Christian Mom tries to ban 80 books from school library due to promoting "sinning"


May 5, 2004
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another ****ing useless religious zealot trying to push her moronic ideology on other people

The Palm Beach County School Board refused to pull 80 books referencing homosexuality, atheism and abortion from the library shelves of two high schools.

But the mother fighting since September to ban them refuses to give up.

Laura Lopez said she will start a church-to-church petition and reach out to a Christian law center to represent her.

"To me, it doesn't end here. This is just the beginning," said the West Palm Beach mom.

Lopez had 15 minutes to make her case during a school board workshop. She listed a litany of sins that she says are promoted by books she found doing a simple key word search on the library computers at Dreyfoos School of the Arts and Royal Palm Beach High School. She acknowledged she hadn't read a single one of the books cover-to-cover.

Among the objectionable books were: Medical Ethics: Moral and Legal Conflicts in Health Care, Coping When a Parent is Gay and The Cider House Rules, a John Irving novel about a rural doctor who runs an orphanage and performs illegal abortions.

She also expanded her objections to include the curriculum taught in schools.

"They're teaching kids the Big Bang. They're teaching kids lies," she told the board. "The world was created 6,000 years ago. In my son's elementary school book, it says the world was created several million years ago."

**** off and die
So she admits to not having read any of the books... what the ****? Yeah I'll QFT you on FOAD.

"they're teaching kids lies"? oh I'm sorry, why don't you teach sci-fi/fantasy with your bible instead.

I'm hoping you meant with a louisville slugger ...all else is inconceivable
I'm hoping you meant with a louisville slugger ...all else is inconceivable

Hey bro, you haven't heard? Protestant chicks are the biggest freaks in bed. They'll teach ya some shit.
protestant girls I like ...crazy young earth creationists not so much
Unless it has Karl Marx on the list, that's just stupid.
lol but hay guyz dun judge theez ppl just cuz they hav diffrent views
Nope. Banning books because they're un-Christian will never fly.

Seriously, why do these people even try?
Oh, here we go again...I wonder if Harry Potter is on her list.
btw, her son already looks like gay, I really don't know what she want to achieve...
Why don't I ever meet people like this IRL? :( It would be so much fun.
Seriously, why do these people even try?

Because they like to mix ignorance with religion.

I especially like this line: "The world was created 6,000 years ago. In my son's elementary school book, it says the world was created several million years ago." That's sooooo cute...honestly...just like a little baby. Now, get back to bed.
I hate dumb bastards that freak out about every little pissant thing! In Italy they are trying to ban garlic from restraunts! Because they say it makes people smell bad and it is refered to as a poor mans vegtable! WTF?! I am pissed of at all these libreils (Cant spell) bitching whining and groaning go to hell!
I hate dumb bastards that freak out about every little pissant thing! In Italy they are trying to ban garlic from restraunts! Because they say it makes people smell bad and it is refered to as a poor mans vegtable! WTF?! I am pissed of at all these libreils (Cant spell) bitching whining and groaning go to hell!

what? the "liberals" bitching and complaining are actually christian fundamentalist crazies ..there's nothing "liberal" about them
Sorry but I got a little politcal its kind of both left and right. She is very close minded (Conservative) but she got offended and she has to bitch to everybody(Liberal)
so everyone in america is liberal?


oh and she's not "conservative" she's bat shit insane ..there's a difference, ...negligible but it's there
Sorry but I got a little politcal its kind of both left and right. She is very close minded (Conservative) but she got offended and she has to bitch to everybody(Liberal)
I ****ing hate American Liberal - Conservative stereotype bullshit.

In england we have quite a diverse range of political parties streching from the communist party and respect (socialists) to the BNP(Nazis). All hold some form of political power, we don't have Liberals and Conservatives as labels because we have a decent media system to which we don't subscribe all out opinions too. America is a joke.
I ****ing hate American Liberal - Conservative stereotype bullshit.

In england we have quite a diverse range of political parties streching from the communist party and respect (socialists) to the BNP(Nazis). All hold some form of political power, we don't have Liberals and Conservatives as labels because we have a decent media system to which we don't subscribe all out opinions too. America is a joke.

In all fairness, RESPECT being far left nutjobs. Decent media system system my ass; You have the BBC.
In all fairness, RESPECT being far left nutjobs. Decent media system system my ass; You have the BBC.

oh come on are you saying the bbc is worse than the idiotic media you get your news from? last I checked Little Green Footballs hasnt risen from their stupid-right-wing-blog-for-stupid-people status ..there is not a single right winged media outlet as well respected as the BBC even suggest BBC isnt anything but "decent" media just proves how deluded you truely are
The BBC is good! No adverts ftw! TV License ftl!
I find BBC to be the best news source in the english language I've encountered. Any accusation of bais lacks base in reality.

They're almost up to standards with the Swedish public service, and that says a lot.
the bible should be the first book to be banned.

They're almost up to standards with the Swedish public service, and that says a lot.
Do they broadcast in English? I'm interested in seeing it.
I really wish that religious people had to undergo castration as part of their rituals, because this shit is going to keep happening for a long time thanks to kids being raised by these people.
With that face no wonder she has to resort to other means to get attention.

Fugly bitch.
Why don't I ever meet people like this IRL? :( It would be so much fun.

Trust me, they aren't ;)

Especially when they stalk you and tell you to "accept Jesus!" and when debating philosophy in class say "don't listen to him, he hates Jesus!"
I'd love to have my own TV network, and put things like Porn, Big-Bang theory type shows, and stuff like that (during the day, too, I might add), just to piss off the Christian freaks, and then when they come up to me telling me to get that stuff off the air, I'd tell them to f*ck off, and throw science books at them until they get off my property.

It'd be worth an entire TV network shutdown, just to do that.
I've got the pitch and torches if anyone wants to accuse her of being a witch and throw her in a pond to see if she floats.
Do they broadcast in English? I'm interested in seeing it.
Don't think so, I'm afraid.

I have never seen them baised in anything except against extremist such as nazis and stalinists. They're balanced in every issue, the Israel-Palestine conflict and the Iraq war to name a few. They also have a great deal of self-criticism on the rare occations when they've done something wrong or could've done something better, such as not asking the politicians enough critical questions.
I think we need more Atheist channels on TV. We already have a bunch of Christian ones.
I mean, I'm a Christian, but that is just retarded. I mean, REALLY retarded. 'Coping when a paent is gay' is a priceless piece of information for the minority of us for whom it is true. And COME ON, who could work up the nerve to check out that book anyway? :P. Even most Christian schools teach about the Big Bang, just to teach what kids should hear anyway. At my school, we barely even talked about it. The Bible doesn't tell the SPECIFICS of creation. So stop talking like you know everything about it. Cause you DONT.

We need more crazy religous fanatics, it makes me lol.