Your recent gaming purchases

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I'm too lazy to move my kinect from a wall mount from one room to the other, plus aswell the 360 has to register the kinect everytime you move it to another console.

Aaah, makes perfect sense!

Also, most recent purchase for me:

NWN2 Platinum on Steam.
Bought RE2 for Gamecube.

Won Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (PS1) and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (jp)(Gamecube) in auctions.
Got a shitload of retro games, mechwarrior 2 for the ps1, gungrave for the xbox and a bunch of others. im so damn tired i can't even remember but theyre some ive always wanted and they were cheap
Why Warped, WHY would you get MechWarrior 2 PS1?:(

It's not even MechWarrior 2!

GunGrave is a good choice though.
Weren't you supposed to be not spending so much money now that the holiday sales are over?
Been a bit over a week since I got this

Oh crap, they released 4, huh. I totally forgot. It's been ages.

4 is still great though.
Oh almost forgot about my Japanese dictionary. It lets you draw the characters and get the meanings! ****ing convenient for a student of an Asian language.

Weren't you supposed to be not spending so much money now that the holiday sales are over?

I actually cut my Gamefly subscription down to 1 game a month which saves me about $10 a month, and I bring a lunch to work which saves me about $40 a week now. as far as Dead Rising 2, some guy at work keeps raving about it and stopped playing a few other games because of it. I love games that do that to your gaming cycle. Anyway I've been itching to play the game for a while now and this is as cheap as I can find it
Most recent purchases:
Epic Dungeon of X-Box Live Indie Games.

And later today I am picking up Dead Space 2: Collector's Edition for the XB360, since I can just get Dead Space: Extraction alone on PSN later, and most of my friends are getting DS2 on the 360.
After a free trial version of world of warcraft finally i bought world of warcraft games. Its really a great one and one can also earn from it thats why i choose it.
"Earn from it" you say? TELL ME HOW :O

I assume it might be the same way people earned money from Diablo 2, my friend would play characters to really high levels legit, get'em really nice equipment and nice amount of cash, then sell them for a substantial amount of money.

Keep in mind, this was back when we were both 14-15.

I need an intervention, but realistically these games cost me around $80 and some are collectors editions. I really wanted Dead Rising 2 because the PC version is just not working for me and for $35 used thats a decent price at this point still considering all that was on the disk was a fingerprint :D
I'll intervene by taking all your money, what do you say?

Your image actually reminded me there are a few XB1 titles I'd like to beat, need to dig up my XB1 out of the closet.
I have, I'm not a newbie

The games I specifically want to play have quite a few compatability issues with the XB360's software emu sadly, including Steel Battalion.

Oh, other games I'd like to (re)play on the XB1, the KuF titles.

But who am I kidding anyway, I won't get around to playing them any time soon, I've become so bored with games currently because of long-term unemployment. Only games I can find some motivation to play are MP titles that are easy to get into.
Warped, do your thing buddy, not gonna hate on the compulsive buying, but... Enter the Matrix? Really?
I'd say Enter the Matrix was worth 2 bucks if that's what he got it for.
I remember really wanting Enter the Matrix when I was 13.

Anyways, bought King Arthur on steam for 3 bucks.

I need an intervention, but realistically these games cost me around $80 and some are collectors editions. I really wanted Dead Rising 2 because the PC version is just not working for me and for $35 used thats a decent price at this point still considering all that was on the disk was a fingerprint :D
Street Fighter 2 CE for SEGA Genesis (MegaDrive)....

No need for vastly inferior versions. You can get exact Arcade quality or better. Not only that, but you can play online.

On the XboxLive version, they improved it to HD, but I understand not everyone would be interested in that.

Been awhile....


Verizon iPhone 4


Streetfighter 4, BFBC2, Rage HD, and a few others. Dropped my droid2, thank god
Emptying out my inbox I discovered an email saying I had received the Humble Bundle 1 for free after buying the second one. So now I have World of Goo on Steam as well as Penumbra and some other stuff :D
Got Test Drive Unlimited 2 last Thursday. Quite enjoying it. :)