Your recent gaming purchases

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Ok, so I just bought Starcraft 2. I played it on a friends machine on SP and really liked it, so wen't out and bought it.

I'll be trying MP too. *heads over to SC2 thread*
Please point them out for me, would you?
Wow. I'm not wasting the imageshack space on pointing that one out to you. Ok, so they're not 'clearly silhouetted', but still... get a ruler Hat. Also, Kasumi and Zaeed were in some roster hacked from a pre-release version of the game, so it's widely known that they were 'planned all along'.

Not that I actually object to the practice. Whilst Mass Effect 2 isn't a great example (its final delay was almost certainly due to marketing), I fail to see what's so wrong about planning content that falls outside of the reasonable development timescale, when that content has little effect on the core game and comes with - shock horror - a price tag. No one is forcing you to buy it.

Mentioning DLC evils in relation to such content-rich titles as Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 3 is just retarded anyway. Fallout 3 was so long (and honestly, mediocre, regardless of when and where it became 'complete') that I never even considered purchasing the DLC. These objections stink of an immature entitlement complex. It's argued simultaneously that all DLC is superficial and pointless, yet people insist on waiting for the all-inclusive version because the game is 'incomplete' without it. ... WTF? By all means, wait around for a year and a half to get a better deal, but don't claim that this somehow makes the title more rather than less relevant.

And anyone who thinks Opposing Force eclipsed Half-Life sniffs a lot of bad glue.

Edit: Oh ok topic, I recently purchased Tales of Monkey Island and £3.50 was an appropriate price.
Wow. I'm not wasting the imageshack space on pointing that one out to you. Ok, so they're not 'clearly silhouetted', but still... get a ruler Hat. Also, Kasumi and Zaeed were in some roster hacked from a pre-release version of the game, so it's widely known that they were 'planned all along'.
Huh, wasn't aware of that. Well, that does clearly suggest the content was planned all along, but I still object to the notion that it was "already developed" or whatever. I mean... why would they do that? I can imagine some studios begin developing DLC before the game is released (but probably after it's gone gold), but to actually complete an entirely separate piece of content while the main game is still in development and then just leave it on the backburner for a couple of months? How is that practical or cost effective for them in any way?

Anyway, dropping it now.
Just got Fallout New Vegas for the 360, gunna play some Minecraft for a bit then jump in all night till about 5am when I get tired....can't wait!

also Alpha Protocal, I know it didn't get the best reviews but for $12 I'm not complaining, plus the same price for Rogue Warrior, I heard its hilariously bad but I'd love to get a game that is off the wall silly

Arrived from Game today, Been playing a bit and it seems like FU 1.5. Still pretty enjoyable and a decent port this time around. May upload shots later.
Got Prince of Persia the Forgotten Sands for Xbox at the low price of $9.50 used thanks to Gamefly
Fable 3: Limited Collector's Edition, yes they actually call it the Limited Collector's Edition.
I have to stop buying keys in the TF2 store.

Only bought 4 myself. Gonna limit myself though to probably 1 per week or something.

I don't mind buying stuff in TF2, I've got over 300 hours racked up in it, well worth the initial cost. So a little extra money to Valve is fine for me. :)

Got any unusuals yet? I've only got paint so far D:
You guys are terrible for supporting microtransactions! Even if it is a decent company that you are supporting by doing so!

Because you're progressing a trend that offers terrible value, and giving precedence for product with even worse value. These companies are probing you guys to see just how little substance they can sell you for a premium price, and you're giving them tons of leeway.

Oh, I'm so out of touch without my Pc.

Crates drop randomly while you're playing, much like weapons, and you need to purchase a key (£1.99) to open it. Got a chance of stuff like weapons, hats, paint or rare unusual hats which have particle effects attached to them.

I ain't too fussed about buying from the mann-co store because I've played the game so much. So a bit of extra money to the devs is fair really. As long as people limit themselves and don't buy everything on offer then I doubt it'd get too out of hand. I'm limiting myself, just so I don't spend all my money on virtual keys.

I'll probably buy stuff from the Guild Wars 2 store too, mainly because I know I'm going to be playing the game a lot.

People usually pay around £40 for a 4-10 hour game. I've played over 300 hours of TF2 and that cost maybe £25 when I bought it.
You guys are terrible for supporting microtransactions! Even if it is a decent company that you are supporting by doing so!

Totally agreed. Don't let greedy companies milk you like a cow.
Oh, I thought I've already posted this.


How is that? Does it shake (unstable)? Do you play in your socks? Does it seem durable? How does it feel to use it in game (translate to in-game input)? Any complaints? Thanks man!
Thought so, just had to be sure.

God that game seems amazing.
Well, you're not sure because I was just guessing.
Oh, I thought I've already posted this.


Is that the G25 or the G27?

I only ever had the G25, used to play Grand Prix Legends with it, but sold it because I couldn't find a comfortable setup for it!

Still, the best racing wheel I've ever tried!
As a vehement hater of MW2, I feel extremely guilty right now.
^ What he said, except replace hate with disappointment.
Just got a copy of fable 3, will give it a go tonight!
Stormy, you wont be disappointed!

Also, doubt I'll get Kinect, none of the games currently out for it looks remotely interesting.

Only upcoming one that I find appealing is the new Steel Battalion, but somehow I doubt it will be good, seeing as they're going from having the most complicated console controller to having none.
stemot, you could be worse, you could have bought the Hardened or Prestige edition.



Since I could only find covers of the NTSC version I had to use my awesome MS Paint skills to photoshop it to say PAL instead of NTSC!
we are bad people ._.
but black ops is so far sounding like what i wanted mw2 to be. mw2 did the damage. black ops will do the mending.
