Why do Christians really consider homosexuals "immoral"?

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The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
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I've gone to a catholic school for 13 years of my life, and not once have I gotten a straight answer.

Usually you get a variety of responses, but all very diluted, and vague.
Here are some of the general responses-

-Because it does not contribute to reproduction (as if we needed more of that...)
- It is okay to be attracted to the same sex, as long as you do not participate in any homosexual relationships. (wtf?)
-It's just wrong, okay? (hate opinions without validation)
- They do immoral things, like have sex with mutliple partners (so do straight people?)

I recall once in study hall some teeny-bop plasticy bitch told me that homosexuality was wrong.

She even went as far as to say that homosexuals go to hell.
When I asked why, her response was "because it is just wrong"

Well anyways, me, and two other people in the study hall teamed up and intellectually tore her apart.
We were brutal, efficient, truthful, and validated.
We were tearing apart her beliefs and understandings so much that she cried and ran to the bathroom as her last words leaving were, "it's just wrong!"

I honestly don't think people like that even diserve an opinion, they've had all this time to make validated opinions and choices, and they can't even back them up. How pathetic. People like that rely on the bible and what mr. priest says for everything.

Some people call us mean for making her cry, but that's bullshit.
She basically told us that because a guy likes a guy, or a girl likes a girl, they should be subject to eternal damnation of extreme torture and agony
...and I am supposed to feel bad for her? Yeah right. Don't count on it.
I've gone to a catholic school for 13 years of my life, and not once have I gotten a straight answer.

Usually you get a variety of responses, but all very diluted, and vague.
Here are some of the general responses-

-Because it does not contribute to reproduction (as if we needed more of that...)
- It is okay to be attracted to the same sex, as long as you do not participate in any homosexual relationships. (wtf?)
-It's just wrong, okay? (hate opinions without validation)
- They do immoral things, like have sex with mutliple partners (so do straight people?)

I recall once in study hall some teeny-bop plasticy bitch told me that homosexuality was wrong.

She even went as far as to say that homosexuals go to hell.
When I asked why, her response was "because it is just wrong"

Well anyways, me, and two other people in the study hall teamed up and intellectually tore her apart.
We were brutal, efficient, truthful, and validated.
We were tearing apart her beliefs and understandings so much that she cried and ran to the bathroom as her last words leaving were, "it's just wrong!"

I honestly don't think people like that even diserve an opinion, they've had all this time to make validated opinions and choices, and they can't even back them up. How pathetic. People like that rely on the bible and what mr. priest says for everything.

Some people call us mean for making her cry, but that's bullshit.
She basically told us that because a guy likes a guy, or a girl likes a girl, they should be subject to eternal damnation of extreme torture and agony
...and I am supposed to feel bad for her? Yeah right. Don't count on it.
I love you.

[edit] Okay, you just quoted NIN. We were meant for each other.

Did you just take me for a religious nut? D:

Did you just take me for a religious nut? D:

Haha, for a split second I thought, but then I am like "wait... hl2.net member religious nut?..... nahhhh"

but I still posted the lyrics anyways, because they are great :cheers:
Indeed. But seriously, me, Christian? Come ON.

I'm liking you more as time goes on but that would seriously ****ed up your progress buddy.
Indeed. But seriously, me, Christian? Come ON.

I'm liking you more as time goes on but that would seriously ****ed up your progress buddy.

Lol, I said I did not think you were a religious nut :P Just for a tiny split second I was like "huh?"
Being homosexual will make you dead

I think the funniest gay situation I was in was when I visited the Arts Institute of Pittsburgh.

Our group was walking down the street, and a black woman was walking in our direction from a distance.

"She" was dressed like a... slut.

And I heard some of the guys next to me mumbling about how she was "hot".

When she got closer, thats when they realized "she", was really a he. They were rather repulsed, I couldn't stop chuckling.

Later I was talking to this random college student on the street, he was this really nice mellowed out kid.

He was like "You seen that black transvestite man? Yeah, he's really cool dude. He works up at The Unicorn as a stripper. The Unicorn is a gay bar where everyone goes to hang out man, even the straight folks like me, it's awesome, great time!"

:laugh: "The Unicorn" I don't think you can get much gayer than that
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be PUT TO DEATH; their blood shall be upon them." Lev. 20:13

thats why
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be PUT TO DEATH; their blood shall be upon them." Lev. 20:13

thats why

"I don't likeith me no pussy, or no titties, I likeith me a fine man, with a fine dick; their semen shall be squirted upon them." Tran. Stripper: The Unicorn

-Looks like Transvestite Stripper and God are gunna have a war.
Being homosexual will make you dead


I am very much a homosexual then.

Also, welcome to religion ZombieTurtle!
I am very much a homosexual then.

Also, welcome to religion ZombieTurtle!

a condecending phrase, it is anything but welcoming.

many years I have lived with the religious fanatics, many years I have suffered *dramatic music plays*
That just sucks. My dad married a woman who's family is a bunch of Christian nutjobs.

I mean for the love of God I'm sitting around playing Kane and Lynch the other night and her mom comes in and shuts it off screaming "You'll go to hell for this!"
Carry around a copy of The God Delusion at all times and pull it out at every appropriate moment, and generally use it like a bible/vampire cross.
Willie you should have slapped that hoe. And yes gay power ftw. Whatever pisses off the folks back at home.
That just sucks. My dad married a woman who's family is a bunch of Christian nutjobs.

I mean for the love of God I'm sitting around playing Kane and Lynch the other night and her mom comes in and shuts it off screaming "You'll go to hell for this!"
In a strange sort of way I envy that. Your life must be interesting. :)
About as interesting as watching a retard give head.

...God that's actually horrible, even for me. :|
To be honest, the Bible was written by people. People tend to lie/corrupt others and use their position of power to their advantage. God didnt write the bible, people did.
To be honest, the Bible was written by people. People tend to lie/corrupt others and use their position of power to their advantage. God didnt write the bible, people did.



I do guess it's because of an obscure citation from the Old Testament, propably written by the Jews to separate them from the "immoral" other tribes.
Haha, for a split second I thought, but then I am like "wait... hl2.net member religious nut?..... nahhhh"


But anyway, not all Catholics really think like what was said in the original post. I mean I'm Catholic, but my best friend is gay, so I'm not really all that against it and I in no way think he's going to hell. And there's a gay guy who's a senior altar server at my church. He doesnt really display the fact, but the priests and the parishioners who know him know he's gay and dont really seem to have a problem, otherwise he wouldnt be an altar server. They just take him for who he is.

But anyway, not all Catholics really think like what was said in the original post. I mean I'm Catholic, but my best friend is gay, so I'm not really all that against it and I in no way think he's going to hell. And there's a gay guy who's a senior altar server at my church. He doesnt really display the fact, but the priests and the parishioners who know him know he's gay and dont really seem to have a problem, otherwise he wouldnt be an altar server. They just take him for who he is.

There are open minded religious people and those that make me slap my forehead. That is the case of all religions, its always the peoples fault and not the religion.
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