Zoloft doesn't make me feel better anymore.

I remember now, my doctor told me to call her if I started getting suicidal thoughts. I'm going to call her when I wake up.

And funnily enough, I just realized that marijuana is my anti-Zoloft. It reverses or significantly lessens the impact of my social complexes. When I smoke, I no longer have issues with self-confidence, assertion, over-analyzation, self-consciousness, stress, emotional oversensitivity, and emotional introversion/suppression.

[edit] Which is not to say that I think it's some sort of miracle cure-all drug. But it sure as hell seems to work for me.

Move to California.
ok i wanna know why youz guys fell into depression in the first place? was it some kind of family problem, social problem,...

no offense but if you fell into depression because of some girl who dumped you or some guy said something...then you need a kick in the balls.
but i'd understand if it is some kind of serious problem like you're parents abusing you or being fuktard alcoholics, or somebody raped you, or you lost your leg or something, or death in the family.

if you're a normal middle class person with an average loving family and decent health...then you get no emphaty from me and you also deserve none. sorry for being harsh but it is the truth

seriously...i want to know why you fell into depression?

Do you really wanna know why?

I was born into a not so functional, and somewhat poor family. I was my brothers punching bag since i can remember, and this wasn't brotherly love fighting, this was left me bleeding and bruised fighting. Yelling was a commonplace in my house. My dad was a meth addict for many years without our whole family really knowing (he has cleaned up now). As time went on, so did my problems, i was always put down by my others, my self-esteem was non-existent, my best friends moved away, one of my brothers was never home (i now know the stories of what he was doing, its not very pretty) my other brother didn't seem to care about me at all. My mom and my abuelito were the only ones who seemed to care about me, yet i was so quiet i never talked, not even to relatives i trusted. My Abuelo died, and he was my hero, my other grandpa (my dad's dad) was still being an alcoholic asshole, and i remember watching my mom and dad and grandma fight with him on a fateful night when i was only 5 or 6 (so much cursing and yelling). I've seen people shot, i've seen people rot away on hard drugs, i've been to mental hospitals for both myself and others, i've been beaten, chewed, and spit out. A majority of all this happened before i was even 18.

Yet i have still managed to dig myself out of that pile of crap and i'm still here going farther than most would think possible. You'd think i would be proud of myself, but the depression is still there, beckoning to fall back on the edge of life, medicine, exercise, expression, and friends are whats keeping me alive...
I never knew so many people here had these problems (and were into anti-depressants).

I'm probably not even close to what Stig is feeling, but I know the lack of energy and motivation feeling all to well. I've got holidays till October and my holiday plans didn't work out so I've got nothing to do really and little motivation to do something about it, even though it would be great to find a proper job and improve my social life (meet new people). The fact that my close female friend recently turned out to be a disengenuous whore doesn't help my mood.
I'm sure the weed helps but in the whole scheme of things mate, I honestly couldn't say if it's contributing to bringing you out the other side of this. It'll make you relax but it could be a way of pretty much escaping the problem, or brushing it under the carpet rather than addressing it.

It's good to hear you are going to speak to your doctor, and alternative anti-depressant drugs should be a corridor you explore. Having those thoughts really isn't nice and you don't need them when you are trying to push through this.

Also, I know it's a standard response and highly generic but keeping your mind active and busy really should help keep those feelings as bay. Two things which will should help is exercising very regularly and traveling too. Have a break away, relax in a different environment where it's new and interesting so you're not completely comfortable. It sounds odd, but it keeps your mind active, busy and away from the darker corners.

