Garden Gnome Achievement

Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
Has anyone accomplished this yet? Apparantly the gnome is near the beginning of the game, and must be toted all the way to the rocket.

I have a gut feeling that something special might happen when you put it in the rocket. I'm sort of hoping that placing the gnome in the rocket will cause Lamarr to get out, and thus avoid being shot into space, with the excess 9.5 pounds being now referred to as the weight of the garden gnome. I haven't actually examined this gnome to see if maybe it weights the same as a headcrab.

Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part, but I think it would be very cute if that were the case.
I got the gnome all the way up to the part where you get chased by the helicopter in the car. I ended up losing the gnome because the ****er won't stay in the damn car when driving. Getting out to pick it up every 2 seconds just means you die from the chopper!

I really wanna know if anything happens if you get the gnome to space...
I am no longer receiving credit for achievements on my second time through the game. And no, it's no in commentary mode.
I got the gnome all the way up to the part where you get chased by the helicopter in the car. I ended up losing the gnome because the ****er won't stay in the damn car when driving. Getting out to pick it up every 2 seconds just means you die from the chopper!

I really wanna know if anything happens if you get the gnome to space...

Try launching the gnome as far as u can with the gravgun, then drive, then launch, drive - repeat.
I've done it. Sort of... I've put the little bugger in the rocket and launched it but the achievement wasn't unlocked. Other people have completed it though and it unlocked for them so I guess it just got bugged out for me. Luckily I have a save right before I put him in so I guess it won't be too much of a hassle.

Here's some screens of the final part of the gnomes adventure:
There there dog. Give him back now
On our way down...
One small step for gnomekind
Strapping him in
Watch out! There's an alien behind you!
Here we go...
Almost there...
Aaaaaaalmost there...
Mission complete!
Agreed...I doubt it'll make Lamarr get out...I guess they decided to do that because of the hundreds of stories of carrying D0g's ball through the game...
I got the achievement.

Yes by bringing the gnome from the start of the game to the end. Almost lost it at the big zombie area cause the door to the previous area closes far too fast. You gotta get it while Alyx and the Vort are going through.

Also the part with the helicopter (actually any part where you are driving) is really the worst part. The gnome refuses to stay in the car for very long. Hiding under the train until the helicopter shoots then running out worked decently, but it took a long time.

Completed it while it was on hard mode by the way, which also means the helicopter kills you near instantly.

Unfortunately, after i put the gnome in the rocket, i didnt close the door. Yes, you close the door with the gnome AND lamarr inside. I thought it might give me the achievement when the rocket blasts off. Unfortunately it doesnt. So i restored my save and when i closed the door it gave me the achievement immediately. I havent beat it again to see if they say anything different about the weight.

I had thought about closing the door, but I didnt have the hatred for Lamarr that Barney does...
I hauled that ****ing gnome all the way through the game. It was actually kind of fun because I kept setting it up for funny screen shots dubbing them all "the roaming gnome." The only frustrating part was when you get the car. It's possible to position him behind the seats so he'll ride with you but everytime you hit a bump or turn he flies out. But I managed eventually and shut him in there with Lamarr and the Strider's brain just so he'd have company.

I eventually got a pretty attached to the little bastard, more even than with the companion cube, and was sad when I had to let him go. I played the rocket man in his honor.

I predict that somewhere in Episode 3 we'll see the rocket again and Lamarr will hop out, and if we have this achivement, ole Gnomey will plop out too.
I cant even imagine how hard it would be to drag that thing along in the tunnels...I mean, with a pissed Antlion Guard chasing you and you cant sprint because you have that damn thing with you!
I hauled that ****ing gnome all the way through the game. It was actually kind of fun because I kept setting it up for funny screen shots dubbing them all "the roaming gnome." The only frustrating part was when you get the car. It's possible to position him behind the seats so he'll ride with you but everytime you hit a bump or turn he flies out. But I managed eventually and shut him in there with Lamarr and the Strider's brain just so he'd have company.

I eventually got a pretty attached to the little bastard, more even than with the companion cube, and was sad when I had to let him go. I played the rocket man in his honor.

I predict that somewhere in Episode 3 we'll see the rocket again and Lamarr will hop out, and if we have this achivement, ole Gnomey will plop out too.
And where are these screenshots?
They would be win.
Uh, why don't you just spawn the prop from the console at that chapter?
Because that is retarded...thats not an achievement to cheat...
I cant even imagine how hard it would be to drag that thing along in the tunnels...I mean, with a pissed Antlion Guard chasing you and you cant sprint because you have that damn thing with you!

Its easier than you would think. You dont have to carry the gnome everywhere. Two places circle around and end up at a starting point.

1. The caves. Put the gnome by Alyx while you go off and get the egg thingy. Come back and there he is!

2. The old zombie town. Place Gnomey by the door and go off to get the car across the bridge. Grab your little pal after you open the door to let the other 2 through.

Beat it again by the way, this time shutting the door. Still 8.5 lbs, and no extra footage. I thought maybe Gnomey would be the key to an after credits trailer.
Where\when do they say the rocker has extra weight ? and where is the gnome ?
The gnome is in the shack where you and Alyx first contact White Forest...
Uh, why don't you just spawn the prop from the console at that chapter?

I'd thought of trying this, but didn't do it because of a superstition. I thought that maybe the game might check for the gnome at the end of each level, and keep a running tally, and then only give you the achievement if that tally showed that you did indeed take the gnome from the beginning.

But yeah, that bites that it did nothing for Lamarr. How short-sighted of Valve. I think this calls for a hot-patch!
Uh, why don't you just spawn the prop from the console at that chapter?
What is dodgy is that that would work. Providing that cheats are off at the time the achievment is done it doesn't seem to matter.
And where are these screenshots?
They would be win.

Well I took over a hundred, but here's a few.

"Gadzooks! The combine are mobilizing!"

"Yes, Freeman. Kill more people for the mighty gnome gods."

"I wish I had a baby seat."


"No I won't leave just because my blank stare freaks you out. STFU gnoob."


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Ahhh, roaming gnome ftmfw!!!!!

Great shots! :)
How do you drive with it :P? Oh maybe post a save before entering silo 1 :P
I am no longer receiving credit for achievements on my second time through the game. And no, it's no in commentary mode.

Are you playing whilst offline from the internet?

And yeah, I'm attempting to do the achievement now, but the stupidest thing is the boot/trunk of the car doesn't open, so you can't stash it there, and Alyx can't hold neither :frown:

At least Valve could of allowed us to duct tape the gnome to the side of the car :D
Many thanks Hondo, your screenshots are WIN and do a great service to the community. There's nothing cooler than an out of place gnome amidst all that carnage.
How do you drive with it :P?

Like this.

But really, no. It's almost impossible to keep him in the car.

I mostly just punted him ahead of me the whole way.

Also, more screenies.


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I cant even imagine how hard it would be to drag that thing along in the tunnels...I mean, with a pissed Antlion Guard chasing you and you cant sprint because you have that damn thing with you!

couldn't you just leave it with griggs and sheckely
Yes, Dr. Gnomey Tiddlywinks McGnomerson agreed to stay and watch Alex when I went to get the extract. He was still there obediently standing guard when I returned.


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I am no longer receiving credit for achievements on my second time through the game. And no, it's no in commentary mode.

You have to make sure that Steam is online not off line and you have to make sure you don't have any cheats on.