

Feb 17, 2005
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I noticed that all the zombies in hl2 all wear white science team uniforms, but all the citizens wear normal cloths. Why is this?
Because scientists are more prone to zombie attacks due to their larger brain mass...obviously.
Er...They don't wear science coats. They wear civilian clothes. Quit mixing Half-Life with the sequel..

Woah, interesting post to make for my rank - CIVILIAN! Wooooo!

God, I need a life.
and no, they don't wear scientist uniforms. they wear the original citizen outfit, which used to be tan, and now is blue. i don't know why they didn't change the zombie model when they changed the citizen thing. i wouldv'e.
Deffinatly no from ur triple post ^^^ He got it from the official guide!!! w00t btw the reason th look the same because of magic!!
They were mawmen in production. they cut the name before release!

BTW i have a friend who has the official guide. i read the whole thing.
Yes, I am aware, but I was talking about HL1... That is where the name mawman came from. It was not "cut" from HL2 they just figured they didn't need to work the real name into HL2 for reasons unbeknownst to me.
be that as it may, no one esle it talking about hl1, why are you, and if you are, say so. we don't know what your talking about.
just to confuse and anger you! MUAHAHAHAHA

Edit:btw if you know that it is mawman Why the Fu*k are you arguing about it??
Well, there's a whole bunch of idiosyncrasies with the Mawmen (they are called the mawmen, zombies is just slang). among others:

There are only male zombies. (regular zombies... dunno about fast ones)
They are all exactly the same, even down to the blood splatters.
They're all wearing lab coats, in RAVENHOLM.
Don't we get rebel zombies, Valve? Or combine Zombies?
Rusty100 said:
be that as it may, no one esle it talking about hl1, why are you, and if you are, say so. we don't know what your talking about.
Why would it matter which game, they are still mawmen!
They're just called zombies in-game because... well, mawmen ain't what I'd shout if I saw one. I wouldn't call out zombies either, I'd shout "HOLY CRAP WHAT IN SWEET JUICY JESUS NAME IS THAT?!!!

Besides, what lab coats are you talkin' about?
Hasn't their been multiple topics about this already? Where do people get the idea that they are wearing lab coats? The zombies in HL2 are wearing jeans and a shirt... not a ****ing "lab coat". :|
Yet they all wear white shirts (if it makes you happy) and blue jeans.. It just made the game seem so unrealistic for me.. it would be alot cooler if valve put in some femail zombies or combine soldier/metrocop zombies with the actual clothes they wear. Just think about it.
Yes if those zombies had different cloths I could see how it would bump up the realism factor.
OMG wouldn't it be soo 1337 if we waited another year for HL2's release and paid $10 more for valve to add some more models and a level!!?? kekeke
i never noticed what they were wearing. come on that just lame. i was destracted with the fact that they were trying to kill me and i was SHOOTING THEIR HEADCRABS OFF with a shotgun
Jintor said:
Well, there's a whole bunch of idiosyncrasies with the Mawmen (they are called the mawmen, zombies is just slang). among others:

There are only male zombies. (regular zombies... dunno about fast ones)

How do you know? I bet at least a third of them were actually lesbians.
perhaps the human / zombifying human rips off the shirt while mutating?
Tight-ass Llama said:
perhaps the human / zombifying human rips off the shirt while mutating?
Yeah, I would see how you could think that seeing as their ribcages are actually split open. Going through that with a shirt on must be very uncomfortable. :thumbs:
no, i mean the spazaming human could tear it off in pain from having his head raped by an alien
I didn't read the entire thread so this may have been posted.
The citizens wear all blue and a white shirt.
The non-combat ready resistance wear white coats and coloured shirts.
The combat ready resistance wear beanies, jumpers and coloured shirts (and armour of course)

All the mawmen are non-combat ready resistance
Which makes sense because they might not have actually thought to try to rebel before they had a stronger figure actually motivating them.
The combine can't be headcrabbed because
A. Gas mask, even if a headcrab can bite through, it is more than enough time to rip it off and fill its carcass with lead.
B. Genetic enchancements might actually kill the headcrabs in some way or another.
Right, Ravenholm was a mining city, not a resistance HQ or anything, makes sense. They even had a priest! A... slightly odd priest but still...
special-ed said:
.. It just made the game seem so unrealistic for me..
Yeah, because alien invaders, and creatures designed just so that they can attach themselves to humans and turn them into zombies is realistic.. :hmph:
Wow I just realized something, while going through old trailers saved on my comp I found the original hl2 trailer. The zombie in the trailer is wearing actual resistance clothes.. weird
Heh, idea: the gasmasks on Combine are special headcrabs, painted white and with painted eyeholes and warning labels and stuff.

Ok.. wierd idea... and how did barney get his "headcrab" to slide back in the beginning??
special-ed said:
Wow I just realized something, while going through old trailers saved on my comp I found the original hl2 trailer. The zombie in the trailer is wearing actual resistance clothes.. weird
is that the first one with the oicw firing on the strider?
Ravenholm might have been the place where all the workers at the dam were housed, hence all the similar clothes.
There is no OICW in Half Life 2. Just the MP7 and the OSIPR (Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle)
And why don't we just stop fighting, and call them Pwned by Headcrabs = PBH's
Works for me