A Shocking Yet Upsetting Suprise...

Your feelings about the "NEW" Team Fortress 2

  • TFC veteran, and im upset/doubtful of the new TF2

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • TFC veteran, and i think TF2 is going to be great

    Votes: 142 46.7%
  • TFC veteran, unsure of the new TF2

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • New to TF2, but not interested

    Votes: 16 5.3%
  • New to TF2 and it looks/sounds awesome

    Votes: 109 35.9%

  • Total voters
The videos did not show off any gameplay. If you actually read the previews and planned features it was going to be BF2 about 4 years before it.
The videos did show gameplay. Almost ALL the videos were gameplay. And yes, it would've been TF2, although a bit more arcade-like.
No, the videos did not show off gameplay. They where the equivalent of this teaser trailer. Little setup segments to show off different elements.

What game am I talking about going by these features.

Commander Mode,
Big open landscapes,
Stats tracking.

I find it very surprising that 'tf vets' have very little idea what TF2 was actually going to be.
There were also full-on gameplay segments where the team could be seen rushing a fortress base, in-game. This was accompanied by Valve commentary about the idea of segmented maps, where if the team succeeded in taking this base they'd progress to the next area, a la Dustbowl. There was a video that followed a spy's trek throughout a map, sliding down a wire and walking around. There was a German video that showed a firefight between enemy teams. And there was another video that demonstrated the machinegun's recoil in a trainyard-like map.
There was a German video that showed a firefight between enemy teams. And there was another video that demonstrated the machinegun's recoil in a trainyard-like map.

Yeah, that was the ONE and only video i lost and could never find again. That video promised more than i could imagine, and A LOT of people never even got to see it. Man, i still wish valve stuck with that original idea, it would be somewhat like BF2 but on the steam engine, an entire different gameplay feeling, not as big as maps, or atleast not all of them, and of course...the gameplay would be beyond addicting. Anyone who saw that german video of TF2 would know EXACTLY what i'm talking about. By the way AGENT M...I don't think you remember me but i was the crazy TF2 fanatic back when these forums were a tad bit smaller....i think your alias was Agent Machima or something similiar to that...forgive me.

This new TF2 scares me and upsets me :rolleyes: I'm sure it will be fun and cool and what not...but seriously...WHY VALVE WHYYYYYY

Perhaps because that military theme wasn't anything like TF and because it's been done to death?

Just a guess.

Perhaps because that military theme wasn't anything like TF and because it's been done to death?

Just a guess.

Tokin, it sounds more like you're a TF2 fan than a TFC fan. Sure, some TFC fans may not like the art style, but I doubt they would rather play a slightly different version of BF2 than a new TFC.
I'm trying to figure out how people aren't completely tired of the industrial, cold, and lifeless military setting by now. If you play a lot of games, and particularly online action games, then you've probably seen entirely more camouflage, AK-47s, and turbans than is healthy. I know I have. I am completely dumb-founded that there are people out there who consider that approach fresh. UT2k4 remains to be my favorite multiplayer game currently if only because it doesn't take itself so seriously.

I welcome the departure and hope that other companies and mod-teams are inspired to let go of the military obsession.
No actually I think you should. Hell all you gotta do is go watch some of the old videos of it, forget the reading.

It was an interesting idea but it wouldn't had worked in the end. It was too realistic and would had removed the TF factor.
I'm trying to figure out how people aren't completely tired of the industrial, cold, and lifeless military setting by now. If you play a lot of games, and particularly online action games, then you've probably seen entirely more camouflage, AK-47s, and turbans than is healthy. I know I have. I am completely dumb-founded that there are people out there who consider that approach fresh. UT2k4 remains to be my favorite multiplayer game currently if only because it doesn't take itself so seriously.

I welcome the departure and hope that other companies and mod-teams are inspired to let go of the military obsession.

No more to add.
I dunno why TFC vets are worried, this looks much more like a TFC sucessor than TF2 was going to be. TF2 was going to be something completely different to the core TF game play.

