Ladder Theory


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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Lets discuss Ladder Theory.

I think it all makes sense, alot of sense. Ennui seems to regard it as an over simplication.

What do you think?
The ladder theory is infallible.

Anybody who disagrees is a filthy ****ing liar.
Writer sounds like he's been dumped one too many times.
The ladder theory is infallible.

Anybody who disagrees is a filthy ****ing liar.

pmsl :P

Writer sounds like he's been dumped one too many times.

Aye :)

The fact is, you can't branch the world's population into halves then make sound speculations about such things. People are people, and people view things differently. There may very well be many people who play into stereotpyes.
I don't think the debate will be on any intellectual level if people can't fix the link for themselves..

"Or like someone who has stabbed a man and went to prison for it." Strange that 10 minutes ago I was in a psychology lesson looking at the Rachel Nickel case :/

As for the theory, too general and pretty much just attempts to describe false details of already known and accepted views.

In misses out an important part of accessibility, with all it's pie charts of power / attractiveness etc. which I think is important for a lot of people. eg. Not trying to get in there with someone you doubt you will ever see again, compared with a neighbor or someone you work with.

The 'theory' doesn't show anything, it basically outlines a lot of possibilities (although very, maybe too simply).
Something that gives MANY possible reasons for events, along with exceptions to the rule, isn't worth calling a theory and more a group of explanations which may or may not be true depending on the circumstance. :\

I think it's bullshit anyway.
That's one of the worst, sexist pages I've ever read.


Prejudice, anyone?

I don't think that has anything to do with it to be honest.
Well, it comes under the category of the other sections in the ratings chart, I was just pointing out that it's something important and was completely over-looked.

edit, affects where you would 'rate' them in just the same way as money / power / attraction

It's really general and doesn't have a one tailed prediction which can apply to enough situations for me to accept it as a 'good' theory.
From Wikipedia:
While LT has enough anecdotal and observational verification that it cannot be summarily dismissed, it nonetheless is of limited value in actual relationship practice. In addition to being too general to apply with useful predictability to individuals, it is highly sexist in its assumptions about male and female sexual/relationship motivations; it presumes an innate hypocrisy in the women it purports to describe (the difference between "ladders" is assumed at best unknown to the woman herself, and at worst deliberately concealed from or misrepresented to men as a power tactic), and an innate venality in men (men are assumed to rank all women by sexual desireability first and foremost, at the expense of other qualities, and to only use secondary qualities as "tiebreakers"). LT can be of use in exposing certain bad habits that do occur in relationship dynamics, but it has more value as a negative to avoid in oneself than a model to manipulate or exploit in others.
I don't think it's sexist it's sensible and understanding what people want allows everyone to live better lives.

The roots are imo in Evolution. Women want men who can provide for children so they want men with wealth, social skills, power and strength. Men just want good looking girls and as many as possible. For men, sex is about spreading genes as much as possible. Women cannot have this mentality becuase 1000's of years ago, if a women had sex she was risking her life (through the dangers of childbirth) so she needed a man to provide and look after her and the baby.

I think Ladder theory is slightly wrong in the womens pie charts, but it gets the right idea.
I'm of the opinion that the Ladder Theory only applies to stupid people - emos, jocks, rich assholes, dumb blondes, high school kids, etc.

[edit] It only applies consistently to those people. I should be more clear.
All women are whores.

All men are driven by cock.

If this is not an objective, factual observation of reality, then nothing is.
I'm of the opinion that the Ladder Theory only applies to stupid people - emos, jocks, rich assholes, dumb blondes, high school kids, etc.

[edit] It only applies consistently to those people. I should be more clear.

Your in denial. If you think you value intelligence above looks, or anything else above looks in women you're lying or a homosexual in denial. I'm not saying that negatively.

I mean, there's a girl at my sixth form I'm after atm, she's got a VERY annoying voice and is dumb as **** but shes good looking...
Heh, got a good laugh out of it. Seems pretty American, though :|
I think The pie chart should be like this, well not even a pie chart really, this is all either sex ultimately care about imo.

Women - Ability to Provide healthy children both through mates genes and social status to provide for familly.

Men - Ability to provide healthy children (blonde hair, breats and hips are all indicators of this).
Your in denial. If you think you value intelligence above looks, or anything else above looks in women you're lying or a homosexual in denial. I'm not saying that negatively.

I mean, there's a girl at my sixth form I'm after atm, she's got a VERY annoying voice and is dumb as **** but shes good looking...
I don't value intelligence OVER looks, but it's far more important to me than it is for a lot of people.
motto: aslong as it's better looking than your hand

People think too much into it and no rules or explanations are at all consistent, = no theory just an observation.
I read over this a little while ago, and I believe it's bollocks.
I'm in agreement with Dave, this applies much more consistently/accurately to stupid people than intelligent people. Much like Tucker Max's breakdown of females/dating.
I'm in agreement with Dave, this applies much more consistently/accurately to stupid people than intelligent people. Much like Tucker Max's breakdown of females/dating.

You mean... the smarter you are, the less you want to bang hot chicks?
You mean... the smarter you are, the less you want to bang hot chicks?
The smarter you are the more things you probably have on your mind like inflation or the general collapse of the economy.
The smarter I am the less focussed I am on wanting to bang hot chicks. Also the more likely I am to downplay the "looks" factor in favour of intelligence when looking for a date.
'Ladder Theory'? Meh, this is just a way of saying that women are gold diggers and men think with their penises - NOW WITH PIE CHARTS!

I happen to think it generally holds true, but giving it charts and referring to it in highfalootin' nomenclature as a 'theory' of predicting behaviour is to give it too much credit.

So most people are superficial whores out for their maximum advantage. And? If you don't know that already then you need more than theories to help you out... The trick is always to find those people who sincerely value your own personal characteristics, whether they be material wealth, good looks, or intelligence, or some combination. Rich/attractive people just have an easier job of doing that, but it doesn't mean that the rest of us are completely washed up.
Meh. If I had the time I'd post the 'your argument is invalid' picture.
That's almost exactly how I work. I meet a girl that I like, and who is good looking, then I rank here on a scale of 1-10 in many categories such as looks, smartness, and whatever. Then, I go to another girl who I think is almost the same and find out what she is like above. Then, from comparing both their scores I rank one above the other in categories. I then take these categories and see who does better in the categories that I like. Then I sleep with them, and make one see me doin it to the other and see if i can get a threesome goin.
So... you want to bang hot chicks less?
There are no flaws in the plan. Move along, ignore the stun gun, exit is to your left...

[edit] But to answer your question: yes. It really does make me want to bang hot chicks less. They may be smokin' hot, but the idea of communicating with her, or even being in her awesomely stupid presence, makes me cringe. It actively turns me off.
I think it more or less applies correctly to some of the people some of the time, not all of the people all of the time like it suggests.
There are no flaws in the plan. Move along, ignore the stun gun, exit is to your left...

[edit] But to answer your question: yes. It really does make me want to bang hot chicks less. They may be smokin' hot, but the idea of communicating with her, or even being in her awesomely stupid presence, makes me cringe. It actively turns me off.

...Does this mean I'm dumb? :(
I'll bang a hot girl but honestly if she doesn't have much going on upstairs it's a pretty pointless exercise. I have a tendency to hook up with attractive girls at parties and whatnot but it's not really something I care all that much about. I draw on the Dalai Lama's distinction between fleeting happiness and lasting fulfillment.