Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

Guys, I actually managed to do the perfect :D face.


New haircut.
Now which one of you ladies want me first...
I was the question :(

That was my DP on MSN for awhile after seeing The Question on JL, infact i had posted it before

Me with my sister and my girlfriend.... but which is which?!?!

I don't take photos of just me, I'm not all self-absorbed and vain like all of you are 100%
I got it. The dude is your girlfriend, you're the tree, the girl next to the dude is your OTHER girlfriend and the girl that's all by her lonesome is your sister's friend. Your sister isn't in the pic. I see what you tried to do.
Wrong, I'm the moss. The tree is my parole officer.
You've put on a few pounds. I miss your muscular physique and your beard and sexy hair.
I haven't changed at all aside from genuinely smiling and growing out the goatee a bit more. D:
Camera angle?
Possibly. That one picture of you was hot though without the hat of buttfag.

You mean the one that I probably took 8 years ago? When I went to Universal Studios in Florida? D:
In which case, yeah... I've finally got meat on my bones, I was a skinny 170lb maggot back then.
Now I'm about 200lbs, finally have some decent muscles and I don't look like a starved kid from Africa.

Also Boston pones you, noob.
When you post a picture, I'm gonna trace it so uglay
haha, this is the best thread ever. I finally had a chance to read through it.

****ing Warped, you went from Brady Bunch to Bad Ass when you shaved your head


I'm the one not pulling a stupid face. :laugh:

Summer of 2007...good times.
