Your recent gaming purchases

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Bought about 5 games on steam, and I'll probably spend another $50 considering I got all this overtime at work and the extra Xmas cash
Got Burnout Paradise on Steam since it was on sale for $5 a couple days ago...enjoying it so far.
Tropico 3
Remastered Monkey Islands
Flatout Ultimate Carnage

Curse you steam!
Jesus christ this game is hilarious!

Can't be bothered with the sidequests this first playthrough because of the games shitty user unfriendliness(poor map for navigation etc.) but the story is so goddamned fantastic, this really should be a GOTY candidate!
FEAR pack for my friend and myself. I now have more games than I'll ever need in my life but oh well
Does that game continue the story from AC2? Or is it a multiplayer only game?

It continues the story from AC2, despite what you might think from the title it is pretty much a direct sequel to 2, picking up where it left of and has the modern Assassin team go to Ezio's hometown and stuff.

And the animus part also is a direct sequel to AC2, picking up right after the conversation with Minerva.
It continues the story from AC2, ...

Leave out the spoilers next time, I'm playing through AC2 at the moment after I bought it in the steam sale ;)

Probably get Brotherhood if it's single player continues the story. Does it matter if I don't play the MP? Is it on PC?
Probably get Brotherhood if it's single player continues the story. Does it matter if I don't play the MP? Is it on PC?

Not out on PC yet, but the single player does continue the story, and is phenomenal.
Just purchased Red faction Guerilla for 4.99 on steam 75 % off sweet deal.

Couldn't help myself and got Super Meat Boy for $3.
Steam sale: -

Burnout Paradise (just too cheap not to really)
The FEAR pack (have fear on disc, but a lot less hassle to steamify it + extra games)
Killing floor (heard good things about it so thought it worth getting)
King Arthur RPG (no idea whether this is good or bad, but like burnout to cheap not to take a punt on)
Batman LEGO (WTF? I was clearly beguiled by the slinky Cat woman hip swing trailer...)
Monkey Island 2
PB Winterbottom (love the graphic style)
Poker night at the inventory
Puzzle Quest (it was 39 pence..that's less than the cost of a Twix...)
Splinter Cell conviction (Shitty DRM be damned, I love me some Sam Fisher and too cheap to resist)
Zen Bound 2 (looked interesting)

Did a bit of gifting also with one lucky person getting Arma 2 & another getting Splinter Cell Conviction also (for future co-op fun).

Might buy more over the next few days dependant upon anything taking my fancy.

Also I'm back from my hiatus now :dozey:
Just bought Marvel: Ultimate Alliance XB360 off eBay, and the sequel off a retail store over here.

Feeling the craving for some superhero goodness so gonna do a playthrough of the X-Men Legends and Marvel Ultimate Alliance series after I am done with Two Worlds and Deadly Premonition.

Edit: **** it, spent the day trying to play through Deadly Premonition, the story and stuff are great but the gameplay is just so horrid, I can't get myself to do it!
Edit: **** it, spent the day trying to play through Deadly Premonition, the story and stuff are great but the gameplay is just so horrid, I can't get myself to do it!
Was that a joke? I thought Deadly Premonition was supposed to be one of the worst games on earth.
Digital downloads from Amazon? That's wonderful!

Can't tell if sarcasm. They make you install this amazon downloader to get the games. That's it. It's really easy to use and errything.
Hokey, I just told Vegeta this, but I figure I should warn you as well. If we're playing ARMA 2 and you start talking in 4chan memes or start talking about 4chan memes, I'm going to shoot you in the leg each time. Just a heads up.
Can't tell if sarcasm. They make you install this amazon downloader to get the games. That's it. It's really easy to use and errything.

No sarcasm. I didn't know about digital downloads on Good news indeed.
Hokey, I just told Vegeta this, but I figure I should warn you as well. If we're playing ARMA 2 and you start talking in 4chan memes or start talking about 4chan memes, I'm going to shoot you in the leg each time. Just a heads up.

I would never do that.

Do you know if UK users can download from there? I've bought ebooks from the .com site before.

I'm not entirely sure. The link to the page is in the "post a screenshot" thread.
ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead
Crysis pack

I was a total sucker for Flashpoint. I have no idea why I haven't bought ARMA earlier.
ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead
Crysis pack

I was a total sucker for Flashpoint. I have no idea why I haven't bought ARMA earlier.

Well, the ARMA games can't really compare to OFP, sure they are great for MP etc but OFP had the best story in my opinion, best voice-acting and music too.

But that might just be me.:p
Well, the ARMA games can't really compare to OFP, sure they are great for MP etc but OFP had the best story in my opinion, best voice-acting and music too.

But that might just be me.:p

To be honest, I never followed the plot in OPF, I think I didn't even finish the SP portion. I just had a blast going commando on some near by forest, evading enemy patrols, sniping people, all that good stuff. Or playing MP with some friends, 1on1, snipers only, those games lasted like hours because we couldn't find each other :D
Damn, was just about to get arma 2 co on steam before I saw it for 12 on Amazon.

I just bought Arma 2 CO from Amazon, and so far I bought Mirrors Edge, Wings of Prey, and The Witcher: EE from the Steam sale.
Well that's just great. I bought Arma CO on steam like 4 or 5 days ago for like 30 bucks.
I wish you guys would consult me before buying Arma. Do you intend on playing with us Taco?
Who is this "us" you speak of?

Regardless, sure I intend to play with you guys.

We've got quite a roster! Frankly I never thought Arma would get this popular here.
I remember when we got our sixth person, and I was like "HOLY SHIT SO MANY PEOPLE." Now we have to break up into different squads and repeat ourselves 80 times because we're always getting talked over in mumble and nobody can hear us.