A complete list of games to look forward to. (Videos, screenshots, News) Please look!


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
* The list is in no particular order.
* If you find any Errors let me know I will fix it.
* Release dates are speculation unless pointed out other wise.
* Did I miss a game Tell me I will add it.

BioShock (PC, Xbox 360) NO Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: US: August 21, 2007 - Europe: August 24, 2007


Haze (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Player Multiplayer, 4 Player CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q3 2007


The Orange Box (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) 24 PC, 16 Console Player Multiplayer, NO CO-OP, Commentary ALL 3 Games


Videos IGN Orange Box, IGN Episode 2, IGN Portal, IGN Team Fortress 2 - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN Episode 2, IGN Portal, IGN Team Fortress 2

Release: (Fall) October 2007


Halo 3 (Xbox 360) 16 Player Multiplayer, 2 Player CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: September 25, 2007


The Darkness (Xbox 360, PS3) 16 Player Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: June 25, 2007


Assassin's Creed (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) NO Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: November IGN


Devil May Cry 4 (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) NO Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q4 2007


Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Player Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q3 2007


Tom Clancy's EndWar (Xbox 360, PS3) ? Player Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2008


Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Player Multiplayer, 2 Player CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2008


BlackSite: Area 51 (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Player Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: September 3, 2007


Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (PC, Xbox 360) ? Player Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q4 2007


Too Human (Xbox 360) ? Player Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: August 6, 2007


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) ? Player Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: March 2007


Crysis (PC) 24 Player Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2007


World in Conflict (PC) 16 Player Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: September 18, 2007 IGN


Fallout 3 (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Player Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA


StarCraft II (PC) ? Player Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2008 IGN


Hellgate: London (PC) MMO? Player Multiplayer, YES CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: October 30, 2007


The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Xbox 360, PS3) ? Player Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2007


Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii) NO Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: June 19, 2007


Manhunt 2 (PSP, PS2, Wii) NO Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: US: July 10, 2007 - Europe: July 27, 2007


Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii) NO Multiplayer, 2 Player CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2007


Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360, PS3) ? Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2008


Unreal Tournament 3 (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Players Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q4 2007


Project Offset (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA


TimeShift (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Players Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q4 2007
Interstellar Marines (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA


John Woo Presents Stranglehold (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Players Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: August 6, 2007


Condemned 2: Bloodshot (Xbox 360, PS3) ? Players Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2008


Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360, PS3) NO Multiplayer, 2 Player CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: US: October 16, 2007 - October 19, 2007


Army of Two (Xbox 360, PS3) ? Players Multiplayer, 2 Player CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: US: TBA 2007 - June 28, 2007


Halo Wars (PC, Xbox 360) ? Players Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA


Duke Nukem Forever (PC) ? Players Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: When its Done....


Age of Conan (PC, Xbox 360) MMO Multiplayer, YES CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: US: October 30, 2007 - November 25, 2007


Killzone (PS3) ? Players Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q3 2007


Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (PC) 32 Players Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: US: July 2, 2007 - Europe: June 15, 2007 - Australia: December 31, 2007


Turok (Xbox 360, PS3) ? Players Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q4 2007


WarDevil (PS3) ? Players Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2008


Alone in the Dark (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) ? Players Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: January 2008


Left 4 Dead (PC, Xbox 360) 8 Players Multiplayer, 4 Player CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q4 2007


Alan Wake (PC, Xbox 360) ? Multiplayer, ? CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA


Spore (PC) NO Multiplayer, NO CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: TBA 2008


Mass Effect (PC) NO Multiplayer, 2 Player CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: US: September 3, 2007 - Europe: September 14, 2007


Huxley (PC) MMO Multiplayer, YES CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: September 2007


Clive Barker's Jericho (PC) MMO Multiplayer, YES CO-OP


Videos IGN - Gamespot

Screenshots IGN

Release: Q4 2007



Games that haven't been named or announced officially.

New id Game: New id Franchise
F.E.A.R Sequel: S.E.A.R - First Info - Name the Game
Sony Online Spy MMO: Mercenary / Spy MMO
New Deus Ex Project: Deus Ex 3? - Confirmed Project
not a bad list!
i suggest removing area 51 though
it's terrible
BlackSite: Area 51, lol?
Area 51 on the XB1, PC and PS2 was complete and utter shit.
Blacksite Area 51 lolz. Looks shit. Like the other one. Not bad other than that.
Mario Galaxy
final fantasy XIII?
Zelda Phantom hourglass
Dragon Age
Get a paper round, sell some weed to school kids - do what you must!!

Sell your nan, put on a miniskirt and work the docks ...

Every house should have a Wii.
Mass Effect will be out for the 360 also.

I cant believe they are bringing Turok back! The first Turok is the first game i played on the N64, and would literally spend hours on Turok 2, Turok 3 was a shambles though.
Spore is actually coming out in 2043
Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII Versus, Lair, Ratchet and clank 4, ninja gaiden sigma
Guitar Hero: Rock the '80s

btw, if you're going to be adding all these games to the list, at least make an effort to put it in some sort of order. :P I suggest in order of release
Cant edit anymore. :/ Oh well its a pretty good list. I dont know why i made it tho. Spent a shit load of time on it and now im looking back saying wtf was i thinking... lol
Actually, it'll probably be around November-December 2007 for US, March 2k8 for Europe.

Yeah, that remixed trailer (which rocks) even says 2008 then crosses it out with 2007--very good news indeed. :bounce:

Nice list man--exhaustive. Where do you find the energy??? :D

I would add Persona 3 to it, but since I am one of the few here who probably care about it at all, no worries that it aint on there.
Starcraft 2
Warhammer online

Coouple missing, but good list.
I agree with 99% of that list, but Halo 3 isn't to be looked forward to. :)
Speak for yourself :P

Halo 3 online co-op is going to own, and own hard :)
Get a paper round, sell some weed to school kids - do what you must!!

Sell your nan, put on a miniskirt and work the docks ...

Every house should have a Wii.

Also *Cough* Mercenaries 2, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption *End Cough*
Mercenaries 2 is going to be on Wii!?!?

So it isn't just going to collect dust! YES!
Mercenaries 2 is coming to the following platforms!
X-Box 360, PS3, PS2 and finally PC.
excellent list, most of the pc games you listed already in my shopping list. :)