Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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You guys all realize that pesh is laughing his ass off at all this, right?

Good, but I am reluctant to believe this as I think it might just be a way for him to save his ars after making some nasty remarks as usual.

None the less, if he is laughing, this means I can, and I will continue to make homosexual and incestious remarks about his father. Win Win :D
Good, but I am reluctant to believe this as I think it might just be a way for him to save his ars after making some nasty remarks as usual.
Like what you're doing? FYI, you're the one who called him a homophobe because he didn't find your shitty joke funny.


Nice photos, though. That guy is a flawless Freddy Mercury.
I wish Dave would give me my camera back. Phobie, he's being mean to me, can you tell him to give it baaaaaaaaaaaack?

/rape eyes

/no wait puppy eyes
Like what you're doing? FYI, you're the one who called him a homophobe because he didn't find your shitty joke funny.


What?! I called him a homophobe because he acts like one 90% of the time, not because he took "offense" to my brief and shitty incestious joke. Calling someone out on homophobia is hardly a "nasty" remark.
I didn't cry over his consistent anti-f*g talk, I instead just countered it with something equally as stupid. It's fair game.

My point is, if he is after all joking, he should be just as opened to remarks that are equally tasteless, vulgar, and generally dumb without taking any true offense.
Okay, whatever. He still played you like a flute while pretty much everyone else sat on the sidelines and laughed. Just sayin'.


More photos!
This thread needs more bickering and fewer pictures. Ugly words are so much more descriptive than ugly pictures!

Good, but I am reluctant to believe this as I think it might just be a way for him to save his ars after making some nasty remarks as usual.

None the less, if he is laughing, this means I can, and I will continue to make homosexual and incestious remarks about his father. Win Win :D

Maybe you guys have forgotten, but he's been banned and unbanned like four f*cking times now. Dude knows how to troll :p
Pff, you just don't want to have to post your picture.

... The pot said to the kettle...

(Seriously, as soon as I get a camera... and a haircut.)

Edit - Um, this was meant for Raziaar. >_>
Pff, you just don't want to have to post your picture.

... The pot said to the kettle...

(Seriously, as soon as I get a camera... and a haircut.)

Edit - Um, this was meant for Raziaar. >_>

Every time I try to take a picture the batteries die.

The little red indicator flashes with one bar left and it shuts off.


Me: Picture time!

Camera: Hell naw, I don't want your ugly face hogging up this precious storage card! Using all available battery power for self preservation. Powering off.
Yeah, I've had that a couple of times.

Recently I tried to use my girlfriend's camera and it broke. That was the first time I'd ever touched it.

lol, Pesh wins this thread hands down. ZombieTurtle failed.
Zombieturtle you just got self-burned over three pages.

Pesh, kudos.
Here's me and my friend from work who's the bouncer.

lol, Pesh wins this thread hands down. ZombieTurtle failed.

I have to disagree, Pesh just sort of made an ass of himself. Either way that was totally unnecessary from either of them.


I wonder which one could possibly be the bouncer :laugh:
That's how my hair used to look, lol. HATE IT!


Here's my hair right now . . .

Here's what I'm thinking about doing with my hair (lol, not exactly like this, but sort-of) once it grows out a lot more. I know it'll look crazy, but that's the idea!
Not happening. Would look ridiculous anyway.

Awwwwww..... come on, you could at least say "Hey, that's an awesome idea, go for it!" with your fingers crossed behind your back and trying your best to hide your smirk . . . on the off chance that you might get to see pictures in 3-4 months.

EDIT: I've never really cared that much how I look, so I just have fun with it!
Awwwwww..... come on, you could at least say "Hey, that's an awesome idea, go for it!" with your fingers crossed behind your back and trying your best to hide your smirk . . . on the off chance that you might get to see pictures in 3-4 months.

Real people looking like awesome anime characters...just....no.
Too bad your dad traded in his family values for a hot cock sandwich


I woke up my gaddamn kitten in the other room thanks to you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
lol, Pesh wins this thread hands down. ZombieTurtle failed.

I am not one to deny being "burned" in situations, but for this particular instance I would still have to disagree.

All I did was disagree and defend myself in the situation, I am not sure if you expect me to read minds over the internet? You make it seem like I cried and reported him.

This sort of situation could be applicable in any instance here, say someone started a thread saying "Atheists are Immoral" and then argued their beliefs in the thread, undoubtedly about half of this site would be in there defending themselves, taking a chance to challenge the OP at any moment. And then eventually the OP says "Just kidding, I like atheists, lol, gotcha!", Good one!

I might as well be a blind man-
guy1: hey blind dude, guess how many fingers I'm holdin up?

blind man: 10?

guy1: nope, 11!

blind guy: I don't believe that you have 11 fingers

guy1: but I do!

blind guy: uhh...

guy1: seriously, I was born with 11 fingers!

blind guy: well I am blind, and you seem to really want to convince me that you have 11 fingers, so okay.

*guy2 leans over to guy1*
guy2: you sure got him good dude!

You make this "burning" seem far more severe than it actually was. But whatever makes you happy!

Do we get to use ancient Byzantine weapons in this mud wrestling match?
Sex on a beach with you would probably feel weird.

So I'm going to say, "Hey good looking! What you got cooking? I smell something on the stove, or it might be popcorn in the microwave."
Don't encourage the kid! :frown:

*EDIT* ZT, felt like adding another :D? :p

Yeah, I wanted to express an extra ammount of smiling appreciation.
You love me as well Pitz, you'd all cry if I vaporized one day, cry I tell ya.

I say you and Pesh in a mud wrestling match.

Loser gets their cawk chopped to bits and served to Phobie and Stigmata.

Winner gets to also eat a bit of the chopped cawk.

Btw, you > Pesh.


:D well thanks, that's a win for me either way, being cockless would give me the opportunity to further pursue my femenistic charms upon people of HL2.net

... but really, I don't want my cock chopped off D:
:D well thanks, that's a win for me either way, being cockless would give me the opportunity to further pursue my femenistic charms upon people of HL2.net

... but really, I don't want my cock chopped off D:

Are you sure? I can make it happen. I've got at least 2 cleavers, at least 20 steak knives, and a bunch of fillet knives. I can make it happen.
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