Your recent gaming purchases

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Yeah Brink is gonna be kick ass.

I like the pre-order bonuses too, like the little DOOM cap.:)
got a few games as of recently because of many extra funds, my dad got a rebate check that was for me in the mail for $75, then I found $20 in a XMAS card I forgot to remove, then my friend owed me some money as well.

So I got AC Brotherhood on PS3, Borderlands for PS3, and Killzone 3. I will be playing these games a lot. I'm itching to try Borderlands on consoles because when I did play it on PC I had a slower video card then but I don't have the room to install more. Unless someone knows how to direct my external drive to take care of my Steam folder....

Bad Company 2 is now $9.99
Bought Assassins Creed: Brotherhood on Steam today. Looking forward to play that! :D
I just bought Napoleon Total War for 7,50 in the Steam sale. I guess Shogun 2 will have to wait. :)
Shakermaker, be honest, you did it because you have a thing for short French men in uniforms!
I hear you, I've beaten less than 10% of the games I own on Steam if I don't count Valve developed single-player titles.
Civ V. This game is very addicting; just got it, played only a small map on easy difficulty and already have 12 hours in it.
Just got Crysis 2 for the 360 considering my PC can no longer play the game nor the demo. Anyway gunna fire that up very soon. its also on for those who want it for $50 on any system but I lost where the promo codes were for it. a quick search will probably net you the coupon but its also got free shipping

Playing the beta right now with Sharpshooter, very fun game!

Playing the beta right now with Sharpshooter, very fun game!

I am unsure about buying anything from Zipper after having made the mistake of buying MAG, how would you say the games compare in terms of quality if you've also tried MAG?
ok that crysis 2 painting I mentioned quite awhile back finally came in...only took 3 bloody months >_>

still awesome tho :D
need to get this thing framed ;)

Pah! That's not the Zoids I remember from my childhood. This shit is more like it:-


Also, I bought:-

on Steam, I now also have an extra Portal game and no one to gift it to.
Most recent pre-order was:

Portal 2 for PS3, since it gives me the PC version for free.

P.S. Yes I am too lazy to post an image.
Nintendo 3DS
Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

I've never had a handheld so decided to buy one. It better be good *shakes fist*
Bought two titles on Steam yesterday, Fate of the World and Atom Zombie Smasher.

Like'em both!
Got some cheapies at Gamestop in the sale bin.

Enslaved for $12 and Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom for $12 as well. I think both games are under the radar games that average to good ratings
It took me a while and a slew of positive feedback, but I finally bought Mass Effect 2. I never really got into the first ME because of the clunky combat. Part two seems to have fixed that gripe for me, as far as I can tell. Played for a couple of hours now and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself so far. Not sure if I'll have the patience to really finish it, but it has been worth the 20 euros so far.
It took me a while and a slew of positive feedback, but I finally bought Mass Effect 2. I never really got into the first ME because of the clunky combat. Part two seems to have fixed that gripe for me, as far as I can tell. Played for a couple of hours now and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself so far. Not sure if I'll have the patience to really finish it, but it has been worth the 20 euros so far.

What kind of Shepard are you being?

Lemme see him/her.
Male shep. I am not purely a good guy, but I go for the friendly options 75% of the time.

And my current save is in a fight and I am wearing a helmet, so no screenies.
That image is gonna give me nightmares.

Also, just made a bid for a copy of Yakuza 1 (PAL format) for the PS2.
Pre-Ordered the Xbox 360 version of Portal 2 and got $20 game credit from Amazon and $5 off the original price. :D can't wait till it arrives


just had to get the Lime Green version of Gameboy Color. Never had one but had the urge to buy it. I may have to return it though as it takes a long time to boot up after many failed attempts. When the games did turn on they stayed on but that could be very annoying

And I replaced the lime green one for a clear purple one but it looks nicer and the screen is scratch free. I also just got the PS3 version of Mortal Kombat today, can't wait to try it after I'm done with Portal 2
After an IRC acquaintance with which I maintain a long-standing love-hate relationship told me to stop being a pussy and get this game, I finally did it. Gonna see if I can get through it without the need for guides. Undecided on whether or not I should play it hooked up to PSN or offline. Not too fond of the idea of random people invading my realm and owning me.


Note: I only got the regular version since it's just 19 euro here, whereas the Black Phantom Edition that includes the guide and soundtrack I could only find for 60.
After an IRC acquaintance with which I maintain a long-standing love-hate relationship told me to stop being a pussy and get this game, I finally did it. Gonna see if I can get through it without the need for guides. Undecided on whether or not I should play it hooked up to PSN or offline. Not too fond of the idea of random people invading my realm and owning me.


