Do you like xmas?

Do you like christmas?

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Sep 18, 2003
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I don't. You spend money you haven't got, and get things you didn't want. And there's absolutely no escape. A billion advertising campaigns leeching christmas for everything it's worth, drumming xmas carols into your head and making your head explode with stress and hate.

Can somebody please cancel xmas? Before I kill myself?
Normally I'd say Yes I like xmas, however, since working at an apertu- I mean supermarket checkout, xmas sucks balls. That said, its a family holiday, and at least the time you spend with family is enjoyable.
Funny thing is, I really hate Xmas day because I personally have to do a lot of running around; eating meals at different houses and greeting people I see all bloody year anyway.

Yet, I kinda like the build up to Xmas. Works piss-up, piss-up with mates, Home Alone and Die Hard.
I don't buy Christmas gifts anymore, primarily because I lack money. I do enjoy the atmosphere and the closeness I can feel with my family though.

I'm not going to disassociate myself with a fun holiday simply because it has ties to a religion. That's a stupid reason to cease having memorable fun.
I enjoy Christmas because of getting together with family, not because of getting/giving gifts. My family barely does that anymore...generally the only people that get gifts from us are the needy.
Yeah, xmas is fun. Hate buying stuff (aaah, the pressure!) but apart from that it's the loveliest time of the year.
Just make everyone cards and specify exactly what you want.

This thread is making me feel all ...


There's got to be some christmas haters out there.
I like christmas but prefer the name "Annual gift giving day" cuz it's far more accurate
Don't end it Pobz, because I'd have to edit your Wiki page and I'm too lazy. Would you be that selfish?
Damn it CptStern, I thought I would at least have the old people on my side!

And don't worry Cormeh, I wouldn't cause you that much trouble.
Damn it CptStern, I thought I would at least have the old people on my side!

And don't worry Cormeh, I wouldn't cause you that much trouble.
Ehhh, you're probably right. So, how many 'O's in "Sooiside"?
Damn it CptStern, I thought I would at least have the old people on my side!

I'm not quite old enough to be swinging a cane and telling kids to get off my lawn

but yes if someone says "isnt christmas just wonderful god bless jesus and have a merry christmas believe in christmas right?" I want to crack their skull open and feast on the exposed goo ..but otherwise it's great seeing my kids excited around the holidays
I don't buy anybody gifts, and I don't expect anything in return. I enjoy the holiday for spending time with family, but xmas has nothing to do with that meh.
Friends re-unite from uni, get to laze around with family, presents, mince pies, mulled wine, cheesy xmas tunes... it's awesome.
I love the atmosphere (when I'm not in a Toys-R-Us or a Wal-Mart). The gift-giving I could go either way on; on the one hand I do enjoy getting free stuff, but on the other hand I can get by fine without having relatives buy me some CDs and clothes and stuff.
I don't hate it, but I hate the obsessive gift-giving and card distribution.

The commercialisation of public holidays basically boils down to the mass media making people believe that the only meaningful way to show that you care is to spend money, and then the masses bullying each other into spending far too much money.

Valentine's day for example, what a crock of shite. Beaten only by mother's day and father's day.
I suppose in the 'brings people together' sense yeah its great. Also if it snows, and we have the fire going, i love that.

However, now im an adult, xmas has lost its edge. We do it for the kids now.

My family has decided this year to have our own xmas after new years eve, where we (adults) buy each other things during the sales, then have a night where no kids are around where we can shard presents, have some drinks and a laugh.

I mean, whats the point in paying premium prices for something, when 2-3 weeks later you can potentially get it for half price???