Or are you going to pull the "zomg I am not as good at the source versions of their games, so they have ruined it and it is nothing like the original!"
I think what most people aren't getting is that, at the time, there wasn't such a deluge of military-style shooters when TF2 was promised. Those of us that fell in love with the idea at that time continued to love it even to this day, despite the dramatic shift in FPS games from more arcade-y, futuristic-type shooters to today's dime-a-dozen modern military FPSes.

Yeah, the scene's changed today, and there's all sorts of realistic, gritty, modern (and historical [WW2]) shooters. BUt TF2 was an appealing idea then, and to some of us it's still an appealing idea. Maybe most people can't get behind it because you weren't into TF2. Maybe you were but the gaming menu of today is already full of too much realistic or semi-realistic war for you. But for some of us...loyalty to Brotherhood of Arms, man. Because I would STILL have a grand ol' time sneaking up on somebody as a spy, garotting him, stealing his clothes, and goosestepping back into formation with his squad. I'd still have fun playing an officer, keeping up my team's morale and radioing the commander and other squads. I'd still like to have a single, dumb-fire rocket with the soldier, and marvel at the VOLUMETRIC SMOKE! :laugh: And yeah, I can do a few of those things in BF2 (hell I could even re-enact the spy scene from that video in BF2: Special Forces with the zipline). But I'd rather do them in TF2. Despite any other war games, eff that, man. BoA Loyalty. Eight-year loyalty.
Thank god for this new look. I'm pretty sure TF2 would have simply been a generic military shooter, had it not opted for this brilliant new look it would never have snagged my interest.
For those doubtful of the graphics, at least it's a change and not a generic FPS look. For those doubtful of the gameplay... well... we know nothing about how it's going to play so your wishes are still able to come true.
People hate change, they can't stand it. Me personally can't wait for TF2 I think it looks awesome. The thing I like the most is the fact that the animations and skins fit the gameplay style of TFC. As long as they keep this same style (bunnyhopping, conc nades, rocket jumps etc) I think the game will be a great success.

I do agree with some of the other posters in this thread, I was looking forward to brotherhood of arms very much (I play spy often, and remember there being talk of a controller spider camera for the spy which made me wet my panties!). Things like the commander class who could give orders from an overhead map were also good. What I am preying is that valve may use this game that was supposed to be tf2 originally and maybe use it as another title. We will have to wait and see :)
We still have only seen the teaser. For all you know, quite a bit from the original TF2 might be carried over, and possibly more.

Regardless though, I have faith that this game will be immensely fun. For whatever their faults may be, Valve do not churn out crap. And if you're going to make TF2, one of the most anticipated games in recent memory, you don't settle for the subpar.
Valve do not churn out crap. And if you're going to make TF2, one of the most anticipated games in recent memory, you don't settle for the subpar.

Valve didn't make much of DOD:S, i know it's just my opinion but i had way more fun playing the original.

As for TF2, Darkside is right...

Darkside55 said:
I think what most people aren't getting is that, at the time, there wasn't such a deluge of military-style shooters when TF2 was promised. Those of us that fell in love with the idea at that time continued to love it even to this day, despite the dramatic shift in FPS games from more arcade-y, futuristic-type shooters to today's dime-a-dozen modern military FPSes.

Even though we have BF2 and all of these other modern day shooters...TF2 would of still been a huge success. The ideas they had at the current time as to showing it now if the design was still the same...it'd be nuts! The gameplay would of been absolutely amazing and addicting and just by watching those old TF2 videos anyone could tell. Too bad valve scrapted it....yeah yeah im all for inovation and new things, and what valve has done to TF2 may turn out fun, but it won't be CRAP compared to their old design if it was to be released today. I still think that the source engine wasn't capable of the many things they wanted to do with their old design, as well as BF2 and other games coming in and making a huge impact....too bad.
I also think many of you never even heard about some of the old ideas as of course TF2 being a themed military shooter game.

