Your recent gaming purchases

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Im not saying its a bad game. Its just very dependant on the type of gamer you are.

Military sim lovers will love it. The other 99% of gamers worldwide wont appreciate it.

I personally got very frustrated at the savegame feature. If it saved more often then fine, bit you run so slowly, barely use vehicles, so getting back to where you were can literally take 30-45 mins, and thats far too long for each sitdown.
God games these days still have shit save features. They should all just put down a law that forbids shit save features. If it doesn't meet the requirement, permission for publication denied mother f***er
Pre ordered:




My copy came in early, I'm so excited!!
i feel like i should pre-order both left4dead2 and borderlands...its much cheaper than on xbox and lately those games make my room too warm because the system gets so damned hot. my pc is in another room and it looks better on a pc anyway
Uncharted 2
A Boy and His Blob

Got these last night. U2 is AWESOME. Have not played ABaHB yet.

I tried to pre-order Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (DS) (see below), but the rotten computer system wouldn't let me. Ugh!! I LOVED the books when I was young and still do to this day, so this looks like a load of fun. A cool version of them is coming for the iPhone too. Good times.
Madden 10
Call of Duty: World at War
Halo Wars

Yay for cheap game sales!
The PS2 version is even shittier and buggier than the normal version, don't do it.

Well I don't think the intended product is shitty at all. If it's game-breakingly buggy it might sway me though, is it that bad?
Just bought CoH:Gold since it was only $15.....damn you Steam for making it so easy to spend money!

Finally got the cash together to get this pre-ordered for both me and the missus.
Last thing I bought was Marvel vs Capcom 2 on the Live marketplace. Waiting for the GTAIV expansion (11 days away! :D) and MW2 at the moment.

RP my ass, ESRB should know when to just add an M to things.
Bought Demon's Souls and Uncharted 2 this month.

Although, I still haven't unwrapped the plastic wrap from uncharted 2 yet...
Bought Ace Combat Zero, Persona 3 FES, Demon's Souls, my PS3 a while back with some games, and am probably going to order AC5 again because I can't god dman find my gaem. :<

4 too maybe, but a good copy is a bitch to find.
Mirror's Edge
Red Faction: Guerilla
Torchlight (curse you steam and your easy to buy methods!)
pre ordered MW2 (I wanted hardened edition but I don't want to give activision any extra money due to their recent shenanigans, i'll get cod classic later)

Ugh why does everyone want limited editions so badly for this dull crap, spend money wisely:|
because i wanted cod classic and I haven't played it before :|
why is the 18 in such a random stock background and out of place.
**** knows and isn't it supposed to have the new pegi symbols?
My last few games have been:

Uncharted 2
Brutal Legend.

Uncharted 2 has been by far the best purchase in quite a while.

Yeahhhhh! Anyone who has me as a friend on Steam knows I spend more time on this game than Valve games. (Also I can mod for this game since it's much easier than Source :P )
Best Buy has buy 2 get 1 free this week. So I'll finally pick up Uncharted 2, Ratchet (comes out tomorrow) and I'm thinking just 1 more game. I got Borderlands on PC and I recently got Dirt 2, Batman, and Brutal Legend.

Yeahhhhh! Anyone who has me as a friend on Steam knows I spend more time on this game than Valve games. (Also I can mod for this game since it's much easier than Source :P )

That picture is quite hilarious.......
Uncharted 2 (probably the best buy in gaming Ive ever made)

Brutal Legend

Assassins Creed 2 (Pre-ordered)
Saints Row 2 on the steam weekend deal for the lulz (more fun than GTAA IV so far).

L4D2 last night.

pondering DA: O on Steam, but I'm still unsure :|
That picture is quite hilarious.......

I'm assuming it's a reference to sports journalists in Europe(and even the Middle East, actually...) who like to publish photos of football players in funny or embarrassing positions.

Best Buy had the buy 2 get 1 free. i was looking for 10 mins then finally made my choice. they all seem good enough for me at $40 a pop