Zombie Master news?

Are there any zombie pirates or ninjas? Tell me there are zombie pirates and ninjas!
I'm surprised nobody's picked out the obvious addition to Zombie Master.

-Angry Lawyer
SimonomiS said:
You can only have one...




*Beerdude26's head explodes*
SimonomiS said:
You can only have one...




Easy... zombie pirates. They have much more character. I was just hoping they would throw in the ninjas as well...

Angry Lawyer said:
I'm surprised nobody's picked out the obvious addition to Zombie Master.

-Angry Lawyer
They're adding Angry Lawyers to the game? Wow. Oh... wait... you always put "-Angry Lawyer" at the end of your posts. Damn.
There's already an Angry Lawyer model in Zombie Master. :D
Is there a me model in the game? If not, I'll have to work doubly hard on that bottomless pit of despair thing...
We're eventually having a model of everyone on the development team. Sadly, you're not on board.

-Angry Lawyer
Only because you've missed out on something secret that's staring you in the face.

-Angry Lawyer
Does Natalie Portman have the answer? Her picture is staring back at me from my desktop...
Well, it doesn't take a huge logical leap, does it?
Not really, but almost...
I must say, i love the homepage placeholder at the moment.
When it's done. We're not working to any schedules here - we're just going through development carefully to make it as good as it can be. Public releases are a secondary consideration at this stage.
I know that! I was just trying to make a bad pun out of Zombie Master Beta. :(
Please tell me you guys are aiming to make Zombie Master more about downright fun than anything else?
You're damn right we are.
Angry Lawyer said:
We're eventually having a model of everyone on the development team. Sadly, you're not on board.

-Angry Lawyer
*Makes puppy-dog eyes at AL*
One-eyed electric-shock aliens don't really fit the setting, sadly.
The Dev-Team models all actually have photos of our faces mapped onto actual models. They actually ARE models of us.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
The Dev-Team models all actually have photos of our faces mapped onto actual models. They actually ARE models of us.
... then you should hire me to add some sex appeal to the mod. I'll be the Zoolander-esque male model who, not unlike The Man Who Knew Too Little, survives through lots of dumb luck rather than use of keen intellect. Of course, the part about being stupid would be artistic license... but it would make for a more interesting character. Eh? What do you think? :naughty:

No? :| Well, I have other ideas.

What about an oddly attractive computer geek that uses his mastery of technology (mostly electronics) to save the day?

No? :frown: Hmmm... let's see what else I've got...

I could be the ruggedly handsome war-hardened gun nut that spent his entire life stocking up a huge arsenal of weapons and ammunition for just such an occasion. Then, through a humourous turn of events the cache of weapons gets blown up before he gets a chance to use any of them... forcing him to revert back to his training to survive with whatever he can get his hands on. A mix between Rambo and Burt from the Tremors movies.

No?!? :flame: You guys suck!
Angry Lawyer said:
One-eyed electric-shock aliens don't really fit the setting, sadly.
The Dev-Team models all actually have photos of our faces mapped onto actual models. They actually ARE models of us.

-Angry Lawyer
I know, and I ment my face(though I was obviously kidding).
OCybrManO said:
What about an oddly attractive computer geek that uses his mastery of technology (mostly electronics) to save the day?

Already taken I'm afraid. :D
This makes me want to make my own online top down zombie game (not from source)... I got too many ideas that probably won't be in the game, so I might as well just make my own. Oh, and I have the means to do so.