Good luck mate, also try and have some confidence in the system which is trying to help you. Being receptive to it and wanting it to work will bring a psychological boost that can do as much as a drug can. Have faith.
As far as the weed theory goes, honestly, it's worked for me. My problems with depression haven't really crippled me that much, but I've always had to deal a lot with anxiety (that's why I was on zoloft in the first place) that used to bring me down big time, but ever since I've started smoking it's calmed down exponentially. I also notice that it's helped my sleep, my focus, etc. As far as negative side effects? None, at least none that I've noticed in the year or so I've smoked. And I don't want to make it sound like I've totally used weed as a daily self-medication, I never have and never would smoke on a daily basis, it's usually just a few times a week.
excuse me for my ignorance...but i've always had problems understanding "purely" psychological illnesses. but like you said it's a mixture of chemical imbalance. and i've always considered psychological problems less difficult to cure since changing your life is possible but sewing a lost leg back together is not. but i agree it's not that simple.

you see, i have this spine injury that's sometimes makes me sad and depressive, the doctors said there is no real solution...so i kind of base my opinion with this in mind.

and it's kind of weird why do you keep getting suicidal thoughts...why not some others, like anger, apathy or something...why hurt yourself?

Do you really wanna know why?

I was born into a not so functional, and somewhat poor family. I was my brothers punching bag since i can remember, and this wasn't brotherly love fighting, this was left me bleeding and bruised fighting. Yelling was a commonplace in my house. My dad was a meth addict for many years without our whole family really knowing (he has cleaned up now). As time went on, so did my problems, i was always put down by my others, my self-esteem was non-existent, my best friends moved away, one of my brothers was never home (i now know the stories of what he was doing, its not very pretty) my other brother didn't seem to care about me at all. My mom and my abuelito were the only ones who seemed to care about me, yet i was so quiet i never talked, not even to relatives i trusted. My Abuelo died, and he was my hero, my other grandpa (my dad's dad) was still being an alcoholic asshole, and i remember watching my mom and dad and grandma fight with him on a fateful night when i was only 5 or 6 (so much cursing and yelling). I've seen people shot, i've seen people rot away on hard drugs, i've been to mental hospitals for both myself and others, i've been beaten, chewed, and spit out. A majority of all this happened before i was even 18.

Yet i have still managed to dig myself out of that pile of crap and i'm still here going farther than most would think possible. You'd think i would be proud of myself, but the depression is still there, beckoning to fall back on the edge of life, medicine, exercise, expression, and friends are whats keeping me alive...

i see...you had a tough life, this i understand. i thought you're some kind of emo but this is not the case.

but if you were once happy you can probably be again, maybe thinking how some people have it even worse than you might give you some motivation...at least it works for me :)
and it's kind of weird why do you keep getting suicidal thoughts...why not some others, like anger, apathy or something...why hurt yourself?

Wiki said:
antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide in persons younger than 25
I'm assuming that's why, which is one of the reasons I want to stop taking Zoloft. Usually my suicidal thoughts stem from a feeling of absolute self-worthlessness caused by something specific, but that's now how it happened last night. I was lying in bed, and I couldn't sleep. Then I started to hate myself, and started to cry. Then I felt like it might be a good idea to kill myself. My mind started racing through all the ways I could hurt myself - severing my hands, jumping out the window, slamming a door on my neck, shooting myself - and then I was in a bit of shock over what I had just thought. None of this was brought on by anything other than my inability to get to bed, and it scared me. Still does, really.
I didn't know so many of you were on anti-depressants.
I took my pill about five hours ago. And right on schedule, the wave of depression comes rolling in. :(

I hate zoloft. I hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i ****ING HATE IT. I can't get off of this soon enough, and I'm never taking antidepressants again.

I hope you all sleep better than I do :(
Dude, stop taking it. Seriously, it's obviously doing more harm than good.

Also, when I quit Zoloft "cold turkey" I didn't have any noticeable withdrawl symptoms. And if that's something that worries you, contact a doctor.
Dude, stiggy, just don't forget, there's always someone in the world who, unconditionally, uncontrollably loves you. Just hold onto that, it might make you feel better. maybe if you have a close relationship with your mom you could sit down with her and talk to her about some of this stuff your feeling. Bounce ideas off of each other why you might be feeling that way, because you will never have any better friend in this world than your mother.

