Miscellaneous the Second

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That looks amazing!


Looks like shit, and I hate Dragonball Z. This isn't helping that at all!

I'd pay just to hear that and be in a theatre with everyone screaming along.
I woke up, watched the rest of Happy Feet that i didn't watch last night, then hopped on to the net to read my emails from uni. Then i hit Hl2.net and the proll incident.

Now i'm cooking my breakfast four hours later :(
Peshy missed the fun we had. :(

And I've been listening to Danger Zone for the past 15 minutes.

Highwayyyyy To The danger Zone!!!!!!
I feel strange in this thread. Ill at ease. It seems more... Observant than the last. I think it's Ennui. I think there're...

I think it's alive.
Oh, and by the way everyone, it's 'INCIDENT' and 'VETERAN'. Just to, you know, maintain continuity.

Also, if you post on my profile, you'll be awesome. I mean it.
It's like they saw the unguarded fun in the other thread and decided to design a new one with intentions to observe us... Eerie.
Well, I had to reformat my iPod (again, damned thing is going south I think), and I need some portable app I can load onto it, that can let me move music onto and off of it from any computer.

I WAS using floola, but that kinda... Sucks...

I would load rockbox onto it again, but I found that it's too hard to get drunk people to properly change songs in rockbox, leading to a violent melee of music whenever we're driving.

It's like they saw the unguarded fun in the other thread and decided to design a new one with intentions to observe us... Eerie.

Yes. But in offline modes so they think we can't see them online...

...we know what they're thinking...yes...we do...............precious
i came back from working and school, and what has happened hl2.net?! D:

also YAY i passed all my exams! wooot!
Take a look at KA's sig, entitled Proll Incident.

Congrats about your exams, mine are just starting. :(
well i just read all of the spam posts...

poor zt. D:

fishbulb what exams are you doing exactly?
I've got 4 exams: acct, finance, psych and psych stats. Mainly worried about acct and finance. Also, 3 of them are on consecutive days. :x
I've got 4 exams: acct, finance, psych and psych stats. Mainly worried about acct and finance. Also, 3 of them are on consecutive days. :x

Bugga. I got two next mon and tue, then another on fri. My last is the friday the week after that :(

What. A. Bitch.
I'm maybe/sort of most probably going to ask her out this weekend at a party.

Assuming self-doubt doesn't get the better of me.
Bugga. I got two next mon and tue, then another on fri. My last is the friday the week after that :(

What. A. Bitch.
Aye, very sucky.

Someone on the bus the other day was whining about the fact that they never usually have final exams and this semester they had two on consecutive days. Had to fight real hard not to slap her.
Yeah ya get people like that :p Some people reckon that taking two units is hard. Stupid asses... try four. Try five. Try ****in ten! :hmph:

i only had 3, but next term i'll have 4 D:!

mother****in' psych. D:
****ing assholes, can't believe you banned ZombieTurtle.
Originally Posted by Ennui
He had 14/15 active infraction ban-points, so he ended up over the limit. Goodnight, don't make me have to clean up the forums again after I wake up please.

I smell another...

we had too much fun

like that time when you got really wasted and woke up and had to face the consequences

ZT went berzerk

and in the aftermath, when the dust settled, ZT was a martyr
Too lazy to read the rest of this misc thread, tell me who got banned (and why)
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