consider this: expansions are things that "could have been in the game that is released." They're just... more substantial things, at an arguably better price point. I mean, if you're going to decry DLC on the basis that it's overpriced, by all means go ahead, but the "should have been in" argument is ****ing stale and wrong.

(Except those few cases where the content was actually in the game already. Those suck, obviously.)

I stupidly bought the Mafia 2 "Jimmy's Vendetta" DLC and will not make the same mistake again with any game.
One DLC = all DLC. Flawless logicking, there.

DLC is still a New Thing(tm). It's still finding it's footing, developers are still learning their way around it, and gamers are still coming to terms with what they're getting for their Hard Earned Bucks(also tm). There's bound to be a bit of swindling as publishers see it as a gravy train and pump out subpar content at premium dollars, and this probably won't stop altogether, just as it hasn't in gaming at large (how's that four hour campaign and rudimentary multiplayer going for you, Medal of Honor buyers?). However, to say the entire premise is broken based on some bad personal experience and a few badly researched examples (pretty sure Borderlands and Fallout 3 both had some pretty well-received DLC) is kind of short sighted.

But anyway, back to sucking on Kotick's DLC. Sorry, did I say DLC? I meant cock. That's just his pet name for it. :3

Edit: On topic, I didn't buy anything new, but I'm super pleased I got Metroid Prime Trilogy. Not even finished the first game and I already feel like I got my money's worth.
Well, the only DLC i have played that didn't feel ripped from the main games development was GTA IV's episodes. They were truly great value and were more like expansions than DLC. Fallout's may have been more substantial than simple horse armour, but it still gives the vibe of taking stuff out and saving it for later, especially with the raised level cap etc etc. Mass Effect 2's DLC's are clearly stuff they have taken out to save for later. Hell, they even had the character positions in the squad selection silhouetted to show that there was spaces for more characters.
At the end of the day it comes down to the fact that I can pay for the company's to charge me more for the rest of the game or wait until it's altogether in one package for half the price of the original sans DLC game. It's a no brainer.
The MW2 map packs are the worst form of this, they were clearly ready but decided to charge for them later on, even though they actaully increased the price of the retail game by £10. I refuse to support this but you clearly want it to become the norm by buying the MW2 map packs. That's fine, but don't complain when every other publisher follows Koticks lead.

On a side note, is Bordelands actually any good in the long term? Or is it only a game I'm going to be able to finish in co-op?
That made me laugh as well. Hypocrisy, thy name is Stemot.

Doesn't change the fact that the Resurgence DLC for MW2 is shit. As for the "If it sold well, then it's what the community wants" line... same can be said for McDonalds' shitty food. Just because people are willing to buy it doesn't change the fact that its a disgusting waste of money. The world would be a better place if people didn't want to pay for awful things.

Also, As for the "Bad Company made bafflefield popular on consoles" line, also baloney. Not very many console gamers even realize that its Battlefield: Bad Company. Name recognition for the Battlefield franchise doesn't work when everybody simply calls the game "Bad Company."

So Modern Warfare 2 is bad for people now? That's a very bad analogy.

I don't think it's a waste of money, Its the price of a couple of beers for some new maps to play, who wouldn't pay that if they've been playing the game since it's been released? Surely people can get through their lives without taking seemingly forced investment advice from you?
The little kid that gets $20 per week pocket money - or for a paper round and plays MW2 all weekend and after school, how is it a rip off to him?

The world would be a better place if people didn't hate on things and people just because they don't like them. I don't like 'My Little Pony', but I don't go around telling little girls that they are the cancer that is killing toys, and that I hate them.

Just so we're clear, which game are we going to initially like but then turn against and hate next? Halo:Reach? Medal of Honor?
Well, the only DLC i have played that didn't feel ripped from the main games development was GTA IV's episodes. They were truly great value and were more like expansions than DLC.
Truth. This is the direction I hope more DLC will take, but then again those were multi-million dollar productions funded in great part by an exclusivity deal with Microsoft, so...

Fallout's may have been more substantial than simple horse armour, but it still gives the vibe of taking stuff out and saving it for later, especially with the raised level cap etc etc.
Good example. I can't think of a single game where an expansion has raised the level cap. Really, I'm stumped.

Mass Effect 2's DLC's are clearly stuff they have taken out to save for later. Hell, they even had the character positions in the squad selection silhouetted to show that there was spaces for more characters.
Please point them out for me, would you?


If you're talking about the dude on the far left, he was included in a piece of DLC at launch that came with new copies of the game. Yeah, EA are doing this a lot now to discourage people from buying used, and I don't really agree with it, but it's not exactly the norm yet so hey.

The MW2 map packs are the worst form of this, they were clearly ready but decided to charge for them later on, even though they actaully increased the price of the retail game by £10.
You keep saying developers "clearly" hold things back that are already ready at launch. What is so clear about it? Please explain to me where this suspicion is coming from. [citation ****ing needed]

I refuse to support this but you clearly want it to become the norm by buying the MW2 map packs.