[NSFW] Image Dump II

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Saiyans are weakling, you guys are lucky I don't call the NSA to get you guys arrested!
You're saying that's the first time you see something like that? oO

BTW, lol, 1st time I got an infraction. ^^
That game has sucky features. First off, the real world has several hidden monthly fees, the world is limited to one planet, NPCs are dumb as shit, No respawns means PvP sucks, and my computer cant run highest resolution graphics. >:0
That game has sucky features. First off, the real world has several hidden monthly fees, the world is limited to one planet, NPCs are dumb as shit, No respawns means PvP sucks, and my computer cant run highest resolution graphics. >:0

Yeah, and I need glasses just to see things that are far away.
Not to mention the shitty character creation. Who in their right mind would make the character creation nine-months to take?! You can't even -choose- anything about your character.
There's also this thing called "tooth decay". Utter shit. I don't know who led the development of this but they sure as hell didn't know how to balance these things.
Sui, I found your post + sig to be incredibly hilarious for some reason :laugh:
That guy has been the topic of many, long-winded conversations.
dont mean to go offtopic but ... how ? , i can do it with a php file that returns a jpg but that doesnt seem to be whats happening here.

Oops, I missed this the other day because of your pics...

Anyways, I'm not sure about php, I know its easy with ASP.NET - you just specify an HTTP Handler for whatever path you want. So for example, I could say that any request for "foo.jpg" will actually be handled by some class I've created... OR even "*.bar.jpg", which would of course include "foo.bar.jpg", "boo.bar.jpg", etc. Then you just have a base image, play with GDI+ a bit and there you go. Can even get a little more creepy and add some IP geolocation code to say "You're in the united states" or whatever :D
deathmaster, thats a nice anime folder you got there
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