Other than that, if you don't get along with your mother, **** her. You can meet better friends... :D

I didn't just contradict myself, shut up. -.-

But the point is, you have someone dying to be with you, no matter who you are, someone who would give anything to talk to you, and think for a while who that might be, and go talk to them. This whole thing might just turn out to be some strange loneliness. You could be with all your best friends and still be lonely because you're not with that one person you want to be with. Find them. :o
The best way I've found to stop yourself from killing yourself is this

Imagine yourself lying on the floor not moving, with pale skin. You will never move again. Imagine the spot where you are laying. Look at it. Imagine looking down at yourself. Imagine that for a little while, then imagine a loved one finding you there, and seeing their reaction, and how sad they would be.
The best way I've found to stop yourself from killing yourself is this

Imagine yourself lying on the floor not moving, with pale skin. You will never move again. Imagine the spot where you are laying. Look at it. Imagine looking down at yourself. Imagine that for a little while, then imagine a loved one finding you there, and seeing their reaction, and how sad they would be.

Yes, this. Look at what toaster's saying too. (I think you might have a crush. ;))
And to think, I posted a thread about my anxiety and all I got was RakuraiTenjin telling me to "man up".
Maybe if I did anything other than berate the girls I see on this internet forum one of them would have a crush on me too.

I'm pissed!


mastag said:
And to think, I posted a thread about my anxiety and all I got was RakuraiTenjin telling me to "man up".

That's because Rakurai is a gang banging jerk, even though I still love him. I would never say anything like that if I was in a forum of yours, trust me. I'm the nicest guy around here. The nicest! Anybody can approach me about anything.

Except Vegeta. **** that guy.
Bull ****ing shit.

F*ck off. I don't care what bullshit personal problems you're going through right now- this thread doesn't need that kind of negativity.

Goddamnit Dave, I love you. Unconditionally, uncontrollably, I would throw myself off a cliff for you- and we've never even met in real life! Waaaagh!
I <3 all of you :)

My doctor recommended that I up my dose to 150mg/day until I see her Tuesday, but honestly? F*ck that. I've already created a six-week schedule for myself of smaller and smaller doses and I'm starting it today. I'm going to dissolve my pill in a glass of water or orange juice every day, and each day I'm going to drink slightly less than the day before. Today I'll drink 98% of the glass, tomorrow I'll drink 96%, and in six weeks or so I won't be ingesting any Zoloft at all.
Worse than aspirin?

Anyways Stig, I have a feeling doctors more often than not would rather you on the medicine even though you feel it's not helping you, because by nature they're of the belief that medicine is always the best thing, and they might disagree with some of the findings of side effects.

I think you should get a second opinion, and describe to that person how you feel the zoloft is not having any effect at all on you positively, and is instead being counterproductive to the point that it's triggering all the nasty side effects that are causing so much controversy lately, namely the suicidal thoughts and the severe depression that leads up to that.

I guess this thread sort of settles any thoughts I once had about getting myself on anti-depressants to make myself feel happier.
I don't want a second opinion :p

What I've noticed lately is that I feel worst roughly six hours after I take it, and I feel best right around when I pop the pill. To me, that says I feel worst when the sertraline concentration is at its highest, and best when that concentration is at its lowest. That, plus the cause-less suicidal thoughts and daily waves of depression, is more than reason enough to stop taking it.
Take our anti-depression pill! Your best chance against fighting the horrible condition of depression! Warning, may cause depression and suicide!
Wake up early when the sleeping pill wakes me,
Take a wakeup pill to fill with energy
I power on hard and I check my messages
But I don't have any messages.

I take a driving pill and head to my car
Drive around a bit cos work isn't very far
I call my phone and I check my messages
But I don't have any messages

And all I know is that driving on drugs feels better when they're prescription
All I know is that the world's so beautiful the world looks so damn beautiful...

I'm glad I don't have to muck around with my brain chemistry at all. : /
Wake up early when the sleeping pill wakes me,
Take a wakeup pill to fill with energy
I power on hard and I check my messages
But I don't have any messages.

I take a driving pill and head to my car
Drive around a bit cos work isn't very far
I call my phone and I check my messages
But I don't have any messages

And all I know is that driving on drugs feels better when they're prescription
All I know is that the world's so beautiful the world looks so damn beautiful...

Heh, I love that song. <3
Meds ftl.
Around 4pm every day i experience the same anxiety as it starts to wear off, 'they' tell me my theory is wrong. Idiots.

