Zell Miller = Funniest man in Amerrrca

This link is very safe.. don't worry. And it is hilarious.
I'm having a hard time trying to locate 'Amerrrca' on the map.
I might be retarded though.
Tredoslop said:
I'm having a hard time trying to locate 'Amerrrca' on the map.
I might be retarded though.
So I wasnt alone.... On searching for Amerrrca... not retarded.
ROFL! "I wish we were back in the times when I can challenge you to a duel."

Bah, you conservatives took my perfectly harmless topic and made it political. Shame on you and your wives!
Zel Miller was owned on CNN right after his speach. Turns out Cheney voted against MANY of the same things Kerry voted against. Turns out Zel Miller is only a "democrat" because his parents were. The guy couldn't answer questions, he simply said "Well I don't know about that" when told that Cheney voted the same way Kerry did. When the reporters further pursued it, he said something to the extent of "I'm here to talk about Kerry, if you want to talk to Cheney, go talk to him personally". IE: He got trapped, he realized he was wrong, and pleaded stupidity and ignorance. The guy is a liar, don't believe ANYTHING he said...
Jmechy said:
Zel Miller was owned on CNN right after his speach. Turns out Cheney voted against MANY of the same things Kerry voted against. Turns out Zel Miller is only a "democrat" because his parents were. The guy couldn't answer questions, he simply said "Well I don't know about that" when told that Cheney voted the same way Kerry did. When the reporters further pursued it, he said something to the extent of "I'm here to talk about Kerry, if you want to talk to Cheney, go talk to him personally". IE: He got trapped, he realized he was wrong, and pleaded stupidity and ignorance. The guy is a liar, don't believe ANYTHING he said...

heheeyeah.. just like all republicans are liars! DAMN THOSE REPUBLICANS!
Well, I just got done watching the rest of the Republican Convention. As you know im pretty much a day ahead of you all and the convention was on live during the daytime, when I wasn't home to watch it. So, I watched it streaming from Fox News. It was a great convention and I think President Bush has pretty much sealed the deal. If Kerry wants to win in Nov he better do some pretty heavy sweet talkin' and more. Personally, i think Kerry has no substance and no solid ground in which to run his campaign against the President.. i mean what does Kerry got besides the fact that "Bush has got to go." So, what if Kerry won the election and Bush has gone.. what then? What is Kerry going to do? Kerry gives no clear vision and unlike President Bush, has not had a record of results. Instead, however, he continues to take different sides.. like a ship sailing on rough waters, the continuous rocking back and forth is making me sick. Kerry has no Idea where he wants to lead this country and thats all the more reason to vote for Bush in Nov.

.. Just my thoughts.
I got bored after he spent the first three minutes of the speech just saying 'family' over and over again.

Here's my speech for the RNC:

September Eleventh.
George W. Bush!
September Eleventh.
When I was a lad...
War On Terror.
When I was a lad...
George W. Bush!

Thank you and God bless.
Dubbaya: proudly abusing the politics of fear and the Christian faith since day one!
I have no clue about the speech or who the guy was trying to get ellected but i fully agree with the attack on the reporter. That reporter was pissing me off from the start.
Jmechy said:
Dubbaya: proudly abusing the politics of fear and the Christian faith since day one!

How is he abusing politics of fear and of the Christian faith?

Is it wrong to promote your Christian values and beliefs to guide you in leading a country? To me, it sounds like you think he is hiding behind religion only to use it to his advantage. Thats not true because people who hide behind religion dont typically live up to the actual teachings (terrorists, for example, who hijack Islam in order to justify thier own cause).
Zell Miller should just change his affilation to Rebulican. I've never seen an angrier, more hate-filled speech.
When it comes to republicans, liberals think everything about us is hate-filled. Might as well give em a reason to think that huh? :D

The amount of disgust Senator Miller has with the Democratic Party is no match for the hate liberals have for GW Bush.
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
I think President Bush has pretty much sealed the deal.
C-O-N-Spiracy, are we thinking of the same speech? It's just the same rhetoric Bush has been pumping out the entire time. Didn't he promise a lot of this years ago and fail to deliver? Why is a bad track record better than a clean slate?

