Your thoughts/specultions on HL2's current development status.

Originally posted by Whezzy
any1 notice in techdemo 2 the wood doesnt break when you shoot with your pistol?

Yeah that kinda pissed me off...wished I could've done everything that was done in the vid. I've fooled around a lot on the map though, especially with the phys gun (version Gabe said was canned for the final build). I love experimenting with tossing all sorts of items in the water and see how they react. It's real fun to swim to the bottom and use the phys gun to drag floating objects to the bottom and then see them float back up. Also, the shader technology impresses me a lot. If you stand on the edge of the shallow area in the pool and look down you can faintly see the objects you've tossed in at the looks so real!
i pertend the dead combine guy is a a durnk guy in a bar eating watermelon....

i wish he dident can the other gun that on is waaaay beter then the other one... :(
lol why would they get rid of it? i can't play shooters with bad physics now.....
Originally posted by spitcodfry
AI works fine for me as well. The combine AI is VERY good on some maps. For instance when you're swinging the crane towards them they run for cover, and then run out to pop a few rounds off at you, and run back inside.

Eh, this seems to be getting a little too close to spoilers, although I also enjoyed that whole crane thing. And the water effects truly are superb, playing the canals part really show-cases the beauty of the water.

Also it seemed some of the parts were much further along than others, very uneven across the board. The level with the bridge and the buggy level seemed pretty good, while things like C17 levels were just complete shit. Very erratic build, in my opinion.

Has anyone got the prison maps working?
i dont have a leg i have a bent peice of metel where my left leg should be
Originally posted by Skullhair
I think they're pulling your leg Whezzy.

Actually, I dont pull anyones leg, I would post the pics of the Bank map, but I would get banned, so no.
all i need is the file name so i know what map to play ppllzzz!
Originally posted by otomo
what is the bank maps file name?

I dont wanna say it, cuz I dont like Whezzy, he talks too much shit (and he has been reported).
maybe you shouldent tell me to read more and you wouldent get flamed
Spitcodyfry: when i load up most levels.. i dont see any water.. just white lines where it is suppsoed to be.. do you know why this is??
dude take tht pic don you will get banned night hawk hurry b4 the mods see it!!!
Originally posted by genocide604
Spitcodyfry: when i load up most levels.. i dont see any water.. just white lines where it is suppsoed to be.. do you know why this is??

Thats why I'm glad I have a Radeon 9700 Pro :D:thumbs:
sorry if what i said hurt you it was more of a thing of you punch me i punch you back i guess i puch to hard srry

forgive me? i didnt know you got so mad
Originally posted by Whezzy
sorry if what i said hurt you it was more of a thing of you punch me i punch you back i guess i puch to hard srry

forgive me? i didnt know you got so mad

It didnt hurt me, why would it (its the internet), its just against the new rules thats all, thats why I didnt flame back.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
By posting a the pic you just proved my point, thanks.

I thought the 4 meant "4days until sept 30". Other than that, there's nothing proving this Beta is not old build...
Originally posted by Night-Hawk[Qc]
I thought the 4 meant "4days until sept 30". Other than that, there's nothing proving this Beta is not old build...

I thought so too, but I was wrong :)
As you can see, this "demo" is not even 25% complete .... what Valve has right now is about 95% of a complete game that is prolly gonna be out by christmas.
If this "demo" was recent do you really think they would announce christmas 2003 release ? hell no, why ? there is no way in hell they can complete 75% of the game in 2 months.
but you said "I dont wanna say it, cuz I dont like Whezzy" and you also said you reported me so i thought what i said made you mad at me...
Originally posted by Whezzy
but you said "I dont wanna say it, cuz I dont like Whezzy" and you also said you reported me so i thought what i said made you mad at me...

Naw, forget it, its all good ..... (im hungry im gonna go eat).
As you can see, this "demo" is not even 25% complete .... what Valve has right now is about 95% of a complete game that is prolly gonna be out by christmas.
If this "demo" was recent do you really think they would announce christmas 2003 release ? hell no, why ? there is no way in hell they can complete 75% of the game in 2 months.

Where did you come up with 25%, I dont mean to flame or anything, but it seems like people exagerate or just plain pull numbers out of their ass to prove some point they think they have. Anyway I think that the "beta" is at least 75% complete, and i think that the real VALVe one RIGHT NOW is proly like 98%, now im just pulling numbers outta my ass, but i dont think im exagerating at all. AHHHH, peace bro.
Originally posted by The Terminator
Where did you come up with 25%, I dont mean to flame or anything, but it seems like people exagerate or just plain pull numbers out of their ass to prove some point they think they have. Anyway I think that the "beta" is at least 75% complete, and i think that the real VALVe one RIGHT NOW is proly like 98%, now im just pulling numbers outta my ass, but i dont think im exagerating at all. AHHHH, peace bro.

Look at the demo man, does it look to you that it took them 5 years to make this ??? hell no!! come on dude.
This is prolly one of the 1st builds, older then the E3 demo, half of the maps are outdated and dont work, tons of texutres, weapons missing and what not.
I think, like its been said that the hacker didnt get everything/compile it all or correctly. I think that version is about 75% really. He just missed stuff, I agree with your pre e3 idea, but I HAVE to disagreee that its only 25% done, thats just rediculous when you think about it.
Originally posted by The Terminator
I think, like its been said that the hacker didnt get everything/compile it all or correctly. I think that version is about 75% really. He just missed stuff, I agree with your pre e3 idea, but I HAVE to disagreee that its only 25% done, thats just rediculous when you think about it.

Quite frankly, I dont even know what the **** is going on anymore and I dont even care anymore, Ill just wait for the final release.