Zombie Master news?


That's actually my face.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm gonna download this mod just so I can be AL and repededly jump off tall buildings. Then I'll steal the model and export it to Garry's mod and have some fun *insert evil laughing smilie*
Yeah, as far as graphics go, we've not really released any uber-quality shots in this thread. I can certainly confirm that we're working on a media release that should hit shore soonish, though, so just hold on to your seats until then.
ríomhaire said:
I'm gonna download this mod just so I can be AL and repededly jump off tall buildings. Then I'll steal the model and export it to Garry's mod and have some fun *insert evil laughing smilie*

I enjoy AI programming, so when all the features are in, you can probably count on bots being implemented. So your only entertainment won 't be limited to killing me :)

-Angry Lawyer
Gameplay first, graphics second.

The graphics will be awesome pretty soon though.




I think that's after Ennui died (see Pi's post before).
Sulkdodds said:
I wish I had a cat so it could get owned. :(
yarrr, me be stealin' a kitty cat just so's it canna be ownt by zombie master, matey!

also, ye scurvies mightn't stop postin' ye pics of ennui a-dyin, now, me hearties
'Tis your own fault, scallywag. Too gladly do ye shuffle off ye mortal coil! :p
yarrr, i did done follow ye Farrowlesparrow up to yon ledge, where Angry Lawyer did indeed send a hold's full of shamblies at me, and me wit a mere 3 hp and no rum died quite fast like, matey
so, should i take it then that the game is coming along? Can you offer any sort of timeline, or is it "when it's done" (which is fine)?
It's coming along nicely. There's no set date though because, frankly, we don't know.
Need to sort some more maps i think, some other weapons (plenty of melee weapons going in for fun when ammo runs dry...which happens quite a bit). Angry Lawyer doing his coding magic. Still work to be done, but the current build is damn good, i'm getting withdrawl symptoms.
Will there be a bit more variety? Having identacle zombies attacking is a bit bad IMHO. Maybe have a few different skins that are randomly chosen from, like antlions.
And how many different types of zombies will there be? I'm guessing
One that spits poisiobn/bite infects you
random skins are a definite. There are "several" different types of zombie. You'll have to wait and see what and how many.
I have this wonderful idea: how about a closed beta for all Senior Members :D
Waitasec...INSANO? I knew something had changed about you!
We've already got two dozen testers, most of whom are senior members here :p

-Angry Lawyer
Insano said:
I have this wonderful idea: how about a closed beta for all Senior Members :D
Maybe senior R&S forum members. */me remembers that I can't play the damn thing anyway due to bad connection speed that won't play any game online unless the ping is like 2*

Sorry, just had to say that :p
Insano said:
I have this wonderful idea: how about a closed beta for all Senior Members :D
That's a great idea... but "all Senior Members" is too wide of a category. What about the top 100 posters that are currently active?

I don't know where I am on that list... but I know I would be on it. :p
OCybrManO said:
That's a great idea... but "all Senior Members" is too wide of a category. What about the top 100 posters that are currently active?

I don't know where I am on that list... but I know I would be on it. :p
This would probably just make everybody spam as hell :D
Our current testers are people that we know will give useful and appropriate feedback. Selecting people based on their hl2.net postcount isn't really the best way of going about it. We may have a more public-minded test in the future, but it's not a priority.
It would be a good way to test the user-friendliness, but only once everything is fully polished to some extent.
Plus, to be completely honest, we're having so much goddamn fun making and testing it that we completely forget about the public...
Fine, I'll go cry in the corner because no one ever picks me. ;( Then, I'll go all emo and put it in my blog. Then, when no one reads my blog I'll keep falling deeper and deeper into a pit of despar and writing about it on my blog... following an endless cycle of depression... until, one day, I either commit suicide or go crazy. My blood will be on your hands. How do you feel about that?

... or I could go play something else. Yeah, I think I'll do that.
Kill yourself? Go ahead, make our day. YOU'LL BE BACK!

edit: ;(
What was that guy's name? King something.... oh, right, kngHenry. I miss him. :LOL:
Did he really kill himself or did Short Recoil give him some antidepressants?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Plus, to be completely honest, we're having so much goddamn fun making and testing it that we completely forget about the public...

This is true.

*Loads ZM* :D
Whose manboobs do I have to massage to get in on this ZM action?
Beerdude26 said:
Did he really kill himself or did Short Recoil give him some antidepressants?

He was proven to be a duplicate account of another user, therefore promptly banned. He never died, because he didn't actually exist.

And, yeah, Zombie Master is a castle of AWESOME. We're going to be playing with Molotovs and horrid, screaming, self-immolating zombies this weekend. Muhahahah.

-Angry Lawyer
OCybrManO said:
I either commit suicide or go crazy. My blood will be on your hands. How do you feel about that?

Could you do it sooner rather than later, we still need more Zombies in the mod.
I'll see what I can do... but bottomless pits of despair don't just form overnight.
OCybrManO said:
I'll see what I can do... but bottomless pits of despair don't just form overnight.
UPDATE: So far, no visible progress. Still working...