Zalman CNPS7000A-Cu CPU Cooler

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dude cmon, i realy wanna buy that cooler, but i dought they gave it a right review,
You want to buy that zalmans and use the duct? eh don't think it will work.
The duct connects to a 80mm fan which is on the heatsink. That zalmans wouldn't work bud.

That cooler is 43$ on newegg with 5$ shipping.
Why not get this cooler for 40$ and free shipping?
It is better than the zalmans plus it looks like it would work with the duct.
I got a SLK800U btw...this a tad better.
Just need to add a fan.
ya i know me and rabies have talked about this, but lately ive been just rearranging all my stuff around, if i can get the true story of a duct doing 35 at load temps, then ill get a good fan that supports the duct, i konw the zalman wont, but if the zalman does 30ish temps also i dont mind that eighter. see what im saying, im just realy picky, i wanna explore all options
Um you should know that temps aren't everything, its how much heat it can dissapeat, for example if you have that heatsink and a 10$ they both will be almost as efficient when you aren't overclocking, but when you are overclocking and have raised the vcore a little the temps will increase dramatically on the 10$ heatsink then with the zalman because it can dissipate even more heat then the 10$ heatsink. And those temps ARE wrong, as my friend has the same heatsink and he gets 35 idle and 38 load. And why don't i have a heatsink like that? well because im running water cooling, ive oced to 2300 mhz from stock 1700+ speeds (1.4ghz...i think) yet my temps are the same now then it was with my stock cooling (30 idle, 35 load) but my current setup can take away alot more heat from my cpu then my HSF could.
Either that reviewer A) used the shitty thermal grease that comes with the Zalman, B) used too little or too much thermal grease or set it incorrectly, C) has aweful circulation through his case or D) is doing his tests in a very warm environment.

I can run my 2.4c (M0 stepping) @ 290FSB (3.5GHz) using my Zalman with Artic Silver Ceramique and I still don't break 45º C. I've got it housed in an aluminum case with two 80mm 34.1CFM intake fans, two 80mm 34.1CFM outtake fans, and tidy wire (makes at least a 5º C difference).

The HS Asus suggested is a great one, I used to have the slk900u. But to get better cooling than the Zalman, you have to use a powerful fan like the 92mm Vantec Tornado, that sounds like a vacuum cleaner in your case. You can use a rheobus to slow down the fan to acceptable levels, but at half impulse the slk900u/tornado combo is comparable to a Zalman.

What MaxiKana said is true. The temperature of your cpu with are cooling at idle/load is proportional to the ambient temperature of the room it's in. An 800MHz FSB P4 has a huge heat threshold, Intel's site says it can stand up to 73º C without dying. As a rule of thumb us overclockers never like to see temps over 55º C. But the temperature isn't the issue, a 55ºC P4 will run just as well as a 30ºC P4, but only if you can keep those temperatures stable. In order to get your chip physically running faster, you have to cool it to sub-zero temps where the electrons can move much easier, and needless to say you're not gonna pull that off on air.
Hyenolie, STOP opening threads, asking for advice and taking your own advice and screwing everyone over. There must be over 15 threads you have made for advice, and you havnt taken the advice.

Please, make one thread and ask all your questions in there.
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