Your Top 3 Games of all time (Excluding HL1 and 2)


Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Here's mine:

1. Deus Ex
(Classic game, possible the best and least disappointing ending of any game ever, pity about the sub-par sequel.)

2. The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
(Another classic, gaming perfection from Nintendo)

3. Golden Sun
(One of the longest, most beautiful and enjoyable RPG's ever, and it isn't even 3d!)

What about you guys?
TFC, does that count? :p

1. Deus Ex, probably really became a hit when I saw others play it, holy crap you can do it that way
2. GTA:VC, so many hours clocked on this thing, just loads of fun over and over.
3. Far Cry, solid fps, nice visuals, I love how it's so cheesy
1: Zelda - Ocarina of Time; I hope that the new Zelda coming this year on Gamecube will have the same atmosphere, IMO WindWaker suxx (if compared to other Zelda-Games)
2: Deus Ex; JC Denton 4eva
3: Metroid Prime
Super Mario World 3, the flutes, the 8-bit goodness, fun as hell when I was little

EverQuest (before Luclin expansion) back when the game was still pure and not addicting, nobody had 2 accounts playing at the same time to level up one guy faster, good times.

Hitman: Contracts, a really cool feel to the game, walking down the street with a briefcase in one hand and a .45 APC AMT Hardballer in the other, just a badass game.
Gothic 1 and 2
Star Wars X-Wing Alliance
Far Cry
Golden eyeN64
Elder Scrolls III

Elder Scrolls II

And... wait... no, I can remember it... Ah, yes:

Elder Scrolls I
1) Goldeneye 64
2) GTA: SA
3) GTA: VC
1 - Metroid Prime
2 - Chrono Trigger
3 - Resident Evil 4
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Monkey Ball II

I have an odd assortment....
Metal Gear Solid ( 1 )
Resident Evil: Nemesis

Thats the top 2..
World of Warcraft(this has got to be one of the most time ive spent on a videogame and still had fun)

Day of Defeat(dont play it anymore, but damn good times)

Goldeneye 64 (yeah alot of peopel say that, but it was just so much fun)

...theres others like rome total war which i coulda slapped on there, but theres too many good games so its impossible to make a top 3...for me atleast.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Unreal Tournament 2004
Deus Ex: Invisable War

Ooo controversial :D
Zelda OoT
Deus Ex
River City Ransom (they need to make a next gen version of this game
Deus Ex
Metal Gear Solid
Twisted Metal
ComradeBadger said:
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Unreal Tournament 2004
Deus Ex: Invisable War

Ooo controversial :D
Deus Ex IW?!?!?! Where you high when playing? That is the only reason I can find for it being one of the best games of all times :laugh:
dawdler said:
Deus Ex IW?!?!?! Where you high when playing? That is the only reason I can find for it being one of the best games of all times :laugh:
No, I just really liked it, enjoyed the first one too :)
Metal Gear Solid : 1,2 or 3 (can't decide)

HL1 & 2 wouldn't be on the top 3 even if this thread allowed it for me. These are my top 3 games overall.
1.Deus Ex
2. System Shock 2
3. Legend of Zelda : Ocarina Of Time
1) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Perfection)

2) Secret of Mana

3) Chrono Cross

Long live the adventure/RPG!!!!
*tetris (yes, face it, brilliant idea and hours of hours of hours of gameplay.. it's even got a multiplayer on the gameboy.. hehe.. it's the games of games)
*doom2 (hell.. i can't count the hours i've played this game)
*quake3 (best multiplayer ever.. besides cs, but i guess that's hl2 so it can't be in this list)

"descent" could be in there, too.. it was a great concept back then and it's still unique to this series... but i had to choose 3.. so.. make it a hard fight between q3 and descent...

hmm.. i am sure i'll remember quite a few others as soon as i have clicked on "post quick reply".. but heck.. those are at least AMONG the best.. :)
1. System Shock 2
2. Contra
3. River City Ransom. (Double Dragon kicked ass as well. Two player face kicking was awesome, until you reached the last boss where I succeeded in losing. I literally spent a month trying to beat the game.)
Metal Slug - whole series
007 Goldeneye - everything about it
Super Mario all Stars - classic game pack
Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn)

Carrier Command

Ocarina of Time
1. Goldeneye 64
2. World of Warcraft
3. Diablo II
1:Warcraft 3,reign of chaos,Frozen Throne and
World of Warcraft
2:Diablo 2
2:GTA Vice City,and the yet to be played San Andreas :thumbs:
Never thought hl as the best game, nor do I think so about the sequel.

1. Fallout 2
2. Fallout
3. Baldur's Gate 2