Zombie Master news?

Insano said:
The game hasn't been released and there are already bugs? :O

I hope you aren't serious.....

Angry Lawyer said:
Or, we could just put an actual site up, which we have full intentions of doing shortly.

-Angry Lawyer

You lie to the public too much! NO SITE NEVAR!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
lol thats actually good, I'm sure Pi would approve too. Although i don't like seeing cats caged tbh, besides the point.

(please game tonight?)
Angry Lawyer said:
(Steam borked the Client.dll, might take a couple of days to trace where)

-Angry Lawyer
Not even a mention of my locking up people's cats ;(
The original phrase is "Zombie Master owns your motherf***ing cat!", which Pi Mu Rho said when he first played the very first build. "Lock up your cats" is a reference to that.

Pi's the one who's got to give you the lovin. I like it.

-Angry Lawyer
SimonomiS said:
Are you an IE noob? :p

Think that's an IE problem anyway.

I resent that you would even think to ask if I use IE, I use Firefox.;(
You spelt Mother wrong :p

But, apart from that - christ on a bike, that's AWESOME!

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
You spelt Mother wrong :p

But, apart from that - christ on a bike, that's AWESOME!

-Angry Lawyer
Oh, bollocks. I only saved it as a Jpeg and not a PDS. Here's V2 with the mistake :bonce:

Which is better? I think the first 1. I'l correct the better.
This mod is still so great i need to measure its greatness in how many limbs I need to cut off.
kirovman said:
This mod is still so great i need to measure its greatness in how many limbs I need to cut off.

Zero limbs?

I don't want to show any more map stuff yet. Be patient.
it says zmforest...
So i take it that you have a forest level?
Sounds good.
evilsloth said:
it says zmforest...
So i take it that you have a forest level?
Sounds good.

Naaa actually Pi just uses really vague map names at first, just so we have something to call them :p It's not what you think, but a real forest level would be damn cool (and easy to map).
I haven't played in awhile. Infact, I'm so upset by this am gonna play by myself tonight :(
Suicide42 said:
Naaa actually Pi just uses really vague map names at first, just so we have something to call them :p It's not what you think, but a real forest level would be damn cool (and easy to map).

Add it to your post-production to so list.
I'd love to have a forest at night level, shitting myself while the ZM sends the hordes out to hunt.
evilsloth said:
Add it to your post-production to so list.
I'd love to have a forest at night level, shitting myself while the ZM sends the hordes out to hunt.
To hunt CATS!
Or me, either one would make me stain my pants, if it was in the game...
Yes, but it may be hailed as the Best Game Ever upon release.
News just in: ZM will now be the first Duke Nukem: Forever mod!
I must say, impressed with the 'leaked' shots, love the buring van.