Worst crime you ever did ?

arson, didnt mean it...the entire forest went up though, it looked like it was daytime
id rather not tell, dunno who might be reading. but ive been charged and guilty of misuse of identity, got an underage friend into a club with my id. kids, crime is expensive, dont get caught!
oh jesus I'm so much worse than all of you. I don't think posting about any of it is really a wise decision though...
I once accidentally stole a set of headphones from a CD store in the mall. I was like 11 or 12 at the time, so I was there with my parents, and I had been carrying the headphones around the store because I was planning on buying them. Then, we decided to go look for the CDs we were looking for elsewhere, so we left, and I didn't realize I was still carrying the headphones until we got a few steps out the door. I was so shocked/scared of getting caught that I just didn't do anything. Then my dad goes "did you pay for that?" and I was like "uhhhh yeah!"... so then I took them out of the bigass plastic packaging (that still had the inventory control thingy on it) and put it in my pocket.
Trusting no-one since 1982.
haha. Dont worry so much, I mean come on people write songs about drugs and killing for crying out loud and they dont get arrested. Come on I wanna hear some stories people.
Anyways what Ive done? weed (among other things), arson and shoplifting.
The last two kind of fit together since me and a friend of mine when we were 13 or so would skip school and go to toys r' us and steal pokemon cards and sell them to all the pokemon nerds at our school. It was genius. We had huge pockets so we just went in and started shoving them in our pockets and walked out. We had started a criminal empire.

Well one day were hanging out on some railroad tracks close by my house and my friend had walked to the store to steal ciggarettes. So I sat around dicking with the lighter, and then I thought well hey why dont I light these leaves on fire on this oily wood? Obviously I didnt stomp it out good enough cause not 5 minutes after we left, we turned around to witness four huge trees looming over somebodies house engulfed in flames. they were standing in their front lawn and I noticed they had dogs in cages RIGHT where the fire was so I tell them to get them out and we'll call the police.
Ahh it was terrible. So we ran off and half way down the street we heard the fire department coming so we didnt bother calling. I just sat in the woods and prayed my dad never found out. According to a friend they did have a renactment come on tv with a reward for calling us in, but I dont know if thats true or not...
Well one day were hanging out on some railroad tracks close by my house and my friend had walked to the store to steal ciggarettes. So I sat around dicking with the lighter, and then I thought well hey why dont I light these leaves on fire on this oily wood? Obviously I didnt stomp it out good enough cause not 5 minutes after we left, we turned around to witness four huge trees looming over somebodies house engulfed in flames. they were standing in their front lawn and I noticed they had dogs in cages RIGHT where the fire was so I tell them to get them out and we'll call the police.
Ahh it was terrible. So we ran off and half way down the street we heard the fire department coming so we didnt bother calling. I just sat in the woods and prayed my dad never found out. According to a friend they did have a renactment come on tv with a reward for calling us in, but I dont know if thats true or not...
Holy shit. D:

My worst crime was probably buying a half-ounce of weed.
Holy shit. D:

My worst crime was probably buying a half-ounce of weed.
An half ounce of weed?? Man I do that regularly. When I used to be in other things awhile back..me and a friend brought about 22 pills of ecstacty from Lufkin,Tx to Austin,Tx which is like a 6-8 hour drive. Now that was scary. Each one of those pills could be years behind bars(if I remember correctly). We ended up selling them to some of his brother's friends..which would be like..damn life had we got caught. Not doin that again. :sleep:

EDIT:LOL stern I wanna hear that story..come on spill the beans.
I've never drink, smoke, steal..
Hell I need a Role model.
An half ounce of weed?? Man I do that regularly. When I used to be in other things awhile back..me and a friend brought about 22 pills of ecstacty from Lufkin,Tx to Austin,Tx which is like a 6-8 hour drive. Now that was scary. Each one of those pills could be years behind bars(if I remember correctly). We ended up selling them to some of his brother's friends..which would be like..damn life had we got caught. Not doin that again. :sleep:

EDIT:LOL stern I wanna hear that story..come on spill the beans.
I only started smoking four months ago though, and everyone else had always bought stuff for me since I didn't know anyone who sold any :p
I stole a packet of BB gun pellets from a supermarket in France.
I threw a can at an officer in HL2... does that count? :)