...one of the biggest upsets is loosing the commander mode. It was such a huge success with Natural Selection, but that game kinda fell short. Better concept, better ideas = better game. That is what TF2 had in stores for it. You guys can say what you want, but even though valve did change this game entirelly around, the gameplay may turn out fun, but let's just hope this game isn't going to be aimed more towards children than the vass majority of the fans. I can only hope that some of the older TF2 ideas are somehow implimented into this new design and that it doesn't turn out as goofy as im imagining it to be.

Tokin, I'm seriously ****ing curious as to how you know so much about TF2's gameplay and how it compares the original.
I remember seeing those old ass TF2 concepts in PC Gamer.
Personally, I'm glad VALVe has turned away from the realistic look of combat. In a world of too many WWII games and CS rip-offs, VALVe is setting TF2 apart with it's own style.

Well done VALVe, I cant wait to play something that looks different.

If you want TF2 to be it's original concept, then get togeather a MOD team and make it.
Well, I'm not a TF vet... heck I have never even played a game of it, but upon seeing the screenshot and subsequent teaser video, it peaked my interest..

And I think what's important to look at is this poll, only 10% are either doubtful vets (3%) and new guys uninterested (7%)... HOWEVER at the time of this poll apprx 79% are stoked about the game (leaving 10% interested but unsure)

So far valve has been able to attract new interest in the game from new players as well as not alienate their base players of TF... that is HUGE for the game's longevity and successfulness

And I can promise you if TF2 would have looked like the BF series, I wouldn't of given it a second look, but this cartoony style looks different and I (like many others) am intrigued even though a week ago I could have cared less about if TF2 was ever released, now I am anxiously awaiting both Ep2, Portals, AND TF2
I also think many of you never even heard about some of the old ideas as of course TF2 being a themed military shooter game.

...one of the biggest upsets is loosing the commander mode. It was such a huge success with Natural Selection, but that game kinda fell short. Better concept, better ideas = better game. That is what TF2 had in stores for it. You guys can say what you want, but even though valve did change this game entirelly around, the gameplay may turn out fun, but let's just hope this game isn't going to be aimed more towards children than the vass majority of the fans. I can only hope that some of the older TF2 ideas are somehow implimented into this new design and that it doesn't turn out as goofy as im imagining it to be.


Ok so what you mean a commander mode just like Quake Wars and BF2? Oh.......

Aimed at children :rolling: Just like the original TF had an exaggerated cartoony look to it... And I don't think many childrens games have the weapons and the game play TF2 will have.
Yeah, that was the ONE and only video i lost and could never find again. That video promised more than i could imagine, and A LOT of people never even got to see it. Man, i still wish valve stuck with that original idea, it would be somewhat like BF2 but on the steam engine, an entire different gameplay feeling, not as big as maps, or atleast not all of them, and of course...the gameplay would be beyond addicting. Anyone who saw that german video of TF2 would know EXACTLY what i'm talking about. By the way AGENT M...I don't think you remember me but i was the crazy TF2 fanatic back when these forums were a tad bit smaller....i think your alias was Agent Machima or something similiar to that...forgive me.

This new TF2 scares me and upsets me :rolleyes: I'm sure it will be fun and cool and what not...but seriously...WHY VALVE WHYYYYYY

Hey buddy yah I remember you from back in the day these forums have grown alot...havnt seen you around in awhile! Tho I dont show it I am also one of the biggest TF2 fans out there along with you Tokin, well at least one of the biggest fans of the "old" TF2 may it rest in peace!! ;(
Tokin, I'm seriously ****ing curious as to how you know so much about TF2's gameplay and how it compares the original.

I've watched every TF2 video, which there were only about 5 made, which are ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to find now. I've also read every single interview and preview from 97'ish to present day. That's how i know.

Ben said:
Ok so what you mean a commander mode just like Quake Wars and BF2? Oh.......