Also, as was concluded (repeatedly) in the last several political debates on these forums, Bush and Cheney each did about as much "flip-flopping" as John Kerry. On the surface everyone seems to vote inconsistently because of dirty tricks that both sides pull in Congress. For example, you could try to pass legislature that gives more support to veterans and their families while tacking on a little bit that says "anyone wearing red on a friday will be shot on sight" (well, not something that extreme, but something they will never support) Then, your opponent votes against it because of that and you bombard him in the media about how he voted against supporting the poor, old war veterans and their families. In that situation either way they vote, they lose (if you give it enough press... and you've got to admit, conservatives are definately more organized in distributing talking points rapidly throughout their media outlets). If someone's voting sounds suspicious and/or inconsistent you should probably look deeper for political trickery. So, for the last time, enough with the "flip-flopper" argument...

Anyway, back to the speech:

I believe every child can learn and every school must teach -- so we passed the most important federal education reform in history. Because we acted, children are making sustained progress in reading and math, America's schools are getting better, and nothing will hold us back.
"Important programs for comprehensive school reform, rural education, dropout prevention, school counseling, training teachers to use technology and a program to provide resources to reduce class size were all eliminated from Bush's FY 2004 budget. Each program was part of Bush's own No Child Left Behind Act."

"In February 2003, the bipartisan National Governors Association voted unanimously to label Bush's No Child Left Behind Act an unfunded mandate, along with special education, homeland security and Medicaid. A November 2003 survey of nearly 2,000 superintendents and principals found that 9 in 10 viewed No Child Left Behind as an unfunded mandate."

"The law's mandated student testing and teacher training have come with little funding, forcing many low-income schools to choose between investing in core academic offerings or paying for the new requirements"

"This lack of sufficient resources comes as cash-strapped school districts are paying for more bureaucracy, standardized testing, transportation, private tutoring, and other costly demands under the 'No Child Left Behind' law. Because of last year's inadequate funding, half of the nation's 15,000 school districts will have less federal aid for poor children this fall."

"As a recent government memo also made clear, the Administration proposes to cut all federal education funding by $1.5 billion next year and to freeze it at that level for the next three years . . . Further, deeper cuts are proposed for fiscal 2006. This is clearly moving us in the wrong direction."

I believe we have a moral responsibility to honor America's seniors -- so I brought Republicans and Democrats together to strengthen Medicare. Now seniors are getting immediate help buying medicine. Soon every senior will be able to get prescription drug coverage and nothing will hold us back.
"Bush Medicare plan increases drug costs for low-income seniors. Under the new Bush Medicare legislation, the poorest 6 million American seniors lost their federal eligibility for Medicaid, exposing them to substantially higher drug costs. They will face higher co-pays on drugs -- and that will increase over time as prices are allowed to rise an estimated 10 percent per year. The plan also allows providers to limit drug coverage, meaning seniors might actually lose coverage under the law."

I believe in the energy and innovative spirit of America's workers, entrepreneurs, farmers and ranchers -- so we unleashed that energy with the largest tax relief in a generation. Because we acted, our economy is growing again, and creating jobs and nothing will hold us back.
Number of jobs lost in the private sector since Bush took office: 2,931,000
Average number of jobs created monthly under every President since Truman: 135,000
Average number of jobs created monthly under Bush: -79,189
Increase in the unemployment rate since Bush took office: 37 percent

Bush's budget deficit for 2004 exceeds the highest budget deficit in history, which was (coincidentally?) posted in 1992 by his father. It's even more amazing considering the huge surplus he was given to start with.