Note: I only got the regular version since it's just 19 euro here, whereas the Black Phantom Edition that includes the guide and soundtrack I could only find for 60.

Demon's souls is probably the best RPG on the PS3, give it time and be extra cautious when playing. The game basically teaches you not to be careless and prudent when it comes to gaining souls. It is a very rewarding experience when you understand the ins and outs of the game.
Pre-Ordered the Xbox 360 version of Portal 2 and got $20 game credit from Amazon and $5 off the original price. :D can't wait till it arrives

just had to get the Lime Green version of Gameboy Color. Never had one but had the urge to buy it. I may have to return it though as it takes a long time to boot up after many failed attempts. When the games did turn on they stayed on but that could be very annoying

And I replaced the lime green one for a clear purple one but it looks nicer and the screen is scratch free. I also just got the PS3 version of Mortal Kombat today, can't wait to try it after I'm done with Portal 2

AC4 is great. So is For Answer. Parts are difficult, however.
Demon's souls is probably the best RPG on the PS3, give it time and be extra cautious when playing. The game basically teaches you not to be careless and prudent when it comes to gaining souls. It is a very rewarding experience when you understand the ins and outs of the game.

I've been playing it for five hours now, I've only slain one Demon though. I didn't figure out you could shoot down the Dragon until a guy on IRC told me.:( I wish PSN wasn't down so I could get help via the online messages and death recordings.

Also, not sure if I'd call Demon's Souls an RPG, it's more like a hack'n'slash game only far more difficult, but it isn't exactly heavy on NPC interaction and story.
I've been playing it for five hours now, I've only slain one Demon though. I didn't figure out you could shoot down the Dragon until a guy on IRC told me.:( I wish PSN wasn't down so I could get help via the online messages and death recordings.

Also, not sure if I'd call Demon's Souls an RPG, it's more like a hack'n'slash game only far more difficult, but it isn't exactly heavy on NPC interaction and story.

yeah i gave up pretty quickly with demon's souls =/
too hard and i just don't feel like grinding away deaths for hours before the game may "click" with me
Well, I've gotten somewhat more into it now that a friend helped me get past an annoying part of the early game.

Will keep on playing to see if it gets better or worse.
I just bought Timeshift, God of War 3, and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm for the PS3.
I'm currently playing through Uncharted 2, so I haven't played Timeshift yet (only one to arrive atm). Uncharted 2 is gorgeous on my 37" tv.
Bought Dark Void for 5 dollars at discount store around here. So far it is not worth 5 bucks. I don't know if it eventually gets kind of fun, it might get good when you are flying around canyons and shit, but right now it is boring as shit and has so many little annoying problems with it.

Basically the game forces you to do at least 40 minutes-hour of subpar 3rd person shooting (no flying). I just want to fly around on a ****ing jetpack goddammit; this game's selling point is a ****ing jetpack ffs. So the game has a dozen tiny little problems that add up to boredom and frustration.

-The control setup is retarded and ever changing. Like how when you are leaping down from ledges, it forces you in this nauseating crouching mode that you cannot exit. Then the cover system makes no sense; C to go into cover, then C & W to leap over cover. How about just spacebar & W to leap over cover? That makes more sense. Alright, alright fine. But wait, when you are in vertical cover, they change it up, the way to leap over vertical cover is Spacebar. :| **** you, game. Then when you are using the jetpack it's space to activate, and then e to deactivate. Why not space to activate, and then space again to deactivate?

-Littered with dozens of little cutscenes. There is a part where you have to collect 4 plane parts, it's also when you first get the jetpack (by the way, you can only use it for short boosts initially, so this isn't even exciting) literally, not even five ****ing seconds of trying out the jetpack, BAM cutscene of you picking up one of the plane parts you landed on. I get it, game, I picked up a ****ing plane part, I do not need a cutscene for that.

-The game forces you into cover way too much. Just a minute or so after getting the jetpack you are forced back into standard 3rd person cover shooting because you will die very quickly if you are flying around in the air and shooting.

A few nice things about the game- the art style is pretty good. I like the stylized character models. Also enemies run from grenades. That's about it.
how is it? I'm very interested in it

You can set up a lot of different scenarios. It's very flexible and accurate in simulating mass and gravity. I have yet to reach its full potential, but I'm having a lot of fun, and it's very good for creating amazing screenshots.