Worst crime you ever did ?

Me and my friend did set up our former school's garbage trunk to fire. If nobody would have found it, our school would been burned. It was on school's back alley, and my friend had some candles. We were melting some toy soldiers at our hideout at one fields large bush, that was very cool place since it was large hole covered by the big bush, nobody saw us burning anything or such.

We were going to home and my friend was like, "hey there's a paper sticking from the trunk lets set it on fire!". So he did put it on fire and we ran to home, and on next morning, people weren't too happy. We were already busted.
I remembered another one, stealing traffic signs.

To summorize:
Bike stealing
Underage drinking
Public urinating
Public vomiting
Theft of traffic signs
Purchase of hashish (which later turned out to be plasticine, but still)
Cause of unappealing stench (I don't know the proper term)
Commited arson with all the oil I stole while trespassing in a Top-secret Research Facility and molesting children I kidnapped. Yeah... I'm not a good person!
I stole a cripple's gameboy once. It was my first gameboy. He was a jackass.
Did a break-in once. An uncle of mine had a company. Sold computers. He heard one of his clients was going into default, so early one morning we went to the offices of the client and got the computers back they hadn't paid for.

Also when abroad acquiring illegal substances.
Lots and lots (and lots) of drugs. Assault and battery undoubtedly from drunken fights. A few very minor counts of theft (CD's and the like). Piracy like you wouldn't f*cking believe. Public intoxication, fornication, urination, and general nudity. Trespassing, statutory rape ("victim" as well as "perpetrator" :naughty:). and a few very sketchy things I have absolutely no interest in sharing with the general public.
I kinda bought like 10 games for 50 dollars (splinter cell 4,mediaval 2 TW and such)
piracy aint good,but in my country u dont have that much stores with original cd-s,and its cheaper
Nothing, cept a touch of Piracy (though this is somewhat due to my beleif that some piracy could benefit the economy).
What, would you let some stranger feel up your girl and not do anything about it?

Well ... perhaps not, he does after all have rights you know.

I mean ... cough*AHEM, once I incapcitated his ability to repel my attacks, a nice lubricated butt rape would clearly be a more rational following soon after. Then, you can visit him in the hospital to sign his cast and do for him now what his other arm can't. ;)

Write an apology letter to your girlfriend about the unwarranted fondeling. ... yeah, thats precisely what I meant. O.o
Just... don't admit to stealing Steam Accounts.

Then we're not your friends.
Just... don't admit to stealing Steam Accounts.

Then we're not your friends.

Then we tell all the chavs in your area your mum's free...


Oh, and might even visit you with some pitchforks and flaming torches... as long as you have some spare.
Probably smoking weed or taking controlled substance drugs without a prescription. Or maybe drinking and driving? Oh yea and using unlicensed/cracked apps.
You are a pirate!
Hawr, hawr, tweedle dee dee.

Thanks for putting that back in my head.

Yay, I love it. It is one of the songs I don't mind being in my head.

Consequently, the other is also a Lazytown song.

It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake! :imu:
You've gotta do the cooking by the book - you know you can't be lazy.
Let's see, smoking weed, underage drinking, drinking and driving, driving without a license, owning an unlicensed boat, driving said unlicensed boat without a boating license, unregistered use of firearms. I think that covers it. Oh, and trespassing.

I'm not actually a terrible person, I swear.
I told someone he wasn't a good person and we couldn't be friends anymore.
drunk in public. I dont even remember it tho. We put all our money on the counter and said "get us shitfaced". Everytime i looked up there was a new drink. I dont remember anything from the point were we walked out of the bar. My friends told me that the cops pulled up and we were sitting on some kind of railings, acting cool and sober. We said we were ok, but then i fell backwards and hit my head and passed out, so they took my friends in and i got a trip in an ambulance. I woke up the next day in a hospital with some shit stuck to my arm with some weird liquid shit going into my veins. "guys...uhh..this isnt funny" was my first thought. I was so confused, where was i? how did i get here? WTF IS GOING ON??? There was an old man beside me, laying in another bed, i asked him if he knew anything and he just did the hand symbol for drinking. The doctors came and patched me up a bit, then i saw the cops (carabineri to be precise, worst kind of cops in italy). They ask me questions and they take me to the car, im confused as ****, trying to convince them to just let me go.

"i didnt do anything, im fine, i can walk home" but it was worthless lol

We get to the police station, they say a few things to their friends who clap their hands (****ers) and i get to wait in their office. They ask questions and mention my friends name, but i lie and say i dont know what they are talking about. My dad comes in and picks me up.

End of story

And ofcorse, other stupid shit

Almost happend again 2 weeks ago. We were walking home drunk when my friend slips EXACLY when the cops drove by. They stop and walk out of the car while we try to act cool again. All my friend could say was "uhhh...slipped!!" and pointing at his foot :D The cop pointed at his watch then he pointed at the end of the street and said "GO" and we were like "ya were outta here". Glad they didnt take us in

:D i remember those nights. those were fun as hell. and i didnt mean to trip on my face in front of that cop. lol he like jumped out his car and ran cross the street just to stop us. lol we ran the rest of the way home. good times, good times
aggravated assault
aggravated assault w/ deadly weap
petty larceny
grand larceny
possession of --- (insert whatever you can think of substance wise)
distribution of --- (same as above, minus just a couple)

other things won't be listed. I admit nothing.
I somehow ended up driving the getaway car for a friend who was stealing a Darth Vader cutout from a local video rental store. We didn't get very far and I didn't have my license on me... Bad me...
I'm usually not really the rebel type, but long story short, It was the result of a joke turned sour. Good Times...:upstare:
I somehow ended up driving the getaway car for a friend who was stealing a Darth Vader cutout from a local video rental store. We didn't get very far and I didn't have my license on me... Bad me...
I'm usually not really the rebel type, but long story short, It was the result of a joke turned sour. Good Times...:upstare:

The best reason to use a getaway car.
Didn't read thread.

I caused the broken halflife2.net incident.

Not really.

Probably tresspass and shooting at things. Or maybe it was going 120 in a 55 zone. I don't really know.
To cut a long story short, a friends girlfriend called and said her boyfriend, my mate was not in. She asked if she could stop at mine and I refused. I told her to kick down his front door and wait in his bed.

She kicked down the front door and vanished into his house, I called the police.
