Zombie Theory:


May 15, 2003
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Just came up with a theory with the zombies...

We all know that:

Headcrab + Human -> Zombie -> (Op4) Faster Zombie

We all (i hope we all) saw the E3 2k4 Videos where we saw a fast zombie that jumped far...

...i think this is another step in the zombie evolution:

After awhile, when the Headcrab get's more control after the victim the zombie gets faster and stronger (Headcrab get's more control over nerve system)
But, the headcrab canno't prevent the host from decay, so the zombie gets fast, stronger but more fragile due decay...

They are graveyard zombies. Not linked to evolution

There's a screenie of them somewhere....
Sprafa said:
They are graveyard zombies. Not linked to evolution

There's a screenie of them somewhere....

i i know there are screens... but those neither confirm or proves my theory wrong :imu:
figge said:
i i know there are screens... but those neither confirm or proves my theory wrong :imu:

yes they do.

Would any parasite being putrify it's host to increase their performance?
Sprafa said:
yes they do.

Would any parasite being putrify it's host to increase their performance?

Maby they use the body to make energy...

...like when you eat meat (if you are not a veggie ofcourse) you get energy :upstare:
Im pretty sure its a different kind of Headcrab attached to a dead body.
I've been told that PCGamer referred to the rotting zombies as Ghouls, so they maybe are an alternate variety of headcrab producing an alternate variety of zombie.

Still, I'm unsure whether they're dealing with Gearbox's view of the Gonome, but I gather (if memory serves) that Gabe stated that we would be seeing a zombies further forms of evolution...
It's not goddamn evolution, ****in pokemon rotting ppls brains... :p
I'm pretty sure, based on the screens, that the graveyard headcrabs are different than the regular ones. So, the zombies are probably different too.
Maybe it has something to with the poison headcrab in the enemies section?
Those poison headcrabs are black, while the ones on the fast zombies are bright yellow. The normal headcrabs seem more pale. I'm guessing it's another form of headcrab maybe? It doesn't really look like the normal headcrab.
It's not a Darwinian evolution, but it is evolution in the broader sense of an improvement in form and function over time...

[EDIT]: I'm referring to the change in form from shambling Mawman to fast, acid-flinging Gonome...
Meh, do a google search for "evolution of tadpoles", 3 results seems to show that it isn't generally used in that sense.
What would you call it then? Advancement? I'm afraid to say our primitive biological researchers have yet to discover a species that latches on to a Homo Sapiens host and proceeds to alter their genetic structure... but clearly you're an expert :p
Edcrab said:
What would you call it then? Advancement?

If I were to call it anything it would probably be development, integration, transforming or something along those lines.
At the very least calling it evolution can confuse matters for those who don't have english as their first language.

I'm afraid to say our primitive biological researchers have yet to discover a species that latches on to a Homo Sapiens host and proceeds to alter their genetic structure... but clearly you're an expert :p

I didn't say they had...?
figge said:
Maby they use the body to make energy...

...like when you eat meat (if you are not a veggie ofcourse) you get energy :upstare:

Headcrab = Parasite.

The Headcrab uses a host to feed itself, and would in no way make the Zombie faster or stronger.
Six Three said:
Headcrab = Parasite.

The Headcrab uses a host to feed itself, and would in no way make the Zombie faster or stronger.

This is a WHAT IF

What if the Headcrab stimulates the adrenalin production and makes enzyms and stuff...

(btw it's just a theory, and theorys are not FACTS :thumbs: )
figge said:
This is a WHAT IF

What if the Headcrab stimulates the adrenalin production and makes enzyms and stuff...

(btw it's just a theory, and theorys are not FACTS :thumbs: )

Now you have no arguement, you are just listing "What If's"

What if when you touched a zombie it made you turn into cheese?
its way out there, but did any one ever think of what happens when a headcrab gets on a combine??
Watch the vids... when the headcrabs leave their host bodies... THE GUYS DONT HAVE HEADS LEFT! So The headcrabs are consuming them somehow. Yet as was seen in Opposing Force, the headcrab zombies will slowly transform into a different type of creature. I tend to think that this is some form of reproduction. Gonarch makes baby headcrabs; headcrabs grow up and find heads to eat; they melt into the body they control and modify the body's makeup; transform into the Gonome from Opposing force; WHAT NEXT? Gonarch?

But sofar It looks like there may be 3 or 4 different headcrabs and zombie types mayhaps. The standard crab, the poinson crab, the green crab (e32004 father grigori segment), and mayhaps 'corpse' crabs from the graveyard... cuz the 'host' model underneath the headcrab looks different in the graveyard pic from the 'fast' headcrab host in the e32k4 vids.
Six Three said:
Headcrab = Parasite.