Well from my understanding, and from what ive read, it was more towards a Natural Selection basis...but BF2 is a great example...but yes a very similar comparison. A Commander mode use to be planned for TF2, it was a type of position that would order individual soldiers of where to attack and defend, also would deploy weapon barracks, advances for the different soldier classes, and new places and spots to defend on a map. TF2 originally had a few different gameplay types, and one of them was this, i forget what it was called but they were tended for the bigger maps.

As for the "new" TF2, i don't mean to down on it at all, i'm just a little upset they took this new route. I understand that valve is very innovative and went with this new design and what not but it just doesn't do it for me. As for the gameplay, your right Absinthe, i don't know about the NEW TF2 gameplay. But from the looks of it, i can guarantee it won't be as stragetic as the original, or as serious...obviously...and the character classes have changed majorily, with of course the design of TF2 going towards this new funkshway look. This is what valve wanted to do, so it's whatever.
I've watched every TF2 video, which there were only about 5 made, which are ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to find now. I've also read every single interview and preview from 97'ish to present day. That's how i know.

No, I mean how can you possibly know that this current state of TF2 is somehow inferior to what was presented years ago. You talk about how they originally planned some gameplay element a long time ago, but have no way of knowing what the state of such a feature is today.

Look, it's all fine and dandy if you want military strategy and realism. But that's not what Team Fortress is. It's not about squad tactics or anything like that. It's about frenetic, energized, teamplay action with a penchant for the absurd. I don't know what prompted the serious modern combat feel they started TF2 out with, but it's good that Valve got it out of their system one way or the other.
No, I mean how can you possibly know that this current state of TF2 is somehow inferior to what was presented years ago.

I'm not saying that, or not trying to mean it like that. Basically, from how the game looks now as compared to the past, A LOT of cool stuff was dropped. Now I'm not saying new stuff hasn't been added to TF2, because obviously it has. But this new look and design is just insane. What im really curious/concerned about is how far they went with this incredibles/pixar animated action game...the HW guy's machine gun barrel flash is extremelly animated and cartoony...i can only wonder what it will be like when you shoot someone, kill them, blow them up...the gameplay basically. NEW is good, valve is good at that, and im sure TF2 will turn out to be very unique and different compared to other online fps action games. Whether it does well or not, I can only guess it will never be as big as it could of been if valve decided to stick and work on the old design....the possibilities of the past 6 years of silence....who knows. This game surely won't phase as many people as it could, and i'm sure a lot of people would agree with me if they were to read this. I'm done.
Oh no, Valve didn't didn't cater to the lowest common denominator if uber-realism military garbage. What a loss!

I really don't care if it doesn't do as well as it could have in its previous iteration. I'm confident it will be popular enough in its own right, and I won't have to deal with as many humorless pre-teen idiots that seem to populate every other military shooter. And I'm sure Valve knows its lost some potential customers because of the change. But that's admirable if they're going to stick to their own course instead of thirsting for a quick buck.
Oh no, Valve didn't didn't cater to the lowest common denominator if uber-realism military garbage. What a loss!

I really don't care if it doesn't do as well as it could have in its previous iteration. I'm confident it will be popular enough in its own right, and I won't have to deal with as many humorless pre-teen idiots that seem to populate every other military shooter. And I'm sure Valve knows its lost some potential customers because of the change. But that's admirable if they're going to stick to their own course instead of thirsting for a quick buck.

Agreed, that's what valve does best, and thats what makes them continue to stand out among the rest of the companies. Well whatever, we'll have to just wait and see. Let's just hope we have EP2 and the rest in our hands this year.
No, the videos did not show off gameplay. They where the equivalent of this teaser trailer. Little setup segments to show off different elements.

What game am I talking about going by these features.

Commander Mode,
Big open landscapes,
Stats tracking.

I find it very surprising that 'tf vets' have very little idea what TF2 was actually going to be.