Still have food xmas day though, omg its heaven.
I love the atmosphere (when I'm not in a Toys-R-Us or a Wal-Mart).
Man, are you kidding? Watching people at a TRU or Wal-Mart on Christmas is one of the best spectator sports there is. People beating the shit out of each other in the toy aisle, fighting over unopened boxes from the stock room, screaming and general mayhem...ah, it's like art in motion!
what's wrong with having a day for mothers and fathers? :dozey:

I agree valentines day is ridiculous ..and christmas should have zero religious significance and should remain as it is today: crass commercialism ..I mean jesus wasnt even born anywhere remotely close to christmas and the 25th is actually a roman pagan holiday adopted by early christians anyone saying christmas is about jesus needs a kick in the sack
what's wrong with having a day for mothers and fathers? :dozey:

I agree valentines day is ridiculous ..and christmas should have zero religious significance and should remain as it is today: crass commercialism ..I mean jesus wasnt even born anywhere remotely close to christmas and the 25th is actually a roman pagan holiday adopted by early christians anyone saying christmas is about jesus needs a kick in the sack

see, there you go. They dont know any better, in their minds they might be celebrating Jesus' birth. Either way, do you really need to celebrate his birth on his birthday? I mean its not really the date that happens, just the event.
Man, are you kidding? Watching people at a TRU or Wal-Mart on Christmas is one of the best spectator sports there is. People beating the shit out of each other in the toy aisle, fighting over unopened boxes from the stock room, screaming and general mayhem...ah, it's like art in motion!
The atmosphere does suck, though. Everyone stares at you when you pull a stool up to the checkout lane, and nobody ever serves you a drink, no matter how many times you ask.
what's wrong with having a day for mothers and fathers? :dozey:

Because it was practically invented by card companies.

I agree valentines day is ridiculous ..and christmas should have zero religious significance and should remain as it is today: crass commercialism ..I mean jesus wasnt even born anywhere remotely close to christmas and the 25th is actually a roman pagan holiday adopted by early christians anyone saying christmas is about jesus needs a kick in the sack

Commercialism undermines the value of any celebration. Christmas, Valentine's day etc. have all been devalued to the point where your worth as a person is defined by how much money you spend for that particular occassion.
Presents aren't a nice surprise anymore, they're expected and you're a bad person if you don't give. And you better give BIG, or your spoilt child will hate you for ruining their Christmas. It's utterly twisted.
Mother's day rolls around and it's nothing but an obligation to go out and buy a card. It doesn't really go beyond gift-giving.
I like the aspect that it brings family together and it justifies heavy drinking. Plus gifts.

Other than that, I don't really hate walking through Wal-Mart and already hearing Christmas songs and Christmas ads. I guess it makes children all the more excited, and who doesn't like it when kids are happy?

Thank God I don't have kids.
The atmosphere does suck, though. Everyone stares at you when you pull a stool up to the checkout lane, and nobody ever serves you a drink, no matter how many times you ask.
That's why you bring your own refreshments, and you have to pick an aisle where they're unlikely to pay attention to you. My favorite aisle is always the action figure aisle--it's always the craziest. Nobody's going to bat an eye at you when they're too busy trying to wrestle each other for the latest and greatest toy little Billy asked Santa for. I've never seen the blood flow quite as much as any other aisle, but secondary picks would be the Barbies and Legos.

Alternatively, eschew the stool and follow someone around at a reasonable distance. Go for the old ladies, they're the real savages. They'll kill.
Because it was practically invented by card companies.

so? that doesnt mean fathers and mothers dont deserve a little recognition every year ..we're all guys here, we're not exactly the best at showing affection, especially to parents ..jebus I hope my kids arent as jaded around holidays as you seem to be

Commercialism undermines the value of any celebration.

that's capitalism for you

Christmas, Valentine's day etc. have all been devalued to the point where your worth as a person is defined by how much money you spend for that particular occassion.

that's not true, at least not in my family ..and yes I've purchased fairly expensive gifts in the past but it was something I wanted to get the person it wasnt about placating some sort of inner desire to not apear like a cheapskate ..anyways, you're a salesman you'd think you'd be used to payola by now

Presents aren't a nice surprise anymore, they're expected and you're a bad person if you don't give.

well that's people's fault not commercialism in general

And you better give BIG, or your spoilt child will hate you for ruining their Christmas.

please that's such a myth, i'm around all age groups at christmas kids are justr as happy with the shitty stuff as they are the good stuff isnt till they hit their teens that their expectations change

Mother's day rolls around and it's nothing but an obligation to go out and buy a card. It doesn't really go beyond gift-giving.

maybe for you that's true but not in my family has nothing to do with gift giving
I don't need a specific day of the year to tell me when to give a gift to someone. I'll give gifts when I want to.
Hmm... Australia isnt really like that. You gotta hand it to us, we aren't that insane. I think its probably because we don't emphasize what we get, but who we're with.

