I've gone to a catholic school for 13 years of my life, and not once have I gotten a straight answer.
Usually you get a variety of responses, but all very diluted, and vague.
Here are some of the general responses-
-Because it does not contribute to reproduction (as if we needed more of that...)
- It is okay to be attracted to the same sex, as long as you do not participate in any homosexual relationships. (wtf?)
-It's just wrong, okay? (hate opinions without validation)
- They do immoral things, like have sex with mutliple partners (so do straight people?)
I recall once in study hall some teeny-bop plasticy bitch told me that homosexuality was wrong.
She even went as far as to say that homosexuals go to hell.
When I asked why, her response was "because it is just wrong"
Well anyways, me, and two other people in the study hall teamed up and intellectually tore her apart.
We were brutal, efficient, truthful, and validated.
We were tearing apart her beliefs and understandings so much that she cried and ran to the bathroom as her last words leaving were, "it's just wrong!"
I honestly don't think people like that even diserve an opinion, they've had all this time to make validated opinions and choices, and they can't even back them up. How pathetic. People like that rely on the bible and what mr. priest says for everything.
Some people call us mean for making her cry, but that's bullshit.
She basically told us that because a guy likes a guy, or a girl likes a girl, they should be subject to eternal damnation of extreme torture and agony
...and I am supposed to feel bad for her? Yeah right. Don't count on it.
Usually you get a variety of responses, but all very diluted, and vague.
Here are some of the general responses-
-Because it does not contribute to reproduction (as if we needed more of that...)
- It is okay to be attracted to the same sex, as long as you do not participate in any homosexual relationships. (wtf?)
-It's just wrong, okay? (hate opinions without validation)
- They do immoral things, like have sex with mutliple partners (so do straight people?)
I recall once in study hall some teeny-bop plasticy bitch told me that homosexuality was wrong.
She even went as far as to say that homosexuals go to hell.
When I asked why, her response was "because it is just wrong"
Well anyways, me, and two other people in the study hall teamed up and intellectually tore her apart.
We were brutal, efficient, truthful, and validated.
We were tearing apart her beliefs and understandings so much that she cried and ran to the bathroom as her last words leaving were, "it's just wrong!"
I honestly don't think people like that even diserve an opinion, they've had all this time to make validated opinions and choices, and they can't even back them up. How pathetic. People like that rely on the bible and what mr. priest says for everything.
Some people call us mean for making her cry, but that's bullshit.
She basically told us that because a guy likes a guy, or a girl likes a girl, they should be subject to eternal damnation of extreme torture and agony
...and I am supposed to feel bad for her? Yeah right. Don't count on it.