Your thoughts/specultions on HL2's current development status.

Originally posted by inevident
otomo just because the flying enemy thingie is stuck doesn't mean it CANT fly.. because it does attack you on one of the coast maps, and its just like in the E3 demo. I believe this is the build they used for E3, but that it just isn't compiled right... or perhaps they used multiple commands to get the maps working correctly. And to a previous poster, you DO get that pheromone (wtf? spelling?) and you CAN make the bugs go after it :)

All in all it could just be a stripped down version made solely for the E3 demonstration, and they just took out things to reduce the size (scary cuz its already pretty big).

You coudnt be anymore wrong, and I'll just leave it at that.
Originally posted by Ace
Now, not that I wanna ruin anything, but he actually threatens by releasing more, meaning the beta ISN'T neccessary ALL HE GOT!!
Alltough he states that the released *ALPHA* is all Valve got.
Quite the moment 22 here!

Would be nice if Valve could tell us _something_ about it, I mean, they cant have anything to loose about telling us "That *Alpha* isnt all we got". How hard can it be?

The hacker is full of shit, he said he will release a full pre-gold version of Half-Life 2 this past thursday, and what ..... nothing, why ? because he doesnt have squat.
that wasn't the hacker who said that that was proved false
Originally posted by otomo
that wasn't the hacker who said that that was proved false

Exactly, he doesnt have anything else, whatever he had is allover the net.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
The hacker is full of shit, he said he will release a full pre-gold version of Half-Life 2 this past thursday, and what ..... nothing, why ? because he doesnt have squat.

Actually, he didnt. He said that PRE GOLD release was fake.
"Regarding Half.Life.2.Pre.Gold-ANON:
This is fake, and I will never give out info about my releases
in public."

This doesnt mean that he DOESNT have it.
Originally posted by Ace
Actually, he didnt. He said that PRE GOLD release was fake.
That is, that it was supposed to be out soon. This doesnt mean that he DOESNT have it.

Ok then, so he has nothing else he can leak ... so now he can go to jail in quiet mind :laugh:
Uh, did you read that properly? (I edited the post also)

This DOES _NOT_ mean that he DOESNT have it. Meaning, that he CAN HAVE it, but its not released YET!!
Originally posted by Ace
Uh, did you read that properly? (I edited the post also)

This DOES _NOT_ mean that he DOESNT have it. Meaning, that he CAN HAVE it, but its not released YET!!

He doesnt have anything else, if he did it would be released by now, its all bullshit.
Who knows. Actually, somhow it would be nice if he did since then we all know the truth about how far Valve actually are (but obviously this pre gold is NOT the final (the most recent Valve themselfs got) - hence, they were hacked pre 30/9, 1-3 weeks before that date). But, if he DO release it, I bet its quite playable. And also, I dont wanna "hero" him, but it feels to me that he has released worse/more and more as time goes, to prove his point.

Question is now, what he waits for (maybe he's busted?)...

And as far as beeing a scriptkiddie/newbie hacker, I dont think so. Seems to me that he knew what he was doing. Its not that easy task, and surtainly nothing one do "just for fun" without beeing 100% sure you're safe! I mean, its VAVLE we are talking about! They surtainly dont gonna let the hacker go just like that, so then the hacker must be damn sure what he/she/they do. And even clean logs afterwards (although it seems Vavle didnt have much of a "firewall").

Also, if Vavle didnt have much of a firewall, I really wonder how they know what data went in and out... Guess their router logs some...maybe...
it is quite an accoplishment if one guy did that tho. did anyone catch that dateline or something where they tried hacking into a bank and they called up saying they were from a branch in another part of the usa and used a fake name and the secretary gave them the logon and password. the ant lions do follow the balls of scent but they just stand there even if its on an enemy maybe i have to exec a script or what but the balls are in it
I think this says it all.

Originally posted by link84
the ant lions do follow the balls of scent but they just stand there even if its on an enemy maybe i have to exec a script or what but the balls are in it

I had the same problem. Type give weapon_bugbait into the console in order to get it. If you have problems selecting it via the HUD, just use the "[" "]" keys to cycle between all your inventory in order to select it. If you can't see your HUD, impulse 101 usually makes it appear.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I had the same problem. Type give weapon_bugbait into the console in order to get it. If you have problems selecting it via the HUD, just use the "[" "]" keys to cycle between all your inventory in order to select it. If you can't see your HUD, impulse 101 usually makes it appear.