If TF2 is going to have at least Vehicles, Big open landscape, Class, Armies etc. That would be a big rip off of the Battlefield Series or even the Franchise.
If TF2 is going to have at least Vehicles, Big open landscape, Class, Armies etc. That would be a big rip off of the Battlefield Series or even the Franchise.
Thanks for reading the thread and knowing what you're talking about there. It certainly would've been just awful if Valve, who planned commander mode, vehicular combat, class-based warfare, squadplay, and open landscapes (with progressional maps; you beat one map and the next map the server plays is different depending on who won the previous map) would've stolen it from Dice. Why, when Battlefield 1942 came out FOUR YEARS AFTER TF2 WAS ANNOUNCED, it just wouldn't be fair for Valve to go back and steal all their ORIGINAL IDEAS back, now would they?

We're all just going around in circles here. Tokin, Agent M., and myself seem to be the BoA trifecta, who would still in this day love to see what the real TF2 would've been like, but everyone else, eh. You guys are so hung up on Battlefield and other military shooters that you're repeating, "It's good that that's not the direction Valve went," and "That's not what TF's about." Well let me reiterate again that first of all, TF2 was going to be THE military shooter back in the day. Like, the ONLY one. Sure that's not the direction they went in, but make no mistake, people: Valve only decided to change TF2 because those games are in full-force now, and they just didn't want to be one of the pack. Certainly that's seemed to work, capturing peoples' imaginations, but we all know the only reason they changed it isn't because they were concerned with "the spirit of Team Fortress"; they changed it because they had no other recourse. Their ideas were already out there in circulation. They changed it because THEY HAVE TO BE DIFFERENT. Gabe's radio silence on my e-mail pretty much confirms that, 'cause I asked him straight out if that's what it was and I haven't gotten a reply in nearly a week. They just won't come out and say it.

And to that end, secondly, who are you guys to say what the spirit of Team Fortress is? You know, the only people who can really say that are QWTFers, and even then, man. I've been playing Team Fortress and its iterations across multiple game engines for seven years now; yeah, I know what Team Fortress is about, but I can't really say, "That's not team fortress" because you know what? My name isn't Robin Walker and it isn't John Cook. I also don't work at Valve and I'm not in any position to say what is or isn't team fortress. The creators of Team Fortress say what TF is or isn't, not you, not me, not anyone else. And just remember this...TF2 was THEIR vision. So the next time you say, "I'm a veteran and that isn't what Team Fortress is about!" just remember you're arguing with the CREATORS OF THE GAME. And in essence, you can't do that, because you know what? Creators can come in and do whatever the hell they want and your opinion just goes *poof*. Which is, I'll admit, the sad state of affairs that the BoA loyalists are lamenting right now. But, not our decision.
I wouldn't call my self a TFC vet, but I've played TFC and I have to say that is the most cartoony FPS I've played. The new style seems to fit the gamplay almost perfectly. I can definitly understand why they changed styles, because the previous idea would just seem like "Battlefield: Team Fortress" if released now. Sure, it's Valve, and we can trust them to make a good game, but their idea has already been done, and done pretty well. This new style is something completly different, and I'm glad that someone's taking FPS games in a new direction.
Hahaha, you have no idea how many times I hear that, and for so many different things. Mm, but I'm actually writing a book-sized thing for Singleplayer Mythology right now anyway, so...;)

Oh, and as not to be off-topic,
JoeClawrence said:
I can definitly understand why they changed styles, because the previous idea would just seem like "Battlefield: Team Fortress" if released now. Sure, it's Valve, and we can trust them to make a good game, but their idea has already been done, and done pretty well.
I am going to quote you for the mf-ing truth. Idea's been done to death now, can't very well release yet another war clone game, so they go in a new direction. In truth I am really curious to see where the new TF2 will go, gameplay-wise.
But it is the REAL TF2.

Like Valve said , they have alot to say about the development of the game across the years. Maybe the original design and gameplay didn't work well , maybe they had to change stuff , who know why.

When a game is developed for 8 years things are bound to change from what originally was planned.