
custom soundtracks FTW! for Fallout 3 I got sick and tired of hearing the same songs from the early-mid 1940s I downloaded some more music from the 1920-40s and a wider variety and it changed the game for me. More songs=more fun. like in Amped 1 and 2, there were over 100 songs and it had a lot of variety. I'm sick of games that put like 8 songs into the game. Come on people can't you try a little bit harder?
Can't watch it yet, coz I am browsing on my mobile atm, but I am really looking forward to this game.
I'm not so sure about the art direction. Everything looks a little too cut-out and hard edged in motion. I recall quite liking the screenies but it now I'm not too keen on what I'm seeing. Reminds me of that XIII game a little, but we'll see.
The change of art direction that was revealed a few months back in the screens PC Gamer had is a good thing imo.
The change of art direction that was revealed a few months back in the screens PC Gamer had is a good thing imo.

It looks awesome imho. The cell shading looks really good. This game can't come fast enough.

Q. Will there be multiplayer or is this game SP-only?
Its not really cel shading, its more like "thick black outlines everywhere" shading.

Looks cool imo.

And it doesnt look anything like XIII, which was actually cel shading.


Anyways, i'm hoping the gameplay is going to be good. I remember reading a game informer mag with a preview of it and being interested, but that was years ago. I'm also hoping that this will be SP only, because then the SP wont suffer for the sakes of having multiplayer.
I can't wait for this game either.

It looks awesome imho. The cell shading looks really good. This game can't come fast enough.

Q. Will there be multiplayer or is this game SP-only?

It's not cell-shading. I thought so too, but apparently it's a new art style that Gearbox is calling Concept Art Style. They changed it to this, because they thought concept art always looks much better than the actual thing. I have to say, I'm already in love with it.

It will have four-player co-op, but I'm not sure about multiplayer.

They said they didn't change the gameplay when they changed the art style, so what they showed in the old trailers is presumed to be about the same. It looked good from what I could tell.
Yeah, I know the whole "It's not cel-shading" mantra. Technically Gearbox is probably right, but I agree with what Kotaku wrote on the subject a couple of weeks ago:

"Concept Art Style"? It's cel-shaded. And Gearbox: it's cool. This isn't 2003. You can render your game in whatever art style you want, and so long as the game is good, people will dig it. Prince of Persia looked great, people loved it. Crackdown looked great, people loved it. And Borderlands looks great.

And co-op multiplayer sounds good, especially when combined with the Diablo-like weapon system.
Its not really cel shading, its more like "thick black outlines everywhere" shading.

Looks cool imo.

And it doesnt look anything like XIII, which was actually cel shading.

I said it reminded me of XIII, not that it looked like XIII. I never mentioned any technical terms for it, it just reminded me because of how cardboard cut out the characters and environments look. I love my comics - ****, Mike Mignola is my favourite illustrator and that guy is the King of Flat - but I find the style quite jarring in motion.
I like how it looks, graphic novelish.
I don't mind cell shading as long as it's executed properly. Some games have the setting for it but they end up looking like a dull pieces of crap. In the right hands, it can end up looking spectacular.
Gameplay video

The commentary is auf Deutsch but it offers about a minute of proper gameplay. Looks really good. Also: EG has a preview:

Putting aside the hokey Pandora's Box plotline, Borderlands is really about guns and shopping - shooting things and greedily picking over the scraps, searching for trinkets that will allow you to kill more things next time. It's worked well in the past, with classics like Diablo, and it's worked badly as well, with games like Too Human, and, at this point, it's too early to be entirely sure which way Borderlands is headed.

It's hard not to feel a certain warmth for what we're shown, however: the speed at which Borderlands plays is blistering, and the game sweeps you along with its gracelessly loony enthusiasm. It's rough around the edges, certainly, but it's an appealingly loopy white-trash fantasy. A freak show, then, but possibly a very excellent one.
I like what I see however this has me somewhat concerned:

Neumann explained that one side-benefit of the new art style was a relaxing of the game's tone.

"We realized that plausibility can eat shit and die," he said simply. Weapons that at one time seemed silly, such as guns that came loaded with "healing bullets," now fit in the world. [Shark-gun anyone? -stern]

It's that attitude which has prematurely sold me on Borderlands. The Diablo-meets-Halo concept has always been sound, but taking it too seriously might have put a damper on the whole thing. Instead, Borderlands is looking like one of those no-frills, pick-up-and-play co-op titles.

run and gun. not serious can work however it can also backfire horribly by making it rely on combat which can become repetative in even the best shooters

one of the comments to this story kinda annoys me:

This is a good thing, in my opinion. Either you do Road Warrior with the utmost respect, or don't do it at all.

what the hell is that suppossed to mean? I love the road warrior but it's not exactly high concept. seems to me that they've prematurely thrown in the towel in creating a road warrior type game and went for "silly guns" and over the top action instead. fallout3 could do it why not this?
i wonder if they're still working on duke begins
Looks interesting, I have a tinge of skepticism but hopeful optimism.
Looks generic as hell. As for the art direction, I didn't even notice the outlines until someone mentioned it.
I was looking forward to it. Now...not so much.
Looks generic as hell.

If the footage above was taken from a linear single player game i'd agree. The action looks pretty standard, the weapons ok, animations nothing special. It's the open ended gameworld that can be explored in single and co-op play, with crap loads of items/weapons and clases with skills to select and level, that has me excited. When it's your gun and your skills that are taking down monsters at the location you and your buddies chose to go, I don't think it will feel generic.
Wow, that UI is busy as hell. I'm not quite sold yet, but perhaps with some proper gameplay vids... Regardless, October is going to be a huge release month.
I'm kind of confused. For Co-op, do you all pick new characters when a game starts, or can you bring your single player character in and out as you please?
In the first interview back when they first announced it and before the graphical change they stated you could bring yours in and out as you please.
Yup, it is also confirmed in de G4TV vid. Think Diablo but in an open world, with lots of guns and vehicles. I am sold on that premise alone. The 'not cel-shaded' graphics look awesome as well.

There is a new trailer out by the way.
In the first interview back when they first announced it and before the graphical change they stated you could bring yours in and out as you please.

How will that work for characters though? I keep seeing the same 4 characters in all the trailers, so I'm assuming you just pick from one of the 4. Would you be able to have 4 of the same character in a co-op game?
I think that you can play as one of the main characters that were shown in the numerous screenshots and videos. As far as i understand, you pick one of characters and the rest of them is ai controlled and tags along. Until an actual player joins your game and takes control of one of the other characters. We may even be able to switch between them. I don't know.
We'll see.
This has to be the most creative box art I've seen in a long while:

Cant ****ing wait, love that cover!