Plus, you havent experienced christmas until you have one on a nice warm day with plenty of seafood, and bbq.
I love it atm, i get free stuff and dont give shit. Probably because my sister already moved out and its just me and my parents. Im 17 and pretty spoiled so i dont buy them things while they buy me things. Usually my parents buy stuff for other ppl in my name, just so they think it was really from me lol
That's why you bring your own refreshments, and you have to pick an aisle where they're unlikely to pay attention to you. My favorite aisle is always the action figure aisle--it's always the craziest. Nobody's going to bat an eye at you when they're too busy trying to wrestle each other for the latest and greatest toy little Billy asked Santa for. I've never seen the blood flow quite as much as any other aisle, but secondary picks would be the Barbies and Legos.

Alternatively, eschew the stool and follow someone around at a reasonable distance. Go for the old ladies, they're the real savages. They'll kill.
You know, that's not a bad idea. I could even go for some hit-and-run tactics here. You know, pick a target, follow them around without raising suspicion. And then once they pick out something they like - BAM! - I'm halfway to the checkout with the last Lego castle in the store, and that old lady is lying unconscious, face-down in a puddle of blood and semen.
You know, that's not a bad idea. I could even go for some hit-and-run tactics here. You know, pick a target, follow them around without raising suspicion. And then once they pick out something they like - BAM! - I'm halfway to the checkout with the last Lego castle in the store, and that old lady is lying unconscious, face-down in a puddle of blood and semen.
That would be the worst mistake ever bro. Please don't do this; I'd sorely miss your presence on the forum, and deaths at Christmas are tragic.

Seriously, old ladies are like Conan the Barbarian at Christmas. They can sense an ambush, and they'll break your face. In all honesty, I have seen it happen. One year back when the Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire figures came out, I saw an old woman beat the shit out of some collector guy with her cane, because her grandson wanted a Jedi Knight Luke. Holy crap I've never seen such savagery.
you dont go to a toy store in the month of december ..that's what uncles and aunts do for toys in november: guarenteed availability AND no fistfights with uncles too lazy to have done their shopping earlier

my wife and I have already purchased most of my kid's christmas gifts
My mom used to shop for gifts months in advance. It never panned out for her because she'd end up seeing family members before Xmas and say, "Wait, I've got something for you in the garage! It was for Christmas, but that's ok." :laugh: Then she'd end up having to buy more gifts.

My grandparents were smart too; they never went to the toystore, they just ordered from the JCPenney's catalogue. Had all us kids circle what we wanted and then they sent away for it.
I dont know what to get my wife for christmas ...there I said it

but I really should be focusing on the fact that in 2 days it'll be my wedding anniversary and I havent gotten her anything :O
That would be the worst mistake ever bro. Please don't do this; I'd sorely miss your presence on the forum, and deaths at Christmas are tragic.

Seriously, old ladies are like Conan the Barbarian at Christmas. They can sense an ambush, and they'll break your face. In all honesty, I have seen it happen. One year back when the Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire figures came out, I saw an old woman beat the shit out of some collector guy with her cane, because her grandson wanted a Jedi Knight Luke. Holy crap I've never seen such savagery.
Not even the slow, near-sighted, hump-backed, arthritic, osteoporosis-ridden, takes-twelve-minutes-to-choose-between-smooth-or-crunchy-peanut-butter old ladies? I think I'd be okay, my gym teacher in grade school told me I could run real fast.