Your recent gaming purchases

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Ratchet and Clank - A Crack In Time £34.99

The Saboteur - £35.99

Saboteur may go back if it doesnt hold my attention, getting mixed reviews from bad to 'okay'.

And I dont care what anyone says, Ratchet and Clank is awesome in a...Harry Potter 'I-dont-want-to-admit-I-secretly-love-it' kind of way.
i haven't recently bouhgt a game but i've been playing Counter-Strike on the Original xbox

A little late there aren't ya?

Anyway, bought a bunch of new shit for my PC(by extension, helps me play games better), as well as The Ballad of Gay Tony.
Counter-Strike for Xbox is actually pretty good. I can't say the same thing for its community.
Ratchet and Clank - A Crack In Time £34.99

The Saboteur - £35.99

Saboteur may go back if it doesnt hold my attention, getting mixed reviews from bad to 'okay'.

And I dont care what anyone says, Ratchet and Clank is awesome in a...Harry Potter 'I-dont-want-to-admit-I-secretly-love-it' kind of way.

Tell me how the Saboteur is after you've played it a bit.
Went bargain bin hunting :)






Although borderlands is crap IMO, I regret that one :|
Tell me how the Saboteur is after you've played it a bit.


Its a good game. But its definitely not 'great'.

Sometimes the controls feel a bit unnatural. Aiming and firing feels a bit plain. Like theres no sense of the weapon being in your character's hands.

Its a bit too easy as well. The health regen comes in way too fast, and you take a ***t-load of bullets before it even needs to kick in.

HOWEVER, the open-world style of play is great. TRULY fun. Its like a mixture of Assassins Creed 2, but with the explosions and style of play that comes from Red Faction Guerrilla.

Its not quite GTA, more like Mafia but you can climb buildings.

You can climb up buildings, but this looks quite hilarious some times and requires pretty much no skill, but running around rooftops to escape the Huns and planting explosives on key structures without being seen is good fun.

Having black and white graphics with red flags and uniform tags to let you know which ones the germans are (though if youve ever played a WW2 game, you wont need the colour) adds a brilliant mix to the game. Its makes you feel more in connection with the period of the game, like playing through an old WW2 film in black and white. Its just a shame that the graphics get arguably worse as you clear an area and the colour comes back.

However, standing ontop of a building and seeing the dark areas clash with the coloured areas like storm clouds is quite beautiful.

Its very much a mix of Red Faction Guerrilla (key structures exploding with dynamite and the open-world free-roam that comes with it, as well as having the french resistance coming to your aid and fighting back zee germans), Assassins Creed (climbing) and GTA (car stealing, side missions etc).

It just...lacks the polish. 7/10 kind of game. Its good fun, and achievement grinders will love it for its collectables and trophies/achievements (blow up x amount of this, kill x amount of that etc). You just feel it could be better.

Recommend renting first, but at the same time, it IS worth the money...just..could be better.
Just got monopoly for the 360. I'm gutted it has no live multiplayer! GUTTED!!!
I also just got Saboteur only cause i got a 50 dollar gift card yesterday from work and the game is bad really bad, I would say get it if you havent played GTA 4 cause i'm comparing it to that . Just doesnt play well on the pc for some reason.
Mad World and Dead Space: Extraction on the Wii. Both dirt cheap and good fun.
I haven't played GTA4 yet, but I loved AC, and in some ways RF:G. Sounds like a good rental for me. Is every building destructible like in RF:G or is it just a few key points?
Assassin's Creed 2 and Wii Sports Resort (a present). Wii Sports Resort is actually better than I expected. Assassin's Creed 2 defies description.
I haven't played GTA4 yet, but I loved AC, and in some ways RF:G. Sounds like a good rental for me. Is every building destructible like in RF:G or is it just a few key points?

Pretty much only key points or cars. And theyre marked on the mini map.

Things like oil tanks, radio masts etc.

Good rental.

CE edition, only for $20 with the Bestbuy ad from Sundays paper!
Also got Metroid Prime Trilogy recently. Almost finished with the first game, but I just got a ps2, so it could take a while.
oh and I bought Torchlight and I hope its a sweet game. I just need to finish a few other games first like Dirt2 and Dragon Age (got bored so far)
whats xbl? yeah i know. thats the bad thing about having half ur friends on 360 ..and the other on ps3!
got ODST a few days ago. pretty good so far, but i heard its short so ill prolly be trading it in for the saboteur.
Halo Wars limited edition, was 'meh' at 49% off but the next day went for 55% off and I had to get it then.
BF2 Pack on Steam while it was on sale.
Zombie Driver.
Bought MW2 for the Xbox 360 on Ebay and I have been waiting for a week and a half and it still hasn't arrived yet. This is terrible.
You know you can open a dispute in ebay or paypal. Paypal will even refund purchases (below $2000)

Have patience though Bacons, sometimes shit takes a while. Speaking from experience.

Wouldn't hurt to send the seller a message.