No, seriously, what did you do? Want details :bounce:

the ****er had it coming so stern clocked him

no, not quite ..friend and I were outside of bar, some guy (plainsclothes police officer) starts fight with friend, he gets jumped by nearby uniformed cop ..I rush in to stop friend from being beaten, plainclothes guy turns and punches me, I punch him back and then shove him, he pulls badge, and we're both arrested for assaulting police officers

oh and it was in the US, buffalo to be pricise ..spent 48hrs in holding cell till bailed out by friends ..eventually assault charge thrown out of court, judge chastised cop for not identifying himself, I get $200 fine for obstruction of justice ..lawyers fees were easily 4 times that
I only started smoking four months ago though, and everyone else had always bought stuff for me since I didn't know anyone who sold any :p

Ahh same problem here. They like to rip us white boys off. And damn stern, good job he deserved it. I hate prick cops, there are so many of them in the states out to just **** with you..
The first year in high school me and two friends stuffed a perch (a fish), two opened packages of milk and five (broken) eggs in an unused locker that we locked. We left it in there during Christmas break (3 weeks). When everyone returned the basement (where the lockers are) smelled so horrible that it was nearly impossible to go down there without barfing. It took them another two days to locate the locker. They never found out who did it.

Ah, good times...
yup, moral of story: never punch out a cop in buffalo unless you're willing to pay through the nose

there were other incidents, a few involved cops but for the most part stern is relatively crime free
heh stick it to the man, Sterny :)

The stuff I was caught for consists of 1 count of actual bodily harm, 1 of causing criminal damage, and 4 of possesion. On every occasion I played the 'public school boy with a promising future' card and got away with a few cautions and a few stints of community service. The stuff i'm most ashamed of I was never caught for - one involved damaging the wheels of a train in a tunnel so it ground to a halt - and would likely have ended up with some time spent at her majesty's service.
jebus warbie you make me look like an angel ;) ..bodily harm? lol, I cant imagine someone making you angry enough to slug them ..you seem so even keeled
It was a very long time ago and the count of abh involved shooting a builder in the arse with an air rifle. One of those things that seems like an awesome idea when you're 16 and drunk. I wouldn't dream of such a thing now. Smacking a cop has it beat lol
drunk in public. I dont even remember it tho. We put all our money on the counter and said "get us shitfaced". Everytime i looked up there was a new drink. I dont remember anything from the point were we walked out of the bar. My friends told me that the cops pulled up and we were sitting on some kind of railings, acting cool and sober. We said we were ok, but then i fell backwards and hit my head and passed out, so they took my friends in and i got a trip in an ambulance. I woke up the next day in a hospital with some shit stuck to my arm with some weird liquid shit going into my veins. "guys...uhh..this isnt funny" was my first thought. I was so confused, where was i? how did i get here? WTF IS GOING ON??? There was an old man beside me, laying in another bed, i asked him if he knew anything and he just did the hand symbol for drinking. The doctors came and patched me up a bit, then i saw the cops (carabineri to be precise, worst kind of cops in italy). They ask me questions and they take me to the car, im confused as ****, trying to convince them to just let me go.

"i didnt do anything, im fine, i can walk home" but it was worthless lol

We get to the police station, they say a few things to their friends who clap their hands (****ers) and i get to wait in their office. They ask questions and mention my friends name, but i lie and say i dont know what they are talking about. My dad comes in and picks me up.

End of story

And ofcorse, other stupid shit

Almost happend again 2 weeks ago. We were walking home drunk when my friend slips EXACLY when the cops drove by. They stop and walk out of the car while we try to act cool again. All my friend could say was "uhhh...slipped!!" and pointing at his foot :D The cop pointed at his watch then he pointed at the end of the street and said "GO" and we were like "ya were outta here". Glad they didnt take us in
It was a very long time ago and the count of abh involved shooting a builder in the arse with an air rifle. One of those things that seems like an awesome idea when you're 16 and drunk. I wouldn't dream of such a thing now.

heh I had a ....similiar incident, didnt get caught though ..wife would be horrified if she knew what stern was up to when he was young :E

Smacking a cop has it beat lol

ya, well I was just giving them as good as they gave me ..but they had plenty of other opportunities to make up for it later on ;) ... ;(

****ers ..oh btw baton to the gut = not nice
Still, a good story to tell the grandkids. The baton looks nasty /o\
feels even nastier ;) ...at least they didnt have tasers back then :E
Me and a friend set up a fishing website for peoples steam accounts. We stole dozens of them.
probably not the best thing to admit to considering who is hosting this site
I demand Solaris hereby be banned! Either that, or OvA be unbanned!

Or both.
:laugh: @ Raaziar's post
I miss OvA... Ikerous too..
and kamikazie too... why were they all banned anyway?