If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. This will not happen on my watch.
Come on, he doesn't even try to logically back up that prediction. It's just a pure and simple case of using emotions and fear to attempt to control people that are easily influenced. Anyway, he's sure pissing off countries left and right. So, there are probably more angry potential terrorists... then they go on TV saying how bad our intelligence is? In my opinion, that's pretty much asking to be attacked.

I am running with a compassionate conservative philosophy: that government should help people improve their lives, not try to run their lives.
I'm amazed at how he can say that with a straight (no pun intended) face while trying to write a ban on homosexual marriage into the Constitution. The United States of America was founded by a big mixed group of social/political/religious outcasts and, since the beginning, one of the most important aspects of this country has been its tolerance of all kinds of people... so long as their actions don't harm anyone else. Our laws were not copied from any specific religion. Our laws are based on ideas that were around long before the Bible. Sure, Christian laws may sound good from a Christian perspective but they are disrespectful to people of other religions (or people that lack religion). Homosexuality may not be right in my eyes, but I have no authority to impose my will upon people that do not share my beliefs. Whether or not they are allowed to marry has no tangible effect on my life, or that of anyone other than themselves. Now, if gay marriage involved human sacrifices or lynchings... that would be a different story.

To create jobs, we will make our country less dependent on foreign sources of energy.
Last I heard, the plans he proposed to help get us off of "foreign sources of energy" won't start to go into effect for 10-15 years. It's just an empty promise to seem more environmentally concerned. He just makes the promises while the later administrations will be left to sweat the details and do all of the dirty work.

To be fair, there are some things my opponent is for -- he's proposed more than two trillion dollars in new federal spending so far, and that's a lot, even for a senator from Massachusetts. To pay for that spending, he is running on a platform of increasing taxes -- and that's the kind of promise a politician usually keeps.
The government has the authority to tax because taxing is the only effective way the government can fund all of the necessary projects. We're in a huge deficit because Georgie kept spending money while cutting taxes and going to war. A lot of his projects are significantly underfunded... yet he wants to cut taxes even more? Right now, we can't just keep cutting taxes and expecting things to magically get better. We are spread too thin as it is. If we are going to stay in Iraq (or similar wars in the future) we need to at least temporarily increase taxes somewhat to pay for the war without cutting into money designated for use in education/healthcare/etc.

At every election I keep hoping the politicians (all of them) won't do the same campaign tactics they've been using every year since as long as I can remember, but it never fails. Am I just too idealistic? I think we should have listened to George Washington when he warned of the dangers of the emergence of political parties. Oh well, it's too late now.

EDIT: Oh yeah, before anyone mentions it, I'm sorry about the lack of documentation. I'm in a hurry to get to sleep. It's 8AM here.
Heh... Miller's speech in short:
'I love my feeeemly, I love Amerrrrrca, we must defend frrrrrreeeeeedom, democrats are evillll, we must rrrrraaape other cunnnntries for frrrreedooommmm.'

They sound just as fundamentalistic as the muslim extremists they're fighting, too bad they don't see it themselves..
I think Zell Miller stamped down the Democrats, and now their only way to ridicule Zell Miller is that boo-boo he had on Hardball.

I will say, Chris had it coming. He is a Democrat, and his questions are always aggressively pushed when talking with Republicans.

Zell Miller could'nt finish any of the questions because Chris kept running over him, that, and he was surrounded with the anti-bush crowd, so thats not a very welcoming image to debate for a republican.
I kinda got a laugh, but Jim Norton is still alot funnier.
the only sentence worth reading:

"here lies a president" taken out of it's context it actually makes sense:

"here lies a president":

Let's look at some of the things ol' muckraking propaganda chewing Zell Miller has to say:


"saving freedom"

"fight for freedom over tyranny"

"a military of liberators"

"a soldier gave us ...freedom of the press"

"defenders of freedom at home"


American troops occupiers rather than liberators

freedom to abuse

don't waste your breath

This politician wants to be leader of the free world

Free for how long

just plain stupid/bigoted remarks:

"Kerry would let Paris decide when America needs defending"

see? taken out of context ol' fire and brimstone Zell Miller sounds quite reasonable :E

anybody but bush 04
Watch the dalily show they nailed it on the head

lmao, if you republicans, or anyone for that matter wants to stick up for zell miller or even buy into any of the bs he said then your more retarded than I give you credit for (Yup i'm talking to you seinfield)

It was freakin' hilarious when chris mathews asked him if he REALLy thought john kerry would have soldiers use spitballs to defend themselves (miller's own words) and miller was so dumbfounded, the best he could say was "I wish we still lived in a time where I could challenge you to a duel"

'I love my feeeemly, I love Amerrrrrca, we must defend frrrrrreeeeeedom, democrats are evillll, we must rrrrraaape other cunnnntries for frrrreedooommmm.'

As if? Some people are getting themselves way to extreme for this whole election. Stop inserting reasons not even specified, or issues not even debateable because they were not forementioned to apart of this parties (Republicans) cause.

Beyond that, its not a very legitimate stance to take, and not a very good one to be taken literal for acknowledging of debate.

Turns out Zel Miller is only a "democrat" because his parents were.

I disagree. CNN has had no programming ever detailing that, or even suggesting a ploy along those lines.

To Comment Personally: His reason for becoming a Democrat is due to "Southern Liberals" having more leeway in Congressional Office and Senate. Him joining his party, was based on an uncomfortable stance with what some of the Republicans were, and because the Democrats held a majority vote over a Republican signature.

The guy couldn't answer questions, he simply said "Well I don't know about that" when told that Cheney voted the same way Kerry did. When the reporters further pursued it, he said something to the extent of "I'm here to talk about Kerry, if you want to talk to Cheney, go talk to him personally".

First, the interview took place with a extremist Democrat. Hardball, with Chris Matthews, is'int the most intelligible of Television Forum's to watch or hold debate. Chris Matthews designed his show in a way that acknowledged sarcasm or handwaving issues as being legitimate in your opinion(s).

Its why the show is called "Hardball". Its meant to be intense, and real throwing.

(Side Note: His show rarely attracts any real political attentions, but he got lucky. I was told that the interview was'nt supposed to take that long at all, and not even with Zell).

Second. Chris Matthews chose to setup his box right around a group of Protestors called, "DAA!", Democrats Against Assholes. For those of you who are'nt familiar with the party, its the one who snuck in two women during Bushes speech simply to disrupt it.

If you'll notice, the Protestors use taunts against Zell, such as booing or flipping him the bird. Most of them where, "thumbs down" handsignals whenever Zell Miller gave a comment to what Christ was asking. All of this, I'd say, prompted his response.

His response, especially for Chris's show, was'nt that farfetched.
Chris deserved it this time. He even provoked a majority of the responses out of Zell with his sarcastic attitude, and his questions, ploying sarcastically on what Zell said.

With this, and Chris Matthews "Hardballing" style, really gave Zell an idea on what was going on.

It was the reply to the Republican Stance at the GOP.

Although, another factor in the fray was the buses and the environments being too loud. Zell Miller already complained about Mic problems, and Chris Matthews was told by a CNBC Correspondant that the equipment would'nt be as effective for transfering sound amungst environments that were louder than Chris.

Its what gave Chris his, "yelling like wording". Both environments where loud. On Zell Millers side of the hearing and mic, the only sounds he really got were the buses and Chris yelling. Chris got a clearer sound, because the receiver was'nt being spiked out with engine sounds and protestor commentary.

I saw the actual programming, and it was'nt even Chris's show. It was the CNBC that chose the programming to be apart of its coverage for the GOP. He was just a segment, and a brief one at that.

Well, now Zell Miller knows who to not talk too.

"I'm here to talk about Kerry, if you want to talk to Cheney, go talk to him personally". IE: He got trapped, he realized he was wrong, and pleaded stupidity and ignorance.

