You've been playing too much CSS when... thread

Everytime you want to say something, you stand still for a second or two, then mumble some words that are incredibly incoherrant, then corect yourself.

O my god, what are u talking about "Unreal", saying the girl in ur avatar is ur 16 yr old girlfriend. She is in a UK pop girl band called Girls Aloud, who are pretty big here in England; just u wont have heard of them in the USA. Her real name is Cheryl Tweedy, and ur talking crap even thinking that she is ur girl friend u sad person "from teh ghetto".
Just go on then images, and type in "Cherly Tweedy Girls Aloud" and ull know the truth.
You have been playing too much CS:S when you run around your house and pretending your banana is an AK47 while you are wearing a ski mask over your face...
Danimal said:
You have been playing too much CS:S when you run around your house and pretending your banana is an AK47 while you are wearing a ski mask over your face...
your "banana" ?
LawOfTheStraw said:
You know your g/f has been playing to much CS:Source when during sex she puts on a radio voice and shouts GET OUTTA THERE ITS GONNA BLOW!!!!
too funny
SimonomiS said:
You give your girlfriend a facial while goin "HEADSHOT!"
when "you have two buckets to piss and shit in right next to your computer"

when "you have amputated ur right hand and replaced it with a mouse"

when "you are mixing up quick switching and wacking of"

when "you burst into a crowded area , arrange them next to a glass window, and throw a couple of HE grenades at there feet, whilst trying to see the rate of change in ur fps"

when "you keep seeing the HUD in the top of your vision"
swiss said:
O my god, what are u talking about "Unreal", saying the girl in ur avatar is ur 16 yr old girlfriend. She is in a UK pop girl band called Girls Aloud, who are pretty big here in England; just u wont have heard of them in the USA. Her real name is Cheryl Tweedy, and ur talking crap even thinking that she is ur girl friend u sad person "from teh ghetto".
Just go on then images, and type in "Cherly Tweedy Girls Aloud" and ull know the truth.

haha well done thts what i said to him in college i was wondering how long it would take for some1 to notice....
B-MAn said:
haha well done thts what i said to him in college i was wondering how long it would take for some1 to notice....

HAHA init took long enough, geez. :D :rolleyes:
so yea carrying on with the theme...

when you ask where the alt-fire is on a real weapon

when you get tired/exhausted and claim ur ping has skyrocketed

when you are too tired to get out of bed, so u shout 'fek orf, i am updatin' at your mother

when you forget to breathe during slug fights

when you create an art exhibition full of large canvas screenshots of funny/gay ragdoll poses in some famous gallery

perhaps i am better with avatar fibbing than this :naughty:
Some_God said:
When you type/write "y" before everything you say. :E

Lol, the amount of these so far, im wondering, does anyone rebind it to something else?
When you get your phone out before it rings, so you can press 'Q' to quick switch to it.

When you can communicate with friends by just saying C2(enemy spotted) or z5(follow me!)

When you are at a cinema and want to type 'timeleft' to see how long till the end, or 'nextmap' in front of the t.v. to see the next programme

When your pen runs out, you switch to a pistol instead of another pen :)

thats all i got for now...
Hectic Glenn said:
When you get your phone out before it rings, so you can press 'Q' to quick switch to it.
LOL i can relate to that :D

i have exhausted my mind thru this... must.. make.. one.. more....


you have %n in your msn name..

you need no toilet since there are none in the world of css (except office, but they are locked:hmph: )

you attempt to 'walk' up ladders than climb

you have an animated pr0n spray on the wall opposite your bed for fun times...

yes. im still crap :D
SimonomiS said:
Lol, the amount of these so far, im wondering, does anyone rebind it to something else?

i have norm talk as L and team talk as K

yui are radios
When theres a big traffic jam, and u must get to work, you say: OMG steam Blows!
When you're at the firing range, you hit a target in the head with a shot and expect to see "OMG GAY HAXXOR ******" in the lower left corner of your vision.
Zeus said:
When you're at the firing range, you hit a target in the head with a shot and expect to see "OMG GAY HAXXOR ******" in the lower left corner of your vision.

