Your Top 3 Games of all time (Excluding HL1 and 2)

ahhh just remembered an awsome should have been on my top 3.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Monkey Island 1
Monkey Island 2

No game have made me feel like I want to be a part of it, when I played Monkey Island I wanted to be a pirate, when I played Loom I wanted to be a Loom wielding wizard..thing. I do love new games, but nothings made me want to be part of the game yet. Maybe its cus I was a kid when I first played those 3 games.
1. Diablo

2. Max Payne

3. Far Cry

4. Thief

5. StarCraft

Fallout 1 & 2
Xcom 1&2
Beneath the steel sky
Monkey island 2

warlords 1,2,3
settlers 1&2
Silent hill 2
Myst 4
Resident evil 4

All because of the great atmospheres. :thumbs:
Monkey Island 3
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow's
UT 2004

But there are soo many other games taht i love! :D
hmmm tough one ...ummm

return to castle wolfenstein/Enemy territory

GTA 3 vice city ..I really enjoyed it, tons o fun

tie between DoD, MoH AA, WoW
1. GoldenEye
2. Super Mario World
3. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
4. Mario 64
5. Alex Kid in Wonderland
6. Command and Conquer: Red Alert
7. Rise of Nations
8. Battlefield 1942
9. Call of Duty
10. Armoured Core

Couldn't resist :)
CptStern said:
hmmm tough one ...ummm

return to castle wolfenstein/Enemy territory

GTA 3 vice city ..I really enjoyed it, tons o fun

tie between DoD, MoH AA, WoW
yeah i like ET alot too but it seemed to have a lot of lag back when i was playing it, plus as i remember there werent many maps for it. Good game though.
Theif: Deadly Shadows
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Goldeneye 64
oh.. yeah.. i forgot about monkey island 1! guybrush threepwood rules! who's having a grog with me? :D
B.Calhoun said:
yeah i like ET alot too but it seemed to have a lot of lag back when i was playing it, plus as i remember there werent many maps for it. Good game though.

the lag was mostly fixed with the only official patch released ..there's also quite a few user made maps, not as good as the originals but some were quite excellent
The Secret of Monkey Island
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Phantasy Star IV
1 - hl1/hl2
2 - fallout 1/2
3 - mafia>gta series
4 - hidden and dangerous 1/2
System Shock 2 [PC]
Homeworld [PC]
Final Fantasy Tactics [PS1]
Ritz said:
Monkey Island 1
Monkey Island 2

No game have made me feel like I want to be a part of it, when I played Monkey Island I wanted to be a pirate, when I played Loom I wanted to be a Loom wielding wizard..thing. I do love new games, but nothings made me want to be part of the game yet. Maybe its cus I was a kid when I first played those 3 games.
Oh my lord! LOOM! That was the second PC game I ever played! E...F...E...C...heh heh! YES. One of my favorite gaming moments is turning the sheep green and having the dragon pick me up! Wooo...the memories.
CptStern said:
the lag was mostly fixed with the only official patch released ..there's also quite a few user made maps, not as good as the originals but some were quite excellent
Ah well i dont think I've played the custom maps for it. But i loved that snow map where the allies controlled that tank....oildump or something? ANyway it was awsome.
B.Calhoun said:
Ah well i dont think I've played the custom maps for it. But i loved that snow map where the allies controlled that tank....oildump or something? ANyway it was awsome.

ah fuel depot, ya excellent map ..that and Oasis (desert map). I've played ET since it came out and only put it down after the release of hl2... but boy did that game rock, if you were lucky to get on a good server with good players it was like no other game out there in terms of co-operative teamplay. Really hope something comparable is made using the doom3 engine, that would rock

Sorry but I like these nostalgic threads!

1. Deus Ex, I actually drool a little when I think of this game..

2. Morrowind, shame it was mostly unappreciated

3. Monkey Island!!

Special mentions for Goldeneye 64, Zelda 64 (OoT) and Mario 64

Did anyone else used to deliberately mis-match the insults in Monkey Island to make them funnier?
The 'how appropriate. You fight like a cow' response was funny with everything..

Edit; Edited due to the glaring omission of Sensible World Of Soccer! You can keep your Pro Evo and Fifa, best footie game ever.
1: Stunt Car Racer - Hours of fun!
2: Deus Ex - Seemed so open ended at the time, it rocked!
3: Starsiege Tribes

Bit of an odd bunch but those are the games that stick in my mind :)

Edit - good point, Morrowind, still playing that today. I installed it a few weeks ago because I can't wait for TES4 :o
1. Flimbos Quest (C64 - Oh the fun, i was only about 5 =D)
2. Super Mario World (SNES - Yoshi is the best)
3. C&C Red Alert (Playstation, PC - GDI & NOD if i remember correctly)
1. Final Fantasy VIII
2. System Shock 2
3. Silent Hill 2

I'm a sucker for atmosphere and story. :p
#1 xenogears - i love that game (i cant see how noone listed this game)
#2 Final Fantasy 7 - best of the series
#3 Final Fantasy Tactics - bad graphics but good gameplay
In random order:

-Fallout 2
-Mafia (actually GTA:VC was more fun, but this game had an awesome atmosphere)
-Deus Ex (played it maybe 6 months ago)
1 ) Starsiege Tribes(This was the pinnacle of my gaming years...)
2 ) The Neverhood(A claymation adventure game, and it's humorous!)
3 ) Discworld (Pretty funny adventure game...)
4 ) Half-Life
4.5 ) Half-Life : Opposing Force
xlucidx said:
1 ) Starsiege Tribes(This was the pinnacle of my gaming years...)
2 ) The Neverhood(A claymation adventure game, and it's humorous!)
3 ) Discworld (Pretty funny adventure game...)
4 ) Half-Life
4.5 ) Half-Life : Opposing Force
very OT..."Your Top 3 Games of all time (Excluding HL1 and 2)"
i simply cant decide. theres just way too many games that are all time favorites. but if i absolutely had to pick 3, they would be:

final fantasy 7
final fantasy 8
legend of zelda: a link to the past
Final Fantasy 7: Best RPG/Story driven game ever??

Baldurs Gate 1 and 2: Highly addictive

Mario Kart: Still play that bad boy quite a lot. The N64 version was good, but the original still the best.

EDIT: The GC Resident Evil remake should really be in here somewhere. By far the best atmosphere, best graphics, best use of story, etc etc in a game for a long time.
3 is just not enough!!! need 5 or 10

Gran Tourismo 4 -PS2
Street Fighter Capcom Vs.SNK EO -XBOX
GoldenEye 007 -N64

sadman said:
#1 xenogears - i love that game (i cant see how noone listed this game)
#2 Final Fantasy 7 - best of the series
#3 Final Fantasy Tactics - bad graphics but good gameplay
The combat in Xenogears is was REALLY tight

I never did get to finish that game... I sold it to my ex's little brother...

He gave me alot for it, saying the game was rare and hard to find.

I was disapointed that they didn't use that battle system in any future games... or did they?
schoppi said:
very OT..."Your Top 3 Games of all time (Excluding HL1 and 2)"
Yep. And his top 3 excluded those two games.
this is like the 182,293,394,390,423,345,332,6767,546 post on a topic, just like this one.