Your recent gaming purchases

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I got Hawx 2 with purchase of my new GeForce GTX 460 card
yay i won something!! :D


also got arkahm asylum and super meat boy from steam
Holy crap, grats Lambda, that's a pretty damned cool painting!
Arma 2, Arma 2: OA and Arma 2: BAF.

Yes, I like my war games :P
I wanted to get BAF when it was on sale on steam, but I bought OA retail so I couldn't. Oh well, I dont think we usually use much/any BAF stuff anyways, so I guess I can just live with ugly textures.
I wanted to get BAF when it was on sale on steam, but I bought OA retail so I couldn't. Oh well, I dont think we usually use much/any BAF stuff anyways, so I guess I can just live with ugly textures.

Yeah, ACE mod decided to stay away from BAF, and I agree with this.
NFS: Hot Pursuit for my PS3. Time to beat some of Pitzy's high scores! :)
"Indie Story Pack"
And Yet It Moves (Played it through in two hours. Was very frustrating.)
Gish (As above, seems good enough but not outstanding)
Jolly Rover (Looks like a Furry version of Monkey Island. This fills me with much dread)
Puzzle Agent (I hear not brilliant things, but I hope to find the time to give it a try)
Recettear (Main reason I got the pack, there's about 1,500 people playing this today. Quite an achievement for them!)

Left 4 Dead 2 (about time I got it I suppose. Seeing if the original comes up too)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Actually, I do a disservice by listing it here under 'purchases'. Hopefully the person responsible knows they're awesome).

Oh god it's so fun and pretty.
NCAA Football 09 and Madden 09.

My local college is featured in NCAAF so I've been doing a season with them. Too busy with that to have touched Madden yet.

besides recently getting Black Ops I traded in Medal of Shit: Afghanistanimation for the Force Unleashed 2 and took the banner home from work. its 6 feet long and i can either hang it or use it as a table cloth or as a blanket :)

Suffocate yourself with it.
I just got GT5 and I love it, but I have been craving a racing game so I am looking past any niggling faults I may find. I am just having plain old fun with it which is what I like to do with my games. I also got Two Worlds II a few weeks ago and it is AWESOME, esp. after the relative hideousness of Gothic 4.
NFS: Hot Pursuit for my PS3. Time to beat some of Pitzy's high scores! :)

You're going to hate me.

I bought it for the PC on accident. Went to the store wasted as shit, opened it up, put it in my PS3, no go. realized it was PS3. Was so pissed and drunk, I installed it on my PC and registered the key. Next day I woke up and wondered why the shit I didn't take it back for in store credit and get the PS3 version.


Why don't you have Gran Turismo 5 yet?

Speaking of GT5, I'm having fun. A lot of things piss me the **** off, but for the most part I'm digging it.
Arx Fatalis from GOG, had a hard time getting into the game though.
Oh right, I got Arma 2 and OA. Still finding my footing, but it's pretty fun when I'm not getting shot in the face from 15 different directions!
Just started playing my most recent 360 purchase, AssCreed:Bros, one thing that immediately pisses me off is that they apparently have this grindtastic facebook game you have to play to get some exclusive content in the game, but I don't have a FB account.

I really hate it when devs do shit like that, spread content across different platforms and social networking sites and shit.

aww wat? :(

And yea that shitty AC facebook game made me get a facebook account....I feel dirty D=
Pre-ordered BF Vietnam last night, if only for the soundtrack...
I can't find my Descent 3 disc so I just rebought it from It was $5 for the game + expansion, manuals, HD wallpaper, and soundtrack zip. Totally worth it. Considering picking up D1+D2 bundle for another $5

£60 ****ING POUNDS!!!!???? God I wouldn't do this for any other game dammit!!! SInce when is $10 extra the same as £20 extra :flame::flame::flame::flame:

well that's my xmas sorted :)

Yeah, I think I'll get that for xmas, too. Want to learn moar about 'the truth'.

What's the Codex Edition add?

There's gona be a Dead Space 2 demo before xmas, btw.
Arx Fatalis from GOG, had a hard time getting into the game though.

I picked that game up used for a few dollars back in 2005 or something, back when game stores had lots of new/used PC games. It's pretty cool, you have to draw the spells and shit. The graphics were pretty good. I've never really played it much. Seems like it would have been pretty good if you played through it back when it came out.

But I always have something better that I haven't played either, so **** it. I don't even bother installing it anymore, whenever I do my annual 'reinstall all PC games' thing, then later find out I need all the space back.

NCAA Basketball 10
Mafia 2 (to be returned upon completion of the story)
Penumbra Collection (Black Plague/Requiem/Overture)

yay for cheap ass games! I've been dying to play the 2 good games. Army of 2 was a steal though and I couldn't pass it up. I heard its fun for a quick playthrough