Miscellaneous the Second

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Free health clinic in your area.

Look it up. Google or phone book.

I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably fine. Worrying won't help anyway.

Actually I feel a bump on my left side in the area just below where you circled. That's a lymph node. There are like 250-500 of them in your body I'm pretty sure. And yes, they are always there, and they can become enlarged for periods of time.

There is no equivalent lump on the left side of my neck that I can feel. it's entirely asymmetrical. And I don't think the lymph node is really that close to the surface like this is... but honestly I don't know.

All I know is there's lots of pain coming from it.

And of course worrying won't help... that's why I intend to go get it checked out when I can. I don't want to be one of those people who feels their nuts and notices a lump and goes, "Oh it's probably nothing... just some swelling, it'll subside!" and develop cancer later on down the road... lol

Besides... just because it's a lymph node and swollen, I don't think it means it is harmless. Lymph nodes are especially susceptible to cancer.
yes, they extrude. They cause lumps on the surface.

It shouldn't cause very much pain at all, sometimes they can be just a little sore when they are enlarged. And I only have it on the one side as well.

They are blocking infections from every day contact with germs. It's part of your immune system and I think what you have is completely normal.
The severe dull pain in that part of the head is normal?

When I get headaches I never get them on the back of my head... ever :( Headache and migraine pain when I get frequently has always been near my left eye and sometimes my right eye.

If it wasn't for the pain I wouldn't have noticed the lump.

Anyways... no sense in talking about it more... I'm just going to get it checked out.
All the light switches and doorknobs and keyboards, mice, microwave buttons, stove knobs... all non-food contact surfaces - hit them all with Lysol or an equivalent.
No! Then I couldn't say I live in squalor!
Surprise, germs are everywhere!

It's not like you gonna die from it.

Edit: depending on what kind of germs it is of course :P
Your immune system actually poisons you and causes aging and early death. The immune system's entire plan is to preserve your life long enough to reproduce.
The 'What you are listening to now' doesn't get a second ;<
Da? Different mod create it this time? A guest appearance from Munners would be awesome :D

*starts praying to HL2 gods*
Things that white people like - #75 Threatening to move to Canada

Heh, this book is pretty lol
how many posts did the first miscellaneous thread have?
Just got back from my trip to the wind tunnel to do some zero g stuff. It was supprisingly dull. The highlight of the day was the phallic cloud i saw coming home.
Clearing out our back garden:
"Hey mum I found a load of glasses."
"Yeah, I don't really have a use for them anymore."
"Oh. Where do you want them?"
"Just put them on the sill, I'll probably give them to the blind or something"
"Yea--wait what? That's a bit harsh isn't it? I'm not entirely sure the blind wear reading glasses, mum. Unless they're trying to be ironic or something."
"Unless you know, you want to taunt them. Here, blind people, although you can't see, these would look snazzy on you. That's like giving microphones to the dumb!"
"Alright alright, you've made your point."

Mothers are funny.
They're prepping the Hadron Collider today. OH BOY. although we don't get any actual tests until september D:
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