

Nov 26, 2004
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I'm thinking about turning the rebels into zombies. What do you think?
Hehe, that is pretty much all I can say.

"Follow Dr. Freeman's Braaaaaiiiinnnsssss"
Got some work to do on skinning (blood doesn't drip like that) but nice start at least.
Gotta do some reasearch to make convincing Zombies. I recommend three things:
1) Study up on anatomy, if you're gonna peel skin off, you better know whats under it.
2) Watch some masters at work (preferably on DVDs of extremely gory Zombie movies with lots of commentary)
3) Mummies. Find mummies, encylopedia, nearbye natural history museum etc. Study mummies... semi-preserved human corpses... imagine them walking and you've got: ZOMBIES!
That is Freaky, seeing that in the dark and then turning on my flashlight and seeing it right close would make me Jump. As tynan said it can be improved on.
So, to make more convincing zombies I need to watch zombie movies?
Just so you guys know, I made a skull texture that aligns to the skin texture, so that the holes would reveal the bone underneath.
The blood was added for effect, since corpses don't bleed. And last but not least, mummies and zombies are not the same thing. Mummies are dried up corpses and zombies can be recently deceased.
Also, this is just a prototype, not the final product.
Thanks for the comments, though.;)
Hey man you asked for our opinion and we gave it.

I'm an amateur, but a hard core zombie afficianado (even working on my own Indy Zombie comic).

The advice I gave you comes from years of reading up on the "masters" of Zombie horror (no seriously, my love of Zombie movies borders on the freakish).

Everyone's Zombie is a little different of course, considering everything from budget to mythos can affect the final product. But those 3 sources seem to be repeated by many filmmakers as where they begin for inspiration.

And yes, watching Zombie movies is a damn good place to start. Not passive watching. Really -watch- it. Pause, rewinde, slow it down, speed it up, watch the same head explode 30 - 50 times. Try to see the makeup on the actor, and the actor beneath the makeup. Unwrap the frame until you think you know how it was done.

Then treat your model like an actor, and reproduce what you would do to a human actor.

With Zombies you've got a kind of dilemma on your hand. People have been watching Zombie movies for so long (pre-dating digital) that they are turned off by digital effects that can't be reproduced with prosthetic makeup. Thus a lot of the old-school guys who are still in the industry insist on sticking maquettes and prosthetics, for some reason the audience is so used to "unreal" effects that they are troubled by something that looks like it can't possibly be fake, and you loose them.
the 1990s remake of Night of the Living Dead is a good place to start, the makeup work done for those zombies was well done but not over the top. It actually looked quite believable.

They did research on just how corpses in the morgue look and all that grim stuff. What they got looked alot how a recently animated corpse would look rather than just a lot of excessive bleeding and oozing like most zombie movies do.
Dawn of the Dead (2004) is an obvious candidate. Though I have to say, aside from the dodgy blood drips, that zombie looks pretty good.
damn... this is cool. though you need to put more details.
Where you have the bone showing through there needs to be the appearence of more depth - at the moment it looks like it's painted onto the skin.

Other than that it looks cool, great idea.