Your Recent Purchases

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Smoking weed the fancy way now.

What do you do with that. Do you stick it up your ass!?

I really don't think there's a single one of you here who will understand how intensely excellent this item here is, and that is okay. I know that sleeping bodies hide sweet things inside.

Coraline - £5.99

I bought this book when I was 11 years old and kicking around the basement of a Boston bookstore with my stepsister. I can't really remember much about it, other than I got confused over the word "flat" being used to describe housing (please understand that up until the accident at age 17 I was in fact an American female). Anyway, anyway. My point here is that all these years I've told people and truly believed that I've never read anything by Neil Gaiman. But now I know.

I really don't think there's a single one of you here who will understand how intensely excellent this item here is, and that is okay. I know that sleeping bodies hide sweet things inside.

Colour press vinyl ftw. Very nice disc. I've no clue who it is, mind, but I'm a sucker for colour vinyl.

Speaking of vinyl, I gave my friend fifteen quid today (Paypal) to get this from a shop near his uni in Wales. It's all out of print everywhere else and he came back telling me there was a copy sitting in some dusty vinyl store. My Old Man Gloom collection is finally going to be complete. :D


Old Man Gloom - Seminar III: Zozobra.
I just bought Penumbra collectors edition off steam, and it barely runs on my laptop. Curses.
zomg how long have you been back Farrow? (I know I was gone for two years up until several months ago but I though you went away long before that.)

Last thing I bought was:


I really don't think there's a single one of you here who will understand how intensely excellent this item here is, and that is okay. I know that sleeping bodies hide sweet things inside.

Oh my god, is that one of the super-rare green vinyl copies of Moon Colony Bloodbath, of which there are only 100?!
got myself this today for $35 and used up the rest of my giftcard:

If you frequent the music forums you know :)
Wow Dog, I'm jealous. That Bass is gorgeous!! How does it play and sound?
Well it sounds amazing, neck is as smooth as... idk somethign really smooth... I'm not a bass player (I'm a guitar player), and even I have no problems playing it easy.

Schecter Custom 4 (Diamond \o/) only cost me $250 guy payed $850 for it and it was used when HE bought it.
I would love to buy pack of Field Notes, sadly I have no idea how to get them here in the third world.

Levi's, 2 jumpers paper thing and a collared shirt; and a few hair products.

I am not gay.

its close enough to what i actually bought. a waterproof safe for all my valuables. I'll probably fill it tonight

Not this time.

"Underwear Salesgirls take liberties with their female customers"


Hells yeah.

Why is she wearing boots under her underwear? In what universe does that make any sense? How did she get her pants off? Or did she put her boots back on again after she took her pants off, and if so: why? Isn't she trying on underwear, not boots?
Just bought new shoes. I was at McDonalds enjoying my food when i looked over at the store on the other side, it had big fat signs on it that said "60 % OFF" but in italian, so i ate my shit and went over there. The place was packed, me and my friend were lucky to get our shoes. These two pairs for a total of 32 euros.





I know right, it's got a bloody hand growing out of it.

I think I could challenge you for ugliest mugs though. I've got some mugs that I bought from the dollar store long ago. I actually got told, "That's the ugliest mug I've ever seen."
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