Weed was the answer, but what was the question again?
And so it begins.

Cut my capsule, mixed the powder into a glass of orange juice, and drank about 98% of it. Six weeks to go.
Go see your doctor immediately about this! Or find a new doctor. And always remember there's a lot of good things in life.

P.S. Look into Omega 3, it's not a medication (more like a vitamin) but since I've started taking it I've noticed I feel so much better, clearer head, happier, more energetic, better skin (face), higher metabolisim, and more. There have been clinical studies which show it helps (perhaps not correct, but helps) a variety of psychological "disorders."

Why not just swallow it? : s

I should be more specific. I have 100mg capsules (not pills) of Zoloft, and I take one every day at dinnertime. And according to what I've been told by my doctor/therapist - and everything I've read on the subject - the best way to wean yourself off of Zoloft is to gradually shrink your dosage over a period of several weeks until you're no longer taking it. Going cold-turkey is a terrible idea; it causes headaches, tremors, dizziness, insomnia, hot/cold flashes, brain zaps, and other such things.

Now, all I've read on gradually-lowered doses tells you to do a week of 100mg, a week of 75mg, a week of 50, and so forth. But as far as I'm concerned, all that does is split up your cold-turkey stoppage into four different parts, and you'd still get mild side effects. So, since I have powder capsules instead of solid pills, an easier method is to break open the capsule, collect the powder, and then take a specific amount of said powder according to my six week Going Off Zoloft Schedule. Each day I take slightly less, so I wean my body and brain off of the drug at a slow and constant rate, instead of several discrete steps. It takes a bit more planning and is slightly more difficult to keep track of properly, but in the end I shouldn't get any withdrawal symptoms at all.
P.S. Look into Omega 3, it's not a medication (more like a vitamin) but since I've started taking it I've noticed I feel so much better, clearer head, happier, more energetic, better skin (face), higher metabolisim, and more. There have been clinical studies which show it helps (perhaps not correct, but helps) a variety of psychological "disorders."
Yeah, I PM'd him about Omega 3, he said he was going to give it a shot. It helps me a great deal.

It's a necessary nutrient in the brain (the thing he is having problems with ya know?)

helps with heart, brain, mood, memory, and probably some other stuff.

Honestly, most of the problems people have are due to their diet. Almost every single thing at the supermarket is bad for you as it's been chemically altered with Hydrogen, or hydrogenated as a preservative to make it last longer. Our bodies don't even know what to do with that shit. It causes inflammations which causes the immune system to over-react, and over the years, poison ourselves. Speeds up the aging process.

Unfortunately, the health food stores are expensive as hell.
god damnit... wrong thread... -.-

Err... KEEP IT UP... STIGMATA! You're... Doing great!
Earlier, I was feeling hateful and angry and bored and depressed and then I took 2 Omega 3 pills. Within about 10 minutes, I felt so ****ing good.

Try it already. I can hardly function without. Though I don't eat any seafood or fish, so I'm probably more deprived of it than most people.
This thread has been here for awhile now, just begging me to post my opinion.

Anyways, if I were you, I'd try going off depression medication altogether. It's true that stuff has been know to make depression symptoms worse. Seriously, if an increased dosage doesn't work, then maybe your only other option is to try and lay off. Have you tried that yet? ..and don't listen to the doctors when they say "you need" the stuff. They're full of shit. Their only concern is to make more money. Trust me.

I don't know how it feels to be clinically depressed though. I go through moods sometimes, but I get over them quickly, and usually I don't dwell on things. No offense Stiggy, but I just don't understand what being "depressed" really is, or what goes on in the minds of the alleged "depressed".

I once was sent to a psychiatrist by my mother's request because she though I was, "depressed". I was so mad at her for thinking that.

Try getting "mad" at yourself for being depressed and others who think your depressed. Try to get egocentric and big headed like I did for that time being, (but don't overdo it, or you'll come across as a insecure asshole) set your goals higher etc. It worked for me.
Depression is like this: Imagine how you felt when something bad happened. A pet died, a girl rejected you, you failed an important test, etc. For however long the feeling lasts, you can't seem to elicit a positive emotional response to most things, or sometimes anything at all. You feel lethargic, unmotivated, sinking. Lonely. Sad.