Rofl..How real.
When you see some rubbish bags and you want to get out you frag nades and want to see them fly around the streets.
when you are in a queue, so you shout 'fkin blockers!' and start crouch-jumping on them to get in front

when you get into a deep arguement about whoes better; terrorists or Ct's

when you keep a glock/usp under your pillow
When you never ever liked CS, you never played it.

and now you are enjoying and are getting pretty decent in CS:S...
Mr. Redundant said:
When you never ever liked CS, you never played it.

and now you are enjoying and are getting pretty decent in CS:S...

wtf :|
`unreal said:
it was in response to the "you've been playing too much css when" question.

well I have been playing it so much that I actually ENJOY the gameplay.... and I was implying that was pretty significant because I hated CS.
ooooo ok i understand, i kinda understood it but i didnt wanna change my stupid response cuz my friend laughed at my e-stupidity :)

yea i only been playin CS about 2 months before the CSS beta came out, so i kind of lack experience. i guess i hated it too, but u cant say till you pay.
When you see somebody laying on the ground, you yell "OMFG HAX!"

When you put popcorn in the microwave, you crouch in a corner holding a toy AK, and when it's 5 seconds 'till done, you run to the other side of the house.

When your brother/sister is playing loud music or screaming/yelling, you yell "STOP SPAMMING THE VOICE CHAT, NOOB!"

When you have the sudden urge to sneak up on friends/family members and whack them on the back with a toy knife, expecting them to fall over and die.

When you think you can reload while climbing a ladder.
swiss said:
O my god, what are u talking about "Unreal", saying the girl in ur avatar is ur 16 yr old girlfriend. She is in a UK pop girl band called Girls Aloud, who are pretty big here in England; just u wont have heard of them in the USA. Her real name is Cheryl Tweedy, and ur talking crap even thinking that she is ur girl friend u sad person "from teh ghetto".
Just go on then images, and type in "Cherly Tweedy Girls Aloud" and ull know the truth.

I like you signature man, good to see some people still listening to that good music.

-when youre trying to convince almost every friend you have to start playing css.
-when you put your remote in your hand so its just the barrel of a deagle and shoot at the bad guys on tv.
-when you go sit behind your computer and the server is loaded you make a loud noise of relief to be back. (-> ehhhhhhhhh :D)

Not funny, but all sO true.
...when you watch a movie and see a sniper, you loudly shout out : "0mfg! It's an AWP whore!" and start to throw your popcorn at the screen.

...when you think the new T model is sexy :p

...When someone jumps farther than you in long jump, you call them a hacker.
if you think about counter-strike radio commands sexually, like "get in position and wait for my go" or "need backup"

if camping does not involve smores and a big tent.

if your computer is booting up, your hands automatically go to the w,s,a, d, and spacebar keys.

If you post in year old threads.


Hmm, what the hell.

When looking at the concrete on your way to work burns your eyes.
When you walk through a tall building (i.e. Home Depot) and see perfect camping spots.
You can re-draw entire map layouts from memory.

I think some of you should try it too :p
When hunting you jump out from behind a tree, shoot, quickly pull out your knife and jump back.

That was kinda weak, but picture someone doing that! hahaha
crusty B said:
when u go to call someone but instead of their phone number, u press "7355608".
When you've memorized the key sequence that's pressed when planting the bomb. :|
sinkoman said:
If you post in year old threads.


Hmm, what the hell.

When looking at the concrete on your way to work burns your eyes.

Seriously that happened a few days ago for me.
I ran outside and looked at the concrete, and it was BLINDING!! (Partly because it was a hella sunny day.)
GordonFreeman911 said:
Seriously that happened a few days ago for me.
I ran outside and looked at the concrete, and it was BLINDING!! (Partly because it was a hella sunny day.)
Musta been de_dust.
[SwG]Headshot said:
You have dreams where you're playing CS.
You think real life guns suck because they're bad in CS
p.s.-I have had like 3 dreams about CS :cheese:

That is pretty much a nightly thing for me :borg: