You're not as stupid as these people....

What's so bad about them? Are you denying that videogames are becoming a rapidly growing addiction among youngsters?
Yeah, they sort of have a point, but they go about it the wrong way. 'Feral' youngsters... Evil Entertainment Expo... the idiotic 'games teach kids how to kill' argument...
*sighs* More ignorant people. I'll bet none of the people involved in that site have even touched a videogame. A shame a lot of the facts on their fact page arent correct. Some of them probably came from 3rd rate research.
Just because a handfull of gamers do something stupid doesnt mean the millions of other gamers will do the exact same thing.

"Splinter Cell: How-To Kill"

ive played splinter cell. i knew how to kill people BEFORE i played it.

edit: OMFG:

Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) is a digital escape from the real world for emotionally unhealthy and mentally unstable people. It is a place for computer enthusiasts and social outcasts to gather un-bothered and un-harassed by the realities of real life.

gh0st said:
"Splinter Cell: How-To Kill"

ive played splinter cell. i knew how to kill people BEFORE i played it.

Hey mother****er, I don't make me come over there, hit e, point, click and blow your face off.
nw909 said:
Hey mother****er, I don't make me come over there, hit e, point, click and blow your face off.

hey **** you! ill leap in between 2 walls, using my superior inner thigh strength and wait for you to walk by.
what would they rather their kids be doing? outside robbing other people/underage drinking/smoking/drug abuse etc? i feel sorry for their kids though. probably have to eat 2kg of brocolli every dinner time :(
gh0st said:
hey **** you! ill leap in between 2 walls, using my superior innter thigh strength and wait for you to walk by.

Haha, I never understood that about SC, I think his legs would've given out eventually.
The site is a fake one just for a joke. If you do a whois you'll get the Organization as Dooball. Google for it and go to the first option. Then the email registration is a, just go to
Dedatorv said:
The site is a fake one just for a joke. If you do a whois you'll get the Organization as Dooball. Google for it and go to the first option. Then the email registration is a, just go to


No wonder all they're articles are offlien for editing...damn, I was really looking forward to writing them a letter of reasoned argument and having a good discussion...
lets all kill mothers :D that'll show em to think videogames make people violent.

edit: I am a momument to not reading all the posts near the end of the thread!
I hate people like this. Games do not teach me how to kill. If I fired a gun right now, I would probably have dislocated my shoulder. :O Games do not make me violent. My next-door neighbor, who is 3, punches hard for no reason, and he doesn't play violent video games. :|
Quote from site:
While videogame companies continue to market violence aimed at vulnerable children and young teens.

Hey, genius, how about the fact that violent games can't be even sold to kids, and if they do get a hold on them while underaged for them, it's your fault, not the developers, so time to shut the f*ck up with your whining and pointing the finger at someone else and time to start raising your children and paying attention on them and see what they buy and play.

Even if this is a hoax, there are plenty of parents who actually think like this. And I'm being generous in calling it thinking.
in my opinion
I hate this people that say that "this is bad for kids the kids sould not see this"
cuz is no just in videogames
is also in cartoons and stuff that the kids like
for example you know the card game Yu-gi-oh,is a card game that hav its own tv serie and is about that monster fights
well here are some schools that hav forbiden thats card cuz they say that are diabolics
and the monsters of the cards are not even ulgy, I even heard about schools that burns thats cards

is just so ridiculous
a solution for this is to tell the kids that all that are GAMES, just GAMES
for example here in m country are many gamers that hav in their head that the videogames are GAMES, eve the adicts to CS that spend hours in cybercafes
PvtRyan said:
Quote from site:

Hey, genius, how about the fact that violent games can't be even sold to kids, and if they do get a hold on them while underaged for them, it's your fault, not the developers, so time to shut the f*ck up with your whining and pointing the finger at someone else and time to start raising your children and paying attention on them and see what they buy and play.

Even if this is a hoax, there are plenty of parents who actually think like this. And I'm being generous in calling it thinking.
It's a hoax. has already been posted.

I commend the creator of this site though. It seemed like it really was a site made by mothers against videogame addiction and violence. I was in the process of writing a lengthy email about their unnecessary bias and stereotyping, and their sub-par research, when I was tipped off by reading through the ENTIRE thread :)
"e3-The evil entertainment expo" omg, im going to go hack them, retards

oh yea this too "Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) is a digital escape from the real world for emotionally unhealthy and mentally unstable people. It is a place for computer enthusiasts and social outcasts to gather un-bothered and un-harassed by the realities of real life.

While the focus and idea behind MMORPG seems utopian and innocent, the emotional and mental wellness of the gamer can be severely affected: increased anxiety and irritability, argumentative, appetite and weight loss, impaired judgment, paranoia, sadness and depression, loss of interest in appearance, and sleeplessness"

oh and this
"Danger: Do videogames teach people how to kill?
Yes. When videogames were linked to the Columbine high school shooters, a frenzy of new research was launched, in which, one team of researchers discovered that first person shooter games do indeed teach gamers with the basic knowledge of how to kill. This research arrived be so conclusive that the U.S. government Army developed a free videogame to be used as a virtual boot camp and killing simulator." Yup guys DOOM taught the columbine kids HOW to kill. That explains why they kill demons in doom. and doom was a shoot-em-up not anything like GTA. I could see them arguing GTA, but doom1???? pssh
Pauly said:
"e3-The evil entertainment expo" omg, im going to go hack them, retards

LoL I think the creator of that website had people like you in mind when he said:

I did not expect people to go out and start hunting me down (read below) on the web. A lot of newbs also thought they were elite hackers because they knew how to whois a domain. Congrats guys!
I was REAL close to sending them an angry letter, then i read this thread some more and found out it was a hoax. Made me feel like an idiot. :x
heh, it's quite an amusing site/hoax...
I wouldn't be suprised though if a organization like that exists/will exist