Zombie Master news?

And just ro rub it in a bit, we've got another internal update scheduled for tonight. Bugfixes, improvements, and the first play of a new map...

It's a great time for some Zombie Master lovin'

The much-fabled Sector Two...
Sector 2!
*choir "ahhs"*

All the maps look awsome, Valve standard!
the maps look decent very open though but you'll need the space when your shootin down the zombies:p
When you got half a dozen fasties bounding at you, and an immolator hot on your tail, space isn't going to help much.

-Angry Lawyer
I REALLY hope you guys plan on changing the crosshairs.

Really makes the game feel more atmospheric.
Sector Three is so frightening, you might want to pack spare underpants.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Sector Three is so frightening, you might want to pack spare underpants.

-Angry Lawyer
Hmmm... Maybe we should get a PREVIEW????? *Explodes into another fine mist*
Angry Lawyer said:
Sector Three is so frightening, you might want to pack spare underpants.

-Angry Lawyer
Sector six will probably be so scary people living under a rock on pluto who have never had contact with the human race will crap their pants from the waves of scaryness it will spread.
ríomhaire said:
Sector six will probably be so scary people living under a rock on pluto who have never had contact with the human race will crap their pants from the waves of scaryness spread.

Do you lay awake at night thinking of imagery to use in this thread? :O

I for one am in great anticipation of this mod. Who made ol' Sector Two up there? Very nice work. I do find the hands/weapon a little distracting, as it contrasts with the lighting/texturing of the map, but I suppose that's to be expected from a team that doesn't have near enough unskinned renders, and seems to always be going on about 'gameplay' and some other mish-mash... :LOL:
Yes, I don't have any qualms with the hands/arms (I assume it's cold out there, fighting the restless dead) but the gun needs a little polishing. All things secondary, and I can't really speak because I can't do it. But I assume that's the winchester, and I thought the wood should be a hair lighter, and the barrel be a bit more glossy with reflect maps.

All secondary of that is. I reeeeally look forward to this mod.
I believe that's the crappy version of the model (or Pi forgot to do something or something)...hell I don't know.
I've always wanted a winchester in a game since watching Firefly. :p

So not only does Zombie Master have Necromancy, but winchesters. And zombies. And that makes me giddy.
I didn't build cubemaps, hence the lack of reflections. The gun is plenty sexeh, and I've already received the obligatory slapping for not doing the cubemaps.

Very few people will live to see Sector Three :)
Beerdude26 said:
Hmmm... Maybe we should get a PREVIEW????? *Explodes into another fine mist*

Not mistaken a date was given for some media release. :thumbs:
I can't wait to play Sector SixThree :p
So no closed beta for Senior members yet? :p

I can't wait to play it :)
holy crap.

This thread's still going?? T_T
I should feel elated...
Slightly reworked the Sector Two entrance.



I think the word "ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOMJ" sums up all of our opinions.

-Angry Lawyer
when are oyu guys gonna let me play this?cmon guys its armanguy i can be trusted :p
omg omg hahahaha im persian just live in canada:p hahahaha now you goto let me play:p
I happen to know that something secret steers them. By the time this board's won, and I can't hold any mo they I'll come.

He hunts us!
i gots a question. this btw i think is my first non front page news post ever in the forums :D pumi shivers.

anyways, wtf is up with there not being any zombie master website up? i mean, can't hl2.net host it?

how can i become a zombie master fanboi without no site to go pray to?

i don't get it you sombie master mofos, get a freaking site why don;t ya.

There are things in the world more important than producing web-sites. Like adding loads of extra features, fixing bugs, or sitting on the toilet.

Still, we won't dissapoint. You'll all hear about it soon.

-Angry Lawyer
That would be a GraveMistake.