Imagine feeling that for an entire day.

Now imagine feeling that for weeks on end.

That, my friend, is clinical depression.
Depression is like this: Imagine how you felt when something bad happened. A pet died, a girl rejected you, you failed an important test, etc. For however long the feeling lasts, you can't seem to elicit a positive emotional response to most things, or sometimes anything at all. You feel lethargic, unmotivated, sinking. Lonely. Sad.

Imagine feeling that for an entire day.

Now imagine feeling that for weeks on end.

That, my friend, is clinical depression.
You say you behave like this for no reason? Has something bad happened to you recently? A traumatic experience perhaps?

If not, ask yourself some questions. Like, "Then why do I feel this way?" or, "Do I LIKE feeling lethargic, unmotivated, etc?"

Then say proceed to say, "this sucks". :P
Oh believe me, I've tried that many times. The depressive line of thinking isn't "I don't like this and I can probably go and change this", it's "I don't like this, this is terrible, why isn't this going away, no matter what I do I just feel bad ;("

[edit] I'm gonna head to bed now. Tired dave r tired. Goodnight everyone <3
Oh believe me, I've tried that many times. The depressive line of thinking isn't "I don't like this and I can probably go and change this", it's "I don't like this, this is terrible, why isn't this going away, no matter what I do I just feel bad ;("

Can you name a bunch of things that may be bothering you subconsciously? (As in, you try not to think about it, but deep down you know it bothers you)

You can PM me if you don't want the public to know.

EDIT> Better yet, it might just be best to go ahead and tell everyone. You know? To get the weight off your shoulders. Who's gonna know? We at HL2.net are just a bunch of bots anyways.
Created by the mods in an attempt to make this site look successful. :P

It's not like you'll ever meet one of us in person right? (Hopefully, you haven't. That'd be your problem right there if that's the case.)
Why is it that people who have never had depression are always dumb? Or else don't believe that it's a real thing?

Not putting you in any of those categories or anything, Dragonshirt.
I've very briefly been through what Stigmata is describing, or at least I think I did. It's not something that you can tell yourself "stop being depressed", its an insane feeling of lameness that just overcomes you for no abosolute reason (at least in my case) and no matter what you try to do, it doesn't help.

I remember this one time I was hanging out with my friend and the entire time we hung out, I just felt so extremely bad that I wanted to cry for no reason, I couldn't tell myself not to and I really didn't want to but my mind kept wandering and the tears kept wanting to come. I'm sure my friend knew something was wrong because as I talked I had that kind of shakey/crackling voice where you could tell I was about to cry, so he just left me alone. Then when I got home, nothing I could do would cheer me up, I didn't want to do anything but lay in my bed waiting for it to all go away.

Anyway....yeah, my point is, its not something that he can trick his mind into not feeling. Its something else and uncontrollable that overcomes you.

I sure hope that slowly tappering off of your medication helps your situtation Stig. Be cool, guy.

Can you name a bunch of things that may be bothering you subconsciously? (As in, you try not to think about it, but deep down you know it bothers you)

You can PM me if you don't want the public to know.

EDIT> Better yet, it might just be best to go ahead and tell everyone. You know? To get the weight off your shoulders. Who's gonna know? We at HL2.net are just a bunch of bots anyways.
Created by the mods in an attempt to make this site look successful. :P

It's not like you'll ever meet one of us in person right? (Hopefully, you haven't. That'd be your problem right there if that's the case.)
For the last time, clinical depression isn't necessarily triggered by anything. The "root" of the problem, or what originally caused it might be something that happened to you (or a series of things), but just "dealing with" them isn't going to make it magically go away. In my case it was just having a hard time in high school and typical shitty teenage angst stuff like that. Something a lot of people experience at that age, but I just reacted to it worse than some. I can't have helped it, it's just how I'm made up, how my brain works, however you want to put it.

You know what, maybe it'd just be easier if I put it this way: depression is like herpes. You can pretend it's not there, but that's not going to stop the itching.