Zombie Master news?


Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
hey, I read the article about Zombie master a couple weeks ago and was really impressed by the idea. This idea has incredible potential, but so far I've been starved for news.

Are there any new developments? Are you close to an alpha/beta version?

Thanks, Im psyched about it!
Yeah, they're working on it.

Who wouldn't, if you've got an ion cannon satellite (sp?, can't write it in dutch either lol) aimed at your house :p
It's going absolutely fantastic, and I'm releasing an internal build to the team tonight, with a whole caboodle of new weapons. Or just two, maybe. One of which allows for awesome pimp-slapping action.
It's still a castle of awesome.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah, I'm playing it, aren't you?

I hate fasties like, bastards. Nothing a couple of molotov's can't handle though.
kirovman said:
Yeah, I'm playing it, aren't you?

I hate fasties like, bastards. Nothing a couple of molotov's can't handle though.
You're such a jerk.
Bah, Dragzombies can handle the flames, watch them as they float slightly, and vomit blood on you!

-Angry Lawyer
Its great, unlike other mods, this one has a solid foundations in gameplay, something which many mods lack.

I wish I knew how to get these stupid lights working in my map though.
Angry Lawyer said:
Bah, Dragzombies can handle the flames, watch them as they float slightly, and vomit blood on you!

-Angry Lawyer

That sounds gay.
TGB's pistol in this one? I really want to play with that big ol rifle, looks good. What times the release? I wanna get a game in.

Awesome fun.

-Angry Lawyer
You only say that because, whenever you host, your constant downloads lag everyone else. And because you get consistently owned by Shamblies.

-Angry Lawyer
Where's all the concept art and unskinned renders?
Suicide42 said:
Actually it looks awesome.
exactly, and i think it's important, from the few screenies so far, we don't blab everything in the game, surprises are more fun, especially when they shock you.

*Glenns sings* When the lights go out! When the lights go out babbbbyyy
Hey Angry. I've got an idea for the mod. Alowing humans to baricade buildings. Like an ability to re-enforce doors with planks like they do in films.

And will picking up objects always look so bad?
Barricading is already implemented. Sadly, unless I have a brainstorm, carrying props isn't going to change much, although I've an idea on how to tweak the animation a little to make it seem a little more natural.

-Angry Lawyer
how do you people think that looks like crap? I, myself, personally, believe that it looks very cool, and has a moody atmosphere, i can't wait to play it
Angry Lawyer said:
Barricading is already implemented. Sadly, unless I have a brainstorm, carrying props isn't going to change much, although I've an idea on how to tweak the animation a little to make it seem a little more natural.

-Angry Lawyer

I think we should have a game tomorrow.
We're in IRC, planning a game right now, actually. I'm not here tomorrow :(

-Angry Lawyer
My cat is being owned as we speak.
My cats already owned. It won't get owned further. Oh wait yes it will.

No shens, because it would make no shens.
And tonight's testing session has begun, featuring this evening's update.

Work on ZM is going full steam.
This is why we don't give out news about ZM much, we get so pumped and spammy about it. :LOL:
Unless you're me and you've never actually got to play it.

Bah I say!

Meh, guess I can wait until the versions that get some nice tactical additions.
I hope you guys all have a copy of Max Brooks "The Zombie Survival Guide" sitting next to your computer.

Top 10 Lessons for Surviving a Zombie Attack

1. Organize before they rise!
2. They feel no fear, why should you?
3. Use your head: cut off theirs.
4. Blades don't need reloading.
5. Ideal protection = tight clothes, short hair.
6. Get up the staircase, then destroy it.
7. Get out of the car, get onto the bike.
8. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert!
9. No place is safe, only safer.
10. The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on!
Ah, yes, ZM. Well, don't expect any grey skin renders :)
Pi Mu Rho said:

Sinkoman wishes he was an authorized play tester.

EDIT: Sinkoman also wishes he was authorized to browse folder "neale".

On a side note, that's an interesting map name. "Docks of the Dead". Really says allot about the map structure :thumbs:
ZM rocks my world!

When all the lights go out... that's when things get really terrifying.
I'll just have to play it to see if the graphics are ok.

*hint* *hint*