You've been playing too much CSS when... thread


Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
Erm yer whether this has been done already or not its always good fun....

1. You look at your kitchen tiles and comment on the really good bump mapping.

2. You start knocking cups off the table and knock over random objects because you are playing with the 'physics'.

3. You look at walls and do the *tss-tss* spraypaint sound

4. You know your 'Buy menu' number combination but not your own homephone.

5. You run over with a defuse kit to any flashing red LED

6. You admire the 'graphics' of the water in your bathtub

7. You search on eBay for months to compile an exact Terrorist skin.

8. You flashbang random corners of your neighbourhood

9. Assuming friendly fire is off, you thrash and slash your knife about your house... :naughty:

10. Spend weeks trying to spin a DEagle on your finger.

ern yea i will add more lata.... pretty crappy so jus add some betta ones :D
You know you've been playing css to much when you make a porn spray, so you dont have to alt+tab out and go to a website to do your buisness..

  • You go around shouting, "Fire in the hole!" And then duck behind objects.
  • You say "omg" and "pwned" in real-life (as in, pronouncing them)
  • When someone bothers you, you remark "I wish FF was on."
  • You constantly complain about the crappy textures outside.
  • You try to push people off high places to see how they will ragdoll.

Yah, I suck. :p
LMAO haha i say pwned in real life :D

what about...

you solemnly believe that you have no shadow

you get ur little brothers to stop running around the room because they are causing lag

you walk into someone, and say 'sorry, high ping' and assume you are appearing back and forth

you think saying 'Fire in the hole' sounds cool when you shout in in a crowd of people
You hear the little voice says "Ok let's go" from the sky when you wake up the morning.

You throw things on people's heads and say "Headshot"
when you start calling your friends by the name they use in cs.

when your "w" "a" "s" and "d" keys are faded.

when you see someone says press f10 for... you want to seriously KILL THEM!

when any other game just isnt fun anymore.

:borg: respond with "Affirmative" or "Roger that" in place of "yes".
You crouch each time you see your friend you used to play with.
You try to disarm your alarm clock in the morning
You name the hostages and have imaginary conversations
Chris_D said: respond with "Affirmative" or "Roger that" in place of "yes".

I do that anyway.

"You take the point" can be used as "You go first"
1. You look at your kitchen tiles and comment on the really good bump mapping.

6. You admire the 'graphics' of the water in your bathtub

i actually do these when i come to think of it. it's sad.
Suspect anyone wearing a balaclava and carrying an AK to be a terrorist.

Throw rocks at cats and small people shouting "Fire in the hole!"
when u go to call someone but instead of their phone number, u press "7355608".
AcousticToad said:
Suspect anyone wearing a balaclava and carrying an AK to be a terrorist.

Throw rocks at cats and small people shouting "Fire in the hole!"

lol i would assume most random people carrying an AK are!

. you replace the word wait with camp.. ie, 'have you been camping for long', or 'nice of you to camp for me' :naughty:

. you throw replica weapons all over the house, claiming ur G button is stuck down

. you go to a graveyard to play with corpses

. you have a CS bedcover set :D

. you redesign your garden into a minature de_dust

pff im a bit crap now, im tired lol run out of your place of work screaming "Get out of there it's gonna blow!"

They got so shitty with me about that ;(
haha these are really funny, and at the same time sad...
i do some of these things. i have been admiring the "graphics" outside and around the house since i had seen the bink vids... and yeah i say stupid things like pwned and lol in real life. hehe. too funny
oh yeah ....those f10 people have to die, and when they are on my team i wish ff was on....

when flash bangs do nothing to you on dust...
after eating dinner you take your butterknife and start slashing random things around you (i.e your dog or cat)

then laugh and say "PWNED"
I've started yelling "fall back!" when people walk too far ahead...
You know wouve been playing to much css when you make a "you know youve been playing a css when" thread......
when you are at a mate's and their mother in law is visiting.. she drops something and you say out loud "good game owned grandma"

yeah that one got me in trouble.
mayfer said:
1. You look at your kitchen tiles and comment on the really good bump mapping.

6. You admire the 'graphics' of the water in your bathtub

i actually do these when i come to think of it. it's sad.

ahahaha, same.
When outside you remark about how poor the lighting is and the horribly dated graphics.


When outside you remark, "Valve could do better."
if you go jogging with freinds, youll hear a "stick together team"
and run with your heads crouched with your water bottle as a deagle or smg, lol
SubKamran said:
When outside you remark about how poor the lighting is and the horribly dated graphics.


When outside you remark, "Valve could do better."

Hahahaha I laughed at that :cheers:
and when you see something funny, or like something you see you look for the nearest the "printscreenbutton" or "f button". lol ok, thats me done ... im crap at thiss :D
You run whilst holding a knife to get to work quicker...
Awww god, the amount of these I do is really quite disturbing.

When you get stuck in a traffic jam you start yelling at imaginary server admins to "get rid of the fkn lag".
when you think you can respawn in the next round after jumping from a high building........
...someone in real life asks you any question and you say "F10, F10 honestly!" go out of your house, shoot five people in a row and say "lol". try to download a new skin for your girlfriend.

...whenever you go into the room you do a quick sweep across for enemies. want to talk to someone and you automatically put out your hands to reach a keyboard go somewhere new and say "which map is this anyway?" see anyone in normal clothes, go up to them, say "follow me" and try dragging them away.

...whenever you are at work you keep hitting TAB to see how you are doing compared to your collagues

...whenver you dont see a cross in the center of your vision you say "i didnt know I had bought a sniper rifle".

I've dried up ;(
.. when your mother pulls away the curtains in the morning you yell: "OMG N00b!! Stop the fu**ing teamflashing!"

.. whenever you see people falling over you can't believe how nice the Valve-ragdoll is, and you press F5 to send a screenshot to csnation and hope it gets chosen for "Picture of the day".
fpsxcore said:
when you start calling your friends by the name they use in cs.

when your "w" "a" "s" and "d" keys are faded.

when you see someone says press f10 for... you want to seriously KILL THEM!

when any other game just isnt fun anymore.


OMG my WASD have been faded
`unreal: I wish that chick in your avater was your sister... If so, give me your adress.. :p Hot!
Okay a boring one but CS is giving me a bloody tooth ;)

"When you have a ratio better than 2:1"
hahah that running with the knife one is soo funny lmao

and everyone keeps asking, but the chick in my avatar is my girlfriend!!!11oneone shes called jenny, u can fantasize all you want but only i have her... and we are both 16 now.... hehehehe :p :naughty:

how about...

. anyone standing up straight immediately becomes a hostage

. you jump on people attempting to get somewhere high

. you are furious that toy shops dont sell toy AWPs.

man i seriously cant think of any... give me more time later lol
AntiAnto said:
You throw things on people's heads and say "Headshot"


I do say pwned, owned, and rofl (Rahhfull) at school...

ok ok heres one:

... when your playing dodgeball and the pitcher throws the ball at you, and it almost hits your head, but you luckily dodge it in time, and you yell, "AIMBOT HACKER!!!"

That actualy happened to me once...Last year at school I called people wallhackers a lot....