The Headcrab uses a host to feed itself, and would in no way make the Zombie faster or stronger.

If it was only there to feed off the infected why do their hosts grow a mouth? I always thought they parasited as a survival mechanism, zombies are more effective vs. bullsquid (probably a natural predator) than headcrabs au natural.
I dunno...Its sounds pretty similar to an experience i had while playing halflife.

Anyway, about the transforming the body into a gonad. I don't think thats what they do, the headcrabs simply use bodies to survive while they grow and the head is only gone as it allows the headcrab direct control over the body through stimulation of the nervous system. The headcrab has been seen eating through its hugh stomach hole...this seems like a rather temporary solution....

....Actually no i've started putting it into words it almost seems like they may be transforming the whole body into a gonad. However, the headcrabs in the graveyard apear to be using rotting bodies...It especially dones't seem like the new stage of devlopment as Op4 Gonomes (The super Zombie thing) are quite large and have all sorts of stuff growing out of them.
"species that latches on to a Homo Sapiens host and proceeds to alter their genetic structure"

Virus', Viri. These arent 'living things' but they attach to cells and change the DNA sequences.
figge said:
Just came up with a theory with the zombies...

...i think this is another step in the zombie evolution:

After awhile, when the Headcrab get's more control after the victim the zombie gets faster and stronger (Headcrab get's more control over nerve system)
But, the headcrab canno't prevent the host from decay, so the zombie gets fast, stronger but more fragile due decay...

hmm no thats wrong, its a headcrabbed vortigaunt ,look at its body its brown .and its the first stage of the zombie not the second or third.
headcrabs cant take over dead bodies .
ah and zombies cannot turn into gonarchs (no way)
Strictly speaking a lot of scientific types would argue that a virus does not classify as a species in the traditional sense, but it is indeed accepted as an alternate term to "strain" so touche.

I don't think its a headcrabbed slave... but who knows.

I didn't say they had...?

Indeed, but you expressed dislike of the term evolution so I was merely apologising that previous experience had not created a more appropriate term made specificly for the description of body-altering alien parasites to appease your desire for linguistic perfection :imu:

Hehehe! Look at him hop!
eber said:
hmm no thats wrong, its a headcrabbed vortigaunt ,look at its body its brown .and its the first stage of the zombie not the second or third.
headcrabs cant take over dead bodies .
ah and zombies cannot turn into gonarchs (no way)

I agree about the other stuff, but that zombie is no Vortiguant. It has no third arm, and the legs have different joints.
I swear in the E3 04 video I thought that those were dead dogs infested by headcrabs. o.0
I think those zoms in the graveyard are desperate crabs of a somewhat different type, who have parasitised the newly-dead... Sort of a stop-gap measure... They're continuously on the lookout for a new body, as they know the old one's not going to last long...

And the more normal zombies (mawmen) do eat to sustain themselves... You encounter them doing it several times in HL...
Op4+Headcrab=Genome Zombie


They dont evolve that is just how HL1 had it and how HL2 will prolly have it.
Op4 + headcrab? Do you mean marines? Because that wasn't true - there were regular zombies with power vests on, showing that marines still turn into normal zombies. You should know this when you get your power vest at the beginning -- there is a dead zombie with a Genome next to it, and a scientist wonders "what the next stage of mutation is like".
I just checked and there isn't actually. But still, my point still stands -- marines, once headcrabbed, still turn into normal zombies. They just develop into a genome.
i never really liked the headcrabbed human corpses... they seem pretty badly decomposed, how much of a brain and nervous system would they have left?
Because the military came in quite a while after the beginning of the incident. Any Marine zombies simply hadn't had enough time to evolve into Gonomes.

And I don't think that the zoms in HL were actually decomposed... They seemed more on the "heavily mutated" side of things...
figge said:
the gonomes have scientist pants i belive :p

Yup, the scientist zombies are (so far) the only ones that Gonomify. That's probably just so that they didn't have to make more models than they needed.

Security guard and soldier zombies actually deal more damage and can take more hits than a scientist zombie. I guess that's because the host is stronger.
A Gonome is the next step of evolution from zombies:

Gonarchs makes baby headcraps, who grows to headcraps, who maybe finds a victim that it turns/mutates into an zombie, who grows/mutates into gonomes, that grows/mutate to ????barnacle????( :p )

And the reason the Gonomes only have scientist pants are, as Brian Damage said, they been around longer.