I think the people in the backround of Chris Matthews, and, Chris himself, pleaded as much stupidity and ignorance as Zell Miller did. (Least Zell Miller was prepared for Chris Matthews stupidity.)

The guy is a liar, don't believe ANYTHING he said...

He did'nt say much. When he did, he was inspecific. But most of the questions ployed to him were "hardballing style". It was meant to get him mad and thinking, its what brought Chris's media ratings.

So I cant really blaim Zell for becoming that enraged.

If Kerry wants to win in Nov he better do some pretty heavy sweet talkin' and more.

He already is. I just got a report here from CSPAN, reporting the Democratic Party just spent nearly 43,000,000 million on fall ads for his party. I sure hope thats the right number.

Kerry gives no clear vision and unlike President Bush, has not had a record of results.

Of course, this is argueable. Suffice to say, Kerry was President, he might have results to clear on. The Republicans only have "Go" to nail his status as a Senator. Thats all they can do.

Instead, however, he continues to take different sides.. like a ship sailing on rough waters, the continuous rocking back and forth is making me sick. Kerry has no Idea where he wants to lead this country and thats all the more reason to vote for Bush in Nov.

This is true. I might vote Bush just because, he's sticking to his guns much rather than dropping them. Heh, thats a pun.

proudly abusing the politics of fear and the Christian faith since day one!

You should have thrown in a "beta number", along with the duration of years you've "played".

That reporter was pissing me off from the start.

Chris Matthews. He is a very extreme Liberal. His show is dedicated to bashing...it was like the Day of Defeat.net forums when they had an Off-Topic thread.


Zell Miller should just change his affilation to Rebulican. I've never seen an angrier, more hate-filled speech.

I've seen worse. John Kerry gasping for air after his "Swift Boat Veteran" friends starting organizing and bombing him.

"Defamatory, Defamatory, Defamatory!" -John Kerry.

The amount of disgust Senator Miller has with the Democratic Party is no match for the hate liberals have for GW Bush.

Ooo! The period to the sentence. The sentence to the paragraph. The Paragraph to the page. The Page...to the truth.

This sentence owned.
DarkStar said:
Zell Miller should just change his affilation to Rebulican. I've never seen an angrier, more hate-filled speech.

I was going to say I have seen many angry hate filled Democrats but you grossly generalizing a party pretty much proves the point for me.

Do you care to add any blanket generalizations about Jews or minorities while you are at it?
only a fool or a bigot would support someone who uses this rhetoric:

"Kerry would let Paris decide when America needs defending"
CptStern said:
what's going on

it's the republicans again. I'll refrain from participating in another debate with them for 10 more months.
hehe actually I was trying to figure out what was wrong with the forums ...I couldnt post in any thread for 5 or so minutes
CptStern said:
"a soldier gave us ...freedom of the press"

So Mr Stern, who did give freedom of the press? I don't think Bush is a good guy but the soldier did give me and everyone else in England and America the freedom to protest, to freedom to speak and the freedom to read a free press.
Razor said:
So Mr Stern, who did give freedom of the press? I don't think Bush is a good guy but the soldier did give me and everyone else in England and America the freedom to protest, to freedom to speak and the freedom to read a free press.

Ah yes indeed. The military is always the liberator.

and one more present :

reuters said:
It was the third night running that protesters penetrated security and entered the convention hall. Among them were members of the activist group Code Pink, which said in a statement, "We want to ask how can they secure the country if they cannot secure their own convention."
"Kerry would let Paris decide when America needs defending"

So where exactly are you insulted, Cpt Stern?

"a soldier gave us ...freedom of the press"

I know who gave us freedom! Itss tha wIite deval sllave mastaz! ...wIite deval sllave... up dhere in WASH-ING-TON! /fredryk phox
Sprafa said:
Ah yes indeed. The military is always the liberator.

I didn't say that :frown:.

I said, a soldier gave me those things, where the heck did i say "the military is always a liberator"?