Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version


High onwee:


Drunk onwee:

High onwee grows antlers and two additional forearms wtf.
Wow, Alan even LOOKS like a complete asshole.
Alan looks like the kind of guy who would punch you in the arm until its numb and would consider it just messing around and think it would help make us friends.

It doesn't Alan. It doesnt. :(
Man, I'd fight you over your little brother. He really looks dangerous. Look at how pissed he is. And he has huge hands.
Your entire family is completely awesome and I am jealous.
Me and Willie will start our own ****ing family. And we'll kick your pasty white asses.
**** yeah Krynn high five shit yeah boy oh hell yes god damn pissing dicks yeah man **** your shit we got dis boy damn ass yeah bitch ****er.

We got dis mang.
I will join whichever family offers me the most cookies. You have 24 hours.
Join the Vegeta family.

I have many young daughters.
Oh, I'm sure they're very young, but I'll have to pass, because THEY ARE NOT COOKIES.
They will bake cookies for you.

Among other things.
Fine. Who will join Vegeta, Sheepo, and the Vagina Crew?
Yet? Yet????

You either got it, or you don't.
Er, no, I don't have it now and I will when I do in the future. Not yet.
Me and me friends decided to go to the park. I've got more pictures, but they're on me Facebook. If you're friends with me, go look.


Sham your big face just likes to hog all the pictures, doesn't it.

There are probably like 10 other people we can't see because you're blocking them.
people are not born with mossbergs and jumpsuits, patrick.

what I'm sayin' is, you gotta be born wit it.
You hear this?
You hear my words?

Edit: Oh my god sham you ruined this intense arguement! I cant even put myself together.
BTW, is it snowing where you are? Because it's snowy as hell here :|

Yes it's snowed a lot today, but it's supposed to melt tomorrow so I'm cool with it.
Sham your big face just likes to hog all the pictures, doesn't it.

There are probably like 10 other people we can't see because you're blocking them.
There probably were a bunch of midgets behind me trying to get in the picture.
This thread was going an interesting direction and then was immediately RAPED BY SHAMROCK'S FACE. Although, I did kinda like it.