Actually, it worked fine.
The demo did NOT have this map, while as you can see it is done ...


Or this one

Originally posted by Hallucinogen
The demo did NOT have this map, while as you can see it is done ...


Or this one


Those links take me to a "Forbidden" page.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Copy and paste it into your browser.

K thx. Yeah, the hacker obviously didn't get all they had.

What are your impressions of the beta Hallucinogen?
Originally posted by spitcodfry
K thx. Yeah, the hacker obviously didn't get all they had.

What are your impressions of the beta Hallucinogen?

I had a blast playing it, even tho it was wrong, I couldnt help myself, I played every single level to the extent it allows me.
I turned every map upside down, some maps were 100% done and took about 25-40 minutes to complete, the AI sometimes were dumb but most of the times were acting like humans, all in all I was VERY impressed, and Im a difficult gamer to please :)
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
I had a blast playing it, even tho it was wrong, I couldnt help myself, I played every single level to the extent it allows me.
I turned every map upside down, some maps were 100% done and took about 25-40 minutes to complete, the AI sometimes were dumb but most of the times were acting like humans, all in all I was VERY impressed, and Im a difficult gamer to please :)

What's your fav level? Mine's the coast one where the gunship attacks the small outpost. Also the other coast one where you can squash the combine with the crane.
I still can't tear myself away from phystown and for some reason, techdemo 2.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
What's your fav level? Mine's the coast one where the gunship attacks the small outpost. Also the other coast one where you can squash the combine with the crane.

I LOVE the jail map, I couldnt stop playing it over and over, but I also had a blast at the Bank, there were like dozens of Combines all over chasing me, and I also had a close encounter with a Strider and Lion Ant Guard!! I recommend you to stay away from those 2, they will fack you up, just like they did to me :laugh:

BTW, at the Bank map, I spotted 2 diffrent kind of space ships ..... and I also had an enounter with the Assasin, one of his shots will kill your silly ass.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
What's your fav level? Mine's the coast one where the gunship attacks the small outpost. Also the other coast one where you can squash the combine with the crane.

Mine is the one where some guys come on the forums and spoil a bunch of scenes from the game. :P
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
Mine is the one where some guys come on the forums and spoil a bunch of scenes from the game. :P

Sorry m8...I couldn't resist.
For some reason I couldnt kill the damn Strider .... so I always had to run away into a building.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
I LOVE the jail map

Which one is that? The bug bait one? I'm not familiar with any 'jail' specific maps.
is there any way to turn ai on cause my ai just sits around
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Which one is that? The bug bait one? I'm not familiar with any 'jail' specific maps.

I think its bug_bait map (its inside jail) ..... thats where I fought the Ant Lion Guard, the 50ft tall Strider was on the Bank map.
i think bugbait gets old FAST since i watched the video 500000+ times
Originally posted by link84
is there any way to turn ai on cause my ai just sits around

Might want to try using ai_disable, but I think if the AI is a no go, its pretty much defunct period.
Originally posted by link84
is there any way to turn ai on cause my ai just sits around

The AI works fine actuailly, you might messed something up.
Originally posted by Whezzy
i think bugbait gets old FAST since i watched the video 500000+ times

LOL same...I found myself trying to duplicate everything the player in the vid did.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
LOL same...I found myself trying to duplicate everything the player in the vid did.

the ant lions never killed the guys and the guys never shot back :(
any1 notice in techdemo 2 the wood doesnt break when you shoot with your pistol?
But my really favorite map is the Bank, HUGE map, fully completed, all AI is there, TONS of action, the building is huge full of Combines while outside there is a WIERD spaceship .... not the one you guys always see, and thats where I found Strider.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
The AI works fine actuailly, you might messed something up.

AI works fine for me as well. The combine AI is VERY good on some maps. For instance when you're swinging the crane towards them they run for cover, and then run out to pop a few rounds off at you, and run back inside.
its just on the e3_ maps the ai is dumb cuz they are set off by triggers