Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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16 year old male seeking penis.
<no picture given>

19 year old male seeking 16 year old male seeking penis.
<no picture given>

Penis seeking 19 year old male seeking 16 year old male seeking me.
<no picture given>

17 year old male seeking male gang bang.
Super cute. I love that you stated that it's an old photo, and so did the photo.

But super cute.
Super cute. I love that you stated that it's an old photo, and so did the photo.

But super cute.

Yeah, I've always had a penchant for stating the obvious :cheese:

But actually the photo was taken late 2006, I just forgot to reset the clock on my camera :o
What exactly IS a sexy explosion? Is it like a supermodel suicide bomber who explodes into a phallic fireball or what?

It's when a hot model's clothes slowly explode outwards from their body while they pole-dance.
Slowly? Like bullet time?

Although I suppose in the context it should probably be called Baywatch time.
Speakers which are so loud the blow off a woman's clothes would create a sexy explosion.
Or cause her eardrums to burst and her inner ear to rupture, spraying bloody and ear wax everywhere.
The three tiny bones inside would shatter and the shards would be blasted out with the rest like buckshot, becoming embedded in bystanders' eyes. As blood pours from their tear ducts they claw at their ragged eye sockets in pain-induced delirium, before finally breaking through into the cranial cavity.
The woman, deaf but fully able to see, becomes sickened by this sight and vomits profusely all down her naked body, before coughing up stomach acids and bile which sizzle upon contact with her once supple skin.
Despite having given themselves a lobotomy with their own fingertips, the blind bystanders can still smell and recognise the odour of vomit and charred human flesh and in an attempt to end this nightmare, attempt to break off their own noses by clawing at their faces still further, tearing off shreds of their own face and punching themselves, knocking out teeth as they go. They clamp down as they grit their teeth through the pain and eventually chew off their own tongues.
The naked deaf woman, horrified and revolted backs away but slips on one of the ragged, dismembered tongues, falls and breaks her spine, paralysing her from the hips down. Yet before she loses all feeling from this point, she suffers an instantaneous total prolapse and has to endure the sight and sensation of her uterus falling out of place and protruding out of her body. Her screams of pain, though unheard by her, cause the blood of the blind to run cold: one suffers a heart attack, another a stroke. The rest collapse to the floor: lacking tear ducts, they are unable to cry; lacking tongues they are unable to call for help. All that is left to do now is to slowly, painfully and ignobly bleed to death. The lucky ones grab a tongue - anyone's tongue - to squeeze to their chests like a teddy bear.
It's okay: it'll all be over soon. It's okay. All over soon.

All over soon.
Man. AL exudes epic.

And someone tell me why the hell someone put the Fonz's significantly-less-cool cousin in my place during the photoshoot Glenn posted. What's up with that?
Who's the chick on the left? She's totally digging me with those crazy eyes.
Some more recent ones with probably two of the biggest geeks I personally know. Good people.



Absinthe, you're actually the other half of Autechre, aren't you?

Stupid image hosts. Photobucket hates Macs and I can't stand imageshack but whatever.

Spare